How Do I Make A Login System

How can I create a login system in C?

Well, it is very easy …Try this code…#include

//created by chaitanya

int main()
char username[15];
char password[12];

printf("Enter your username:\n");

printf("Enter your password:\n");


printf("\nWelcome.Login Success!");

printf("\nwrong password");
printf("\nUser doesn't exist");

return 0;

Output:Suggestions regarding improvement of this code are welcome…Edit : To store data , there is a database needed, in PHP , c++& c# it is much easier to connect with MySQL to store data.As this is a basic programme , so password is clearly visible in this C code .Thanks : )Also Check this :Chaitanya Chaitu's answer to How do I write a program in C that gives the days of the week after n days (e.g., Monday+7 days = Monday).Hope it helps you…-Chaitanya

HTML login system needed?

Login Codes:

Website Access Manager -

Depending on what you run:

Making a login form using PHP:

PHP Login script tutorial:
How to: Create an ASP.NET Login Page -
Creating Login Page -
Create login page -
PHP Login System with Admin Features:

Creating a registration form using PHP:
Registration Script:


How are login systems on websites made?

You can’t create a login system with HTML, CSS and JavaScript alone, these will only make your login system look more sexier. You’ll have to do some back-end using languages like PHP, Python and Ruby.So basically, you’ll need to have a few things in mind.You’ll have to get yourself a database (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB), so when users register, their information would securely get saved there.Then you’ll have to create a registration form, that posts the user’s credentials to your database, then make sure you redirect them somewhere, to a dashboard for example.If your website was interesting enough, the registered user will return, so you’ll have to provide a login form, and in the back-end, you’ll check if the information they entered is found in the User’s table in your database, if so, redirect them to the dashboard once again.Finally, you have to provide a logout option, because if your website is really interesting, many people using the same device could be using your website.There are also a few more things you have to note:You have to put a condition to all your website’s pages, they can never be accessed unless the user is logged in, and if they try to access while they aren’t, you have to redirect them to a login page, that also has a registration option.On registration, check for username or email duplication before saving to the database.PERMISSIONS, you don’t want everyone to have the same power!Try watching some videos on YouTube, you’ll surely find someone to guide you through! Good Luck!

Why do some websites have a login system?

What idontevenwhatisthis said is only half the truth.

One thing a login system is used for is for having only certain people with an account access the website. But mostly, any website you can login, you can also freely register. So what sense does it make to put a lock on a door and then have everybody coming along make their own free key? No sense.

In most cases, the login is a user profile. This is used to identify users and store user specific content. For example, after logging in you have access to a certain set of files, which only you can see, or you have administrator rights whereas another user doesn't. This is session, user and rights management - not for locking out people, but to provide personalized content on the website.

Websites using a login system to lock out people are usualy invite only forums where people share warez, or intranet/administration websites where you only want a certain set of users to access those pages.
Websites using a login system as session management are websites like yahoo (answers, keep all your questions, avatar and so on on your own page), google, hotmail, 9gag, and so on....

How can I make a login system for a weebly website?

This is a simple website login system that has been very reliable and secure for me. I use it myself on my websites, when a simple login system is needed. If you know a little MySQL and PHP, it is very easy to use. If you need a PHP refresher course, I strongly recommend Simple PHP - you can learn the basics of PHP programming in just a few days! Here's how to create a simple website login system using PHP and MySQL.

First, you will need to have MySQL installed on your computer. I have XAMMP installed and I use PHPmyADMIN for accessing my databases. They are free for download; just search for them online. You also need to create a database in your MySQL. And as you proceed, remember that linux server file names are always case sensitive. LOGIN.PHP is not equal to login.php like it would be on WINDOWS servers. Continued...

How can I make a login system for a weebly website?

If they allow PHP/database...

Login Codes:

Website Access Manager -

Depending on what you run:

How to: Create an ASP.NET Login Page -
Creating Login Page -
Create login page -
PHP Login System with Admin Features:

$_SESSION based login system ::Class:::

PHP Login Script with Remember Me Feature:
How to Create a PHP AutoLogin (‘Remember Me’) Feature using Cookies:

Making A Cool Login System With PHP, MySQL & jQuery:

If not, you'll have to get hosting that allows PHP/MySQL or has "widgets" you can use for logins.


How would you create a login system for an app or website? Which programming language would you use and how would you set up the database and server?

Right or wrong solution depends on your requirements. Here’s how I would do it for a generic web based app.Create a users table in the database. Fields would be user ID (unique index), password hash (SHA256 HMAC or MD5 one way encryption of actual PW), user level (only admins can create users or change other’s passwords), timestamp of last login, any other user specific info like email.Browser cookie for “remember me” user ID. Set up to expire after 30 days of not being used.PHP session variables for logged in user ID and level.Any screen in the app that does not have a session variable set for user ID would display a login / password prompt. If login has a case invariant match to a user ID in the DB and the password hash exactly matches, save user ID and level in session variables. Otherwise re-display the login screen.That’s a simple generic solution that works with PHP and just about any server or database. To login using Facebook credentials, reset a forgotten password, prohibit multiple sessions or time out after a set interval can be built on top of this base.

How do i make a website loginable?

Login Codes:

Website Access Manager -

Depending on what you run:

How to: Create an ASP.NET Login Page -
Creating Login Page -
Create login page -
PHP Login System with Admin Features:

$_SESSION based login system ::Class:::

PHP Login Script with Remember Me Feature:
How to Create a PHP AutoLogin (‘Remember Me’) Feature using Cookies:

Bravenet Password Protect -


What is the best way to make a secure login form?

HTTPS is probably sufficient.If you feel geeky and want to implement more stuff, you could always send a timestamp along with the initial request for the login form. Then, when the user logs in, hash the password with the timestamp and send that hash instead of the password. On the server side, compare the received hash with a hash of the password+timestamp send previously. This way, you're never sending the password itself.[Edit | Oct 2018] You should disregard the hashing part of my answer. See Why is client-side hashing of a password so uncommon? for additional information. My answer was posted back in the day when SSL certs were expensive and out of reach especially for poor college students like myself. These days, you should use Let's Encrypt - Free SSL/TLS Certificates.