How Do Indivisuals Respond To The Threats In The Amazon Rainforest

Why are rainforests considered fragile environments that are vulnerable to permanent destruction?

Because everything living in a rain forest depends on the plants growing there. If the trees are all cut down to expand farming areas, every living thing that is there will be affected and potentially destroyed. Even the climate can be ruined if vast areas of trees are cut down. Trees help keep things cool and moist. If all of the trees in the Amazon were to be cut down, the Amazon would turn into a river running through a desert. And, if the entire Amazon basin had all the trees removed, even the Amazon might dry up.

What is the effect of deforestation on wild animals?

Effect of deforestation on wild animalsForest include trees, shrubs and grass, this is part of ecosystem and food for wildlife animalsForest generate rain which is source of water for wildlifeForest is home to birds and fruits for birdsForest is shade for animalsEcotourism safaris need forest to for nature to be beautiful attractive.Nature lover holiday goers need camps accommodation such as luxury tented camps en suite or budget camping safaris. All these differ in standard how ever all travel in 4WD safari car comfort and with pop up roof for panoramic wildlife tours.If you travel with children you need Lodge or Hotel accommodation and Lodge accommodation is choice available to any safari goers. Vacation safari bookings planning need reliable information and sample safari itineraries to choose from. Browse from Safari bookings Market place and read travel tips flights booking and fare comparisonKILIMANJARO TANZANITE SAFARIS Co.Ltd prepares safari itineraries and chooses best accommodation options with different price levels so that you choose from. Further more climbing Mount Kilimanjaro planning is made easier because you get detailed information ahead for you to compare before making decision. Safari price quotes and Kilimanjaro treks costs comes along with safari itineraries as well as details of Kilimanjaro trails such as Machame, Lemosho, Rongai etc

Why does deforestation occur'?

Well as the world becomes larger and larger and population of countries reach the billion mark we need more space.For housing and etc.and so the only place will be thoses thousands of miles of forest lands and hence deforestation occurs