How Do I Make Have Text On Both Sides In One Line On Pages

How many lines of text is a page, double-spaced in size 12 font, Times New Roman?

Don't use Notepad. At least use Wordpad (Start > Run > type "write"). Or, download OpenOffice ( ).

In Word, you can fit 23 lines of double-spaced text in Times New Roman, 12-pt font. You won't be able to see how many lines you're actually typing in Notepad, since the printer wraps differently than the Notepad window.

How do you make sure that two text are on the same line but one left and one on the right in CSS?

A simple solution would be to "float: left" the one in the left, and "float: right" the one in the right.Like this:

Let me know if your problem is more specific than that

Should I use two single pages, or both sides of a single piece of paper for a two-page resume?

Most resumes are submitted in a digital format, so it doesn’t matter.If you have to submit your resume on paper, go with two separate sheets of paper, one per page. This will make reading it a bit more convenient — jumping from page one to page two will be easy. Plus, if you’re using regular paper, the text on one page won’t render the text on the other page unreadable (think photocopies on thin paper.)What’s more, there will be less work with scanning it for the recruiter. Use a paper clip to bind them together for the same reason.One-page vs two-page resumes: Some job seekers might want to trim their resume to fit on a single page. If you’re new to the job market, go with a one-page resume. You don’t have enough work experience and no amount of words will make up for that fact.On the other hand, if you’ve got several years of experience, you might be self-sabotaging your job-seeking efforts by trying to make that arbitrary one-page limit. Most employers want their experienced candidates to submit two-page resumes. Don’t resort to verbosity to up the word count. But if you’re trimming relevant work experience to make that one-page limit, you’re doing yourself and the employer a disfavor.The right resume template might help you fit a page and a half on one. Use our online resume builder here to achieve just that!Two column resume template from the Zety resume builder.

How many lines is a page, single spaced in 12 font in times new roman?

I have a crappy computer with no Microsoft word, only something called Rich Text Document. It doesn t show ne the page numbers. I need to be able to choose what goes on what page.

How can ensure each page has the same number of lines in Word?

There are actually two different issues here. The effects that you describe in the question details are called widows and orphans in publishing. and apply if either the first or last line of a text paragraph is on another page than the rest of it. By default, Word avoids this kind of behavior. So, to allow it, do this:Select the text paragraphs in question (or your whole text).In the Home tab of the ribbon menu, in the Paragraph section, click the little arrow pointing down and right. This will open the Paragraph dialog.In the Paragraph dialog, select the Line and Page Breaks tab and uncheck Widow/Orphan control. It should have been unchecked (or squared) before, it should now be checked.Select OK.Image source: How to Control Widow and Orphan Lines in Your Technical Document | Technical Communication Center (where they explan how to turn Widow/Orphan control on)Now your document might have the same number of lines on each page, like you initially requested. I wouldn't bet on it, however, because there is another issue at play here: if you use different font sizes, you will also use different line heights by default. And before you say you don't have different font sizes, be sure to check that you don't have any chapter or section headings on the page, because those will typically be in a larger font and contain some extra whitespace before the heading.Thus, to make each page have the same number of lines, you will have to make sure each line has the same height. To do this, use the Paragraph dialog again. Select the text paragraphs in question (or your whole text) and open the Paragraph dialog (see above for how to do that).In the Indents and Spacings tab of the Paragraph dialog, in Spacing | Line spacing, select Exactly and set the number of points (i.e. 1/72 of an inch) you want. A good value is 2 pt more than your font size, e.g. a 12 pt line spacing for a 10 pt font size. Then, set both Spacing | Before and Spacing | After to 0 pt.Select OK.Image source: How to double space or change line spacing in Microsoft Word (where they explan how use double spacing, but this is not what you need)The end result won't look good, but it will satisfy your requirements. You can try increasing the line spacing a little to get a more pleasant look.

How many pages is 500 words?

500 words is 1 page single spaced, 2 pages double spaced.If you are given a writing assignment with a page number, the best thing to do is go directly to the person who made the assignment and ask for a word count. This will take away all the variations and help ensure your writing assignment meets expectations.Don't forget another good way of simplifying your writing is using external resources (such as Professional Writing Services ). This will definitely make your life more easier

What does "no longer than 120 eighty-character lines of text (including spaces and blank lines)." mean?

It means your essay should be no longer than 120 lines, and each line can be made up of a maximum of 80 characters, spaces and punctuation marks included.

Now how would you find out how many characters your essay has? In word, you would go to Tools and then Word count. You get a window which tells you the number of characters with spaces and without spaces. Since you need the one with spaces, you could divide the characters by 80 and then you know how many lines you have of 80 characters.

How many pages of handwriting is a 1000-word essay?

Dear Anonymous,Your handwriting style, letter size, paper size, margins, and choice of single- or double-spaced lines will determine how many pages a 1,000-word essay will consume.In general, someone might write an average of 10 words per line, and the paper might have 30 lines. That’s about 300 words per page — if you write single spaced. It would be only 100 to 150 words per page if you double-space the lines and/or write larger. You should count on 1,000 words taking up at least three or four pages (or even double that if your writing is large, and you add a blank space between each line).To better estimate how much paper you will need, examine a sample of your own writing. Count the words you would normally write on a page. Do the math to figure out how many pages it will take to write 1,000 words. Bring extra paper so you can start over when you make mistakes.Make sure you put page numbers on the pages if they’re not in a bound exam booklet.On a side note, I pity the poor person who has to read a handwritten (as in, pen and ink) essay. Write clearly! Below is an example of cursive writing I created recently.Image by Sarah Madden—Sarah M. 5/8/2018ORIGINAL QUESTION: How many pages of handwriting is a 1000-word essay?

How can I force the browser (Chrome) to wrap the text of web pages so there is no need to use the horizontal scroll bar?

Most people are answering this from the point of view of the web page author. I think the question is actually from the point of view of someone using a browser.If so, I think the answer is, unfortunately, that you can’t.Far too many designers insist on imposing explicit widths on their pages. Presumably this makes them look nice on the screen that they are using.But on narrow screens, one has to horizontally scroll (or use tiny text), and on wide screens one has to waste all that real-estate with whitespace.E.g. I was just looking at grocery flyers on a 4K screen. One looked great:But the next one occupied about 25% of the width, and I was forced to horizontally scroll to see the parts that could have been displayed in the unused 75% whitespace. The authors had explicitly gone out of their way to tell my browser not to make use of that space, by specifying a width:500px;Allowing the client web browser to format pages according to the viewer’s preferences and environment is the ideal solution. The best web pages never specify absolute widths (e.g. “px”, “in”), but unfortunately, there is a whole school of thought that that says that every aspect of the page must be controlled in a fixed format.

Approximately how many pages of pure ASCII text can a 650MB CD-ROM hold?

Well, depends on how big your pages are. Let's say 1 page is 100 lines about 65 characters each (to make the math easy).

That is 6500 bytes per page.

650000000/6500 = 100000

or about 100,000 pages. UNCOMPRESSED. You could get about 10X that using simple LZ compression.