How Do The Mental Effects Of Testosterone And Estrogen Differ

What's the difference between androgen and testosterone?

Androgen is a class of male hormones.There are many hormones under this category, one of them is testosterone (others including DHT, androstenedione etc.)

What are the differences between testosterone and estradiol?

EstrogenEstrogen is a female sex hormone that develops secondary sexual characteristics. Estrogen is produced primarily by the ovaries, but it also appears from the adrenal glands and fat tissues. There are three main types of estrogen in women: estrone, estradiol and estriol. Estrone is the least abundant of the three main forms of estrogen. Estradiol is more common in women during reproductive age. During pregnancy, the placenta generates estriol.TestosteroneMen usually have between 300 and 1,200 nanograms of testosterone per deciliter of blood, while women have between 30 and 95 nanograms. Testosterone is the main male sex hormone that develops secondary male sexual characteristics. It is mainly secreted in the testicles and is vital for prostate development. It plays an important role in bone density, in the distribution of fat, in the production of red blood cells, in sexual stimulation and in the production of sperms.Both classes of male and female hormones are present in both men and women, but in vastly different quantities. Most men produce 6-8 mg of the male hormone testosterone (an androgen) a day, compared to most women who produce 0.5 mg a day. Female hormones, estrogens, are also present in both sexes, but in larger quantities for women.

Is there a difference in testosterone between men of different ethnicities?

Widely reported blacks, whites and Asians in decreasing concentration level. So blacks have the most and Asians the least on the average. Some associate testosterone level and behavior.

What are the effects of Testosterone intake on behaviour.?

Will it make a person more forward and aggressive? For how long are the effects present, are they permananent? Please explain. But im mainly interested in the changes in behaviour.
Whats the difference between Testosterone and Steroids?

Does soy really inhibit testosterone or produce estrogen.?

Some studies have shown that soy does decrease testosterone in men and increase the likelihood of breast cancer in women, but the results are somewhat inconclusive. There is much disagreement as to how much these estrogen-like chemicals affect men and women. But there are several other things about soy that have made me decide to limit my intake.
Take a look at this:

From what I have read about cruciferous/brassica vegetables, they reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men. Prostate cancer has been linked to high estrogen levels, so if these veggies fight this kind of cancer, it's likely that it's because they promote healthy levels of testosterone and hormonal balance in men.

How much do testosterone levels differ among people of different ethnicities? What are the causes and consequences?

A study was done to compare testosterone levels in men from Pennsylvania, USA to those from Beijing, China. It showed that the Pennsylvanians had a higher average testosterone level than the Beijingers, but this also included Asians in Pennsylvania compared to Asians in Beijing. You can conclude from this that it's more about lifestyle than genetics. (Unfortunately the link to the study is now dead, so I'll update this if I come across it again.) There's been many studies on testosterone and diet, such as Testosterone and cortisol in relationship to dietary nutrients and resistance exercise. You get some obvious stuff like "meat & eggs=more testosterone". Some folks have even conducted diet experiments, such as in Testosterone Week: How I Doubled My Testosterone Levels Naturally and You Can TooThe author set out to eat as many testosterone increasing foods as he could in 90 days while maintaining a healthy and unstressful lifestyle. After all that, his testosterone levels doubled. Now with this information in hand, let's look at the Beijing/Pennsylvania comparison again. Which group is more likely to eat more meat and exercise regularly? Which group is more likely to experience greater levels of daily stress, pollution, and sleep deprivation? With that information in mind, the results are obvious.

How does difference in gender affect their language?

Gender differences are due partly to genetics and hormones, partly to social conditioning; and of course, many other factors besides gender, such as education and temperament, influence the language one uses. The differences are not the same in different cultures, either.

As you imply, these gender differences are generalities. Some girls "talk like boys", and vice versa.

It wood take a 100-page doctoral dissertation to give you a really good answer.