How Do These Look Together

Do we look cute together?

Here's a picture of my boyfriend and one of me. We have been going out for about a week. Do you think we look cute together? :) <3



Do you think were cute together?

he looks like a douche bag

How do some Girls look so cute and well put together?

I know my own style and I feel like I'm true to it, but there are some girls who look so perfect all the time. I'll be walking down the hall in the super-cute outfit I was so excited to wear, and then see one of these glamazons in their perfect, pressed, model outfit, and suddenly my super-cute outfit is just jeans and a tee-shirt. Help, please. How do they do it? Where do these girls shop? I want to figure out how to be like this, too.

We would be perfect together if she would look past the 6-year age gap. What should I do?

Here’s an example of what you could be saying. I don’t know how close you are, but if you’re really as close as you say you are, this should hopefully work.“Look Jen, we’re both above the age of 18. I love you, you love me. That is all that matters. I really really wish to have this relationship work we’re both young, and we would both have a long life ahead of us together. While it’s true that there’s 6 years between us, I would want to date you even if it were more. If you’re worried about me being immature or not being serious about this relationship, I am. I know what I want, and I want you.”I’ve had many relationships where I’ve been younger than the girl, usually it’s a 5 year difference.My current girlfriend is 31 while I’m 27, it’s only a 4 year difference. My personal limit with age differences is 10 years though. but even then, love is all that matters in these cases.

How do you use the IF and VLOOKUP functions together in Excel?

When you ask how to use IF and VLOOKUP functions together, I assume you know the following:VLOOKUP searches for the matching values on the leftmost column of a table and return another value of the same row and of the column defined by column_index_numberIF is used for conditional calculation, it returns different results depends on whether the logical criterion is TRUE or FALSE.The two functions are usually used together when one is not adequate to achieve the objective. It may arise from the following situations:Using VLOOKUP alone returns errorOne or more the elements in VLOOKUP function is dynamic. e.g: lookup_value changes on certain condition, column_index_number changes on certain conditionMultiple look-up criteria: we know that Vlookup only find value based on one look-up value. If we have multiple tables with multiple look up value, can we combine IF and VLOOKUP together?The first situation is the simplest one, where you can first create a VLOOKUP function, then add and IF statement on it. Let’s look at one example:In column D, we need to look up the location from table on the right. we can use function VLOOKUP as followed:However, if we copy the formula down the column, we get an N/A error.To avoid this error, we can add an IF statement to check for the NA error as followed IF(ISNA(value),””,value) i.e IF the value is NA, return blank “”, else return the value. “value” here is the whole VLOOKUP function we wrote above.Instead of using ISNA, we can use ISERROR, it will work just as well.You can apply this technique to use IF and VLOOKUP on other similar situations in cases 1 and 2.In case 3, depends on your problem, you may not need to use VLOOKUP or IF. This would depends on case by case basis. I suggest you get help from some other people.If you are in a rush and cannot find someone to help you right away, you can connect instantly to Excelchat experts. They offer one first FREE session at GET A FREE SESSION! Join your friend on Excelchat.Good luck!