How Do U People Feel Bout Thongs

Do people feel the mystery of life? What is the most mysterious thing you have ever experienced?

There have been moments in my life, often after a storm of events, when everything falls into silence and I feel that I am this silence, and at that moment beauty and goodness seems to beam through, and out of, everything. The most mysterious thing has to be when it hit me, with full impact, that the seeker, he who has suffered through the dark, sacrificed all else to obtain the truth, will not be able to cross the shore. The center, my ego or identity, my memories and thoughts, everything that I hold dear, can never taste the Indescribable. ,

Does it bother you when people ask to borrow things?

Because 99% of the time it goes as follows:
A- You never see the item again
B- You have to go and get it back from them yourself
C- You get it back in much worse condition than when you
gave it to them.

It really bothers me when someone asks if they can borrow something so small as a DVD because I know if I ever even see it again it's going to be scratched beyond play.

What makes people think others should just hand out their things. And why can't people just give things back? It makes me just want to say "No, you can't borrow that but I bought it at ______, maybe they still have some".

What are your feelings on people who ask you to borrow things? How do you tell them no while still being nice?

Do you feel embarrassed to cry in front of other people?

Many times if things are troubling me, I have to hide or run off into the woods where no one will see me. I have some issues where if I sense sadness in someone else, I feel just as sad as they do and I know I am supposed to be stronger than that, and it is embarrassing. I try to avoid being in situations where I might sense sadness. An example is a kid seeing his dad in the hospital and starts crying and asking "Are you going to die? Please don't die" That one gets me everytime. I have to run and hide if I am near that type of situation.

How do you feel about the things that are happening around the world today?

I hate it. We've got people discriminating to combat discrimination, we've got a bunch of people who think they can make decisions for other people, we've got mass shootings and religious killings, “illegal” love and fear mongering. The most powerful country in the world is being run by citrus, and his next in line is even more dangerous.People are cynical, and hateful. Closed-minded and oppressive. People attack things that have no impact on their lives, and don't concern them in the slightest.Even in trivial things, like fandoms, there's animosity. Have you ever seen the comment section on a Goku vs Superman video on YouTube? It's cancerous.We kill animals in the absolute most painful and inhumane ways. Sometimes for food, sometimes for fun.We destroy nature, and look ​the other way when we see people who need help. So many people set in their ways, some by force and some by choice. I hate it.Never before has Nickelback been so relevant.

How do asexual people feel about stuff like cuddling?

I’m only one asexual, but I’ll give you my point of view.Cuddling is more of a romantic thing, so it really doesn’t have much to do with sexual attraction. However, even as an aromantic asexual, I cuddle with my significant other (a lot) and do things like hold hands and exchange kisses. Some people like being touched and others don’t, it’s more a matter of preference than orientation.As for sex, well…Being asexual means you don’t experience sexual attraction, but it doesn’t mean you don’t like or want sex. I personally am not having sex with my partner, but other, more sex-positive asexuals might have sex. Then of course there’s the issue of being coerced into having sex, which can happen when asexuals and allosexuals (people who experience sexual attraction) end up together, though certainly not in all cases.

What do you think of people who achieve great things by compromising their principles?

No one achieves great things "by" compromising their principles. They may compromise them "while" achieving things, but they don't achieve anything worthwhile by compromising their principals. Of course my statement assumes their principles are true. Many people live by principles that are wrong. In that case they would have to compromise their "wrong" principles to achieve something good. I think the statement that best answers your question is:

"What does it profit a man to gain the world but lose his soul?"

I learned long ago that it only appears that us nice guys are finishing last. In reality we are running a different race.

What does a person feel after death?

I ‘died’ for a period when I got trapped under a sailing boat. After struggling for an indeterminate amount of time I eventually lost consciousness. My father, who was also on the boat, was doing his best to get me out of the water said that he struggled for “a very long time” to help me. Eventually with the help of a third person they managed to get my now lifeless body out of the water and into a rubber duck. I was placed face down hanging over a seat in the boat. Luckily for me as the boat returned to the shore the pounding of the boat over the choppy water caused the seat to drive into my stomach which forced the water out of my airways and I ‘came back to life’.How did it feel to die? I rember panicking, banging my hand on the boat to tell my father that I was stuck. Then I had a very clear image of ants with long spears stabbing me and keeping me trapped in a hole. Why the image of the ants? Earlier that day I’d been killing ants with insecticide. The ants were in a hole and I was spraying them. Guess the tables turned on me that day. But no light at the end of the tunnel, no crystal balls or meetings with dearly departed. Just ants then nothing.After death… my next memory was vomiting. After that I was pretty hungry. I was remarkably unaffected by the entire experience. My father was very traumatized. He never sailed again after that and to this day, 20+ years later, he is still not happy on a boat.