How Do You Alienate Other People

Why do I alienate myself from people?

It's not possible to say without more information about you and your family. But it's good that you've noticed this pattern - many people carry patterns like this through their lives without realizing the failed relationships are their own doing.

It looks like you're thinking something you're not aware of, or reproducing a pattern that's buried in your subconscious when you do this. Sometimes you can find these patterns if you become aware of your thoughts and feelings. Be aware that your feelings and reactions are yours, in your head, and not "caused" by anyone else. Ask yourself "why am I having this reaction?" when it begins to happen next. Try very hard to discover your motivation for pushing someone away - not the reason you chose that fits that person, but the reason their flaw or problem threatens you. Or the reason you can't be around a person with a flaw.

Consider whether you are hyper-critical and hostile if someone's imperfect. Do you feel their problem will attract negative attention and reflect badly on you? In other words, are you thinking about what others will think? Or are you looking for someone stronger and more complete than you, and anyone not good enough will likely be a burden rather than a support? Is there any narcissism there? Is there any sign of attachment disorder? Google approach avoidant attachment disorder. Maybe you're making friends with people who are merely nearby rather than people with whom you have a real affinity. Are the people you push away genuinely compatible? Are you frightened of being abandoned and look for an excuse to get out first?

That's all I can think of at present. Good luck with this - it would be a lonely sort of problem to have.

What does alienate mean?

Alienate means detaching yourself from others..preferring to be alone
A person can alienate/detach themselves by being unfriendly towards others.
Some people alienate themselves after the death of a loved one.
Others don't fit into the norm of society and isolate/alienate themselves from society altogether.

Computers alienate people from one another?

False; because of computers I can communicate with my son while he works 3 1/2 hours away from home. He has to stay there two weeks at a time, and only comes home every other weekend. If I couldn't email he and his girlfriend, and if they didn't send pics and mail to me, I would be lost. The computer helps ease my pain and anxiety. He is only a few keys away.

True: One partner/spouse is computer literate because her job demands it, but the other is computer illiterate - doesn't know how to operate a computer. The spouse/partner that uses the computer spends alot of time on it, reading the daily news, doing the crossword puzzle, reading the sports, checking email, etc...The other partner feels alienated because he can't speak in computer language, and is ashamed to ask to be taught.

What does it mean if someone says you "alienate people?"?

It means you are behaving or treating people in a way they really can't comprehend, and driving them away from you (intentionally or otherwise).

They cant understand why you do some things which seem alien to them, hence alienate.

What does it mean if someone says you "alienate people?"?

It means that, unintentionally or otherwise, the person is turning people off from wanting to be close to them, or pushing people away, perhaps by the way the alienator comes on or responds verbally.
A lot of nervous people go through such phases, and need learn flexible social skills and watching and listening attentively / approvingly to people they like,or paying a genuine compliment can heal rifts or `break the ice`, as it were.
:) (: