How Do I Start To Feel Again

How do I start feeling 'horny' again?

In my serious relationships, I enjoyed and always wanted sex. I admit, I was a teenager, but still... I loved it. My college relationship is different tho... we have been together 2 years and I just dont get that crazy 'lemme rip your shirt off' feeling, I hardly ever did with him. I think this is odd seeing how I just turned 20. I dont even feel like having sex. And whats worse, I dont get as wet as I used too...

I dont think my current BFs to blame because hes actually very attractive and everything I want, he appeals to me so much! I also dont think its the time that weve been together becuase my previous BF and I were together 3 years, and the 3rd year was when I wanted it THE MOST!

I must be experiencing some hormonal problems! What can I do to get me feeling that 'horny' feeling again?

(PS- I also used to love masturbating, and I dont even like doing that anymore!)

How can I start feeling again?

First off, I'm sorry to hear of your troubles, perhaps it's worth noting (and of some consolation) that you're not alone. In fact many report similar symptomology to yours...I'd hazard a guess at thousands every day around the world.It sounds as though you're suffering anhedonia, and possibly dysphoria.In the dizzying constellation of possible underlying causes and cures (that only a medical professional is qualified to ascertain), don’t forget to consider hormones. Changes in ones hormonal balance are a too-often overlooked cause, or contributor to the type of wilted, listless disposition you report feeling.But I'm not writing to diagnose you (I’m entirely unqualified), instead rather, hold in mind the possibility that your symptoms are rooted in a physiological problem, not a psychological one.That’s a possibility that may not be valid. But if not, then just as you wouldn't try to talk your leg out of being broken, your brain may require a more aggressive intervention than words and will.I'm not a big fan of antidepressants. So before trying those, visit "" (the site has nothing to sell, but know I have zero interest in it myself); I'm a huge evangelist for Tianeptine sodium because I've seen firsthand how much more effective it is at cracking various degrees of depression and dysphoria than anything else (especially given its relatively mild side effect profile).You're right to be posting the question you did, and to be actively seeking an answer as it's important for you reverse this negative momentum as soon as you can.You may find this article interesting (it’s about the possible evolutionary reason for depression and symptoms): Rank Theory and The Evolutionary Cause of Depression)Remember that while your current symptoms are fairly common; it would be uncommon if your symptoms completely resisted treatment. Odds are, with the right help and some time, you'll find yourself back to yourself again.Wishing you the best,Christian HunterSanta Barbara, CA

I feel like I'm so so fat!! I don't wanna start starving myself again ..please I fat??

That isn't fat. Every girls thighs touch unless they're severely malnourished and underweight, or they've had cosmetic procedures done. You're BMI would be about 19 (just over) and the healthy range is from 18-24. Any over that and you would be overweight. Anything under 18 is underweight. So you're totay fine, you might feel fat or dislike the way you look, I haven't met a single woman who actually likes their thighs (I hate mine).Starving yourself is NOT the way forward, ever. It results in vitamin deficiencies, low blood sugars, hospital visits. Psychiatrist visits and investigations for EDs. If you really want to get in shape, do some exercises, squats are quite good for toning your thighs and butt

I feel like I'm about to start my period again, yet it just ended!?

My LMP was 8/13/09 and ended 8/18/09. My bf and I had lots of sex during this month and we really thought I was gonna get pregnant, but my period came. Since my period i've been having pregnancy symptoms, and now my boobs are achy and I'm crampy like my period is about to come again! I'm only on CD8. Usually on CD12 I get achy boobs (nipples really) and cramp and EWCM so I guess I'm ovulating. Why would I be feeling this way so early in my cycle? May I add that during my period I get an abundance of fertile EWCM (Idk if this mucus means anything DURING my period) and BF and I had sex a few days before my period and a few days on my period. He ejeculates in me! I don't think its likely that I'd be pregnant on my period or GET pregnant on my period, but I'm wondering whatelse could make me feel this way so early on in my cycle?

How can I start to feel positive emotions again?

You have to create them and choose to think and feel again, but here's the thing, sometimes having strong emotions you can't control is not a good thing.I used to be very emotional, which in reality is allowing myself to be manipulated by what was going on around me. Sometimes getting a grip on that isn't a bad thing, but the contrast can be stark.Keep asking for the help you need to heal or get through this phase and for the emotions to return.Saying “What would it take for me to feel positive emotions again?” Can be used like a prayer.Asking questions to the Universe will bring answers and awareness.Did something traumatic happen to you to trigger this shut down of your emotions?That's what caused me to go through quite an evolutionary phase.

How do I feel emotions again?

When I was little my family (unintentionally) treated me as if my opinions and emotions were worthless. Eg. I would really want to do something, and every time get made fun of or told "NO" like my opinion was completely wrong. I also had chronic depression and self esteem issues in highschool. It was a painful thing to put up with this for years.

A result of it was, eventually, my brain bottled up any strong emotions to avoid remembering the pain I had been through. Also, I have gotten to the point where I don't care about my life anymore. Nothing brings me joy, sadness, or any other emotion for that matter. I don't care for anyone, or anything.

How do I fix this ?? It's really starting to hurt because I have no will to go on :(

I need to start praying again, i feel incomplete without Islam in my life, but have consistency issues?

Ok so i used to masturbate and get involved in all kinds of ill stuff, nothing like drugs or fornication per say, no i've never done those things, i always stay away from trouble, alcohol etc.

My main issues here are the you know what every person does, but its also consistency, like i started paying again last monday, then i relapsed on thursday, through those 4 days i was praying i felt good, i woke up for fajr twice. I seem to struggle with consistency and get distracted, mainly by my laptop, i think i have a mild addiction to the internet as well. I suppose this is what i need help, i've noticed that when i work two days, on the second day of work when i finish and i get home i always am 'too tired' to pray, but its pure laziness.

Suffice to say, i need help on how to stay on the right path, i know i can do it as there was a period where i went to the masjid a lot, and prayed, don't get me wrong im not committing any other sins, i just don't pray, and masturbate on the odd occasion (which is a major sin) so i just need to stop the latter and become consistent with the former. Please any help would be great, i need it, i have no one i can talk to about this.

Jazakullah Khairun

How do I start feeling emotions again after becoming numb in life?

Okay, now you think you have reached a stage where you are "emotion less". Well according to me, it's just a misconception. Because the person who you are now, is because of the pain, sorrow, happiness, struggles you had previously in your life. Now  do not think that you are completely numb. Even if you do, clear the slate of the past, or else you'll be hanging for as long as a lifetime. Now, you can start by being kind, help others, as much as you can. Catch up with people whom you left behind. Be active in conversations. Put yourself in others shoes. Try to imagine yourself in that situation. Try the "What if" and "In case this happens" questions. Try not to isolate yourself, be out in public as much as you can. Don't hear to music, listen to it.And understand the lyrics.And at last start watching movies which are full of emotion or with a tragic or a  very happy ending. :) Good Luck.