How Do I Lose Fat On My Stomach

Do punching your stomach help lose stomach fat or flatten your stomach out?

i mean like, I see this in muy thai boxing, they have 4 kickers whom will simoutaneously kicked u while you hold your stomach muscles in, and i gues this trains your body? is it effective?

How can i lose the fat on my stomach?

i have problems staying away from foods so that is not a solution
what are some excericizes i can do?
please dont give me websties because i never understand what they want!

What exercises can I do to burn stomach fat, but not lose my boobs?

Unfortunately, when women lose weight they can sometimes lose their breasts with it. There is no easy way to get rid of stomach fat. Increasing the amount and time of cardiovascular workouts you do per day will help get rid of this. This may sound cliche, but you cannot spot reduce. Drink plenty of water and increase your vegetable intake. Sometimes decreasing the amount of sugar in your diet can help with this. Take into consideration HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) when planning your workout. High intensity workouts followed by low intensity exercises have been proving to burn more fat than longer low intensity workouts. Check out the site below for some great exercises. Once your body fat percentage is lowered, you can then work on toning your stomach area. Great exercises for this are leg raises, planks, side crunches and bicycle crunches (See reference below). Sit-ups and crunches will not do anything if there is too much fat there. Including strength training can also help with it, since gaining more muscle burns more calories.

As for the breast part, breasts are made of both fat and breast tissue. Depending on the woman, she may have more or less breast tissue. If you are the lucky woman that has quite a bit of breast tissue, you might be in luck. Those who have breasts made of mostly fat are likely to lose this when losing weight. If I had the choice, I would rather have small breasts and be fit and healthy than being heavy and having larger breasts. You can also do exercises to increase the size of the pectoral muscle underneath, which can make them "perkier" (See reference below for exercises). A good push up bra/bikini top can help with this appearance ;) Either way, you need to give your body time to change. Hard work will pay off in the long run. Good luck!

How can i lose belly fat fast?

Im not overweight.I like everything on my body besides my belly fat and the fat on my sides.I dont want to get abs though just a flat tummy.i also have a swim party coming up im 2 months and need to lose it by then.please help ASAP.

After your stomach growls does your body start losing fat?

Gotta agree with Ashley on this one - you're body will go for the most easily available source of fuel; you're muscle.

When you don't eat (regardless of whether your stomach has started growling or not) your body goes into "starvation mode". When in this mode, it will try to keep energy levels up by using the most readily available source of fuel, which just so happens to be your muscle tissue. Muscles are made up of proteins/amino acids and are very easy to process. Stored fat on the other hand is much harder to process as an easy source of energy so it is left til last... likewise, in "starvation mode" your body is likey to store MORE fat as it does not know when it's next source of energy is coming from, therefore it conserves what it can - definitely not good!

There is a diet called the TNT diet which is great for tricking your body into using fat as the energy source rather than muscles. The trick is consuming healthy fats and protein in all your meals with very limited carbs. You then have a couple of days a week when you can eat loads of carbs to restock your glycogen levels - by not eating carbs all the time, the body is forced to break down the fats to get the glucose it needs for energy...

If you put a plastic bag around your stomach while you exercise, could it help you lose belly fat?

No -- sweat is water; fat is, well, fat. And "spot reducing" has been largely proven to be a myth; you can tone and shape muscles in specific areas, but fat isn't subject to local effects (apart from liposuction, of course).

The only thing that removes fat is consuming fewer calories than you burn. If you do that, you'll lose weight. (And I'm here to tell you it's harder than it sounds... :-)

Now, what those situps will do is help you burn more calories -- but so will running, biking, lifting weights, etc. etc. etc. That's the good news -- doing ANY physical activity increases your body's demand for calories, and if it can't get them from what you eat, it'll take them from your belly fat. Even brisk walking is good for belly-fat reduction. Of course, doing situps will also tone and shape your abdominal muscles, so when the belly fat finally disappears, you'll have a nice washboard stomach.

I've come, reluctantly, to the conclusion that I get stronger and fitter at the gym, but I get fatter or thinner at the table. Yes, it's worth doing exercises to keep my heart in good shape and to keep my muscle mass up, but unless I cut back on how much I eat, I don't lose weight.