How Do You Do This Maths Question

How do you do this maths question?

by Doctor Q Member since:
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First we have to do everything in metres^2.

Total Area of Cardboard = 1.6 * 0.8 = 1.28m^2

Area Circle = 0.04524 m^2
Area Rectangle = 0.03 m^2
Area of 2 Triangles = 0.03 m^2
Last Triangle = 0.003663m^2
Total Cut Out = 0.108903 m^2

Area Left = 1.28 - 0.108903 = 1.171097 m^2
16 minutes ago
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by tonya227... Member since:
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total area of the cardboard= L*W =1.6*0.8=1.28 m squared
area of the circle = pi * r^2 = pi * (0.12)^2 = 0.04524 metres squared
area of the small rectangle= 0.2*0.15 = 0.03 metres squared
area of the 2 triangles = 2 * (1/2 base * height) = 2*0.15*0.1=0.03 metres squared
area of the other triangle you can get by using heroes formula i cant remember how to do it but you just look it up on google or something and there is a formula there for getting the area using 3 sides
then to solve the remaining area simply add all of the areas of the cut out shapes up and take it from the area of the initial rectangle
13 minutes ago
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by Pranil
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As units of other pieces are in cm convert size of cardboard in cm. 1 m = 100 cm
Area of cardboard is 1.6m × 0.8m.
= (1.6 × 100)cm × (0.8 × 100) = 12800 cm³

Area of a circular peice of radius 12 cm
= π × 12² = 452.16 cm²

Area of a rectangular peice 20 cm by 15 cm
= 20 × 15 = 300 cm²

Area of 2 trianglangular peices of base 30 cm and height 10 cm
= 2[ 1/2 × 30 × 10] = 2 × 150 = 300 cm²

Area of a tiranglular peice of side length 12 cm, 10 cm and 8 cm
= √[s(s – a)(s – b)(s – c)]

How do I do this maths question?

There is another trick to find the solution.We notice that the problem is symmetric. The probability to have at least 2 red faces is the same as the probability to have at least 2 white faces.In addition we can also notice that the probability to not have at least 2 red faces is the probability to have at most 1 red face, which is exactly the probability to have at least 2 white faces.Hence:[math]p(2r+) = p(2w+) = p(1r-) = 1 - p(2r+)[/math]Hence [math]2p = 1[/math] and [math]p = \frac12[/math].

How do you do this maths question?

Write them as fractions:

a .. 3 .. 1
-- x -- x --
5 .. a .. 6

You can cancel the a from top and bottom.
You can also cancel a 3 from the top, and from the 6 in the bottom:

1 .. 1 .. 1
-- x -- x --
5 .. 1 .. 2

Now multiply across the numerators (1 x 1 x 1 = 1) and the denominators (5 x 1 x 2 = 10).


How to do this maths question?

I don't know what kind of answer do you want... But from the equation you have written, from my point of view is just like following:

((3)^3)((a)^3) + ((2)^3)((b)^3)

= (3a)^3 + (2b)^3

* (^) stands for power of

How do you do this math question?

Algeria has decided to take out an advertisement in the U.N newspaper, Liberty Daily. The newspaper charges a base fee of $1200 for an ad. There is an additional fee of $300 for every inch in height. If Algeria is willing to spend any amount up to (and including) $2700, what choice does the country have for the height of the ad?

How do you do this math question?

A = P(1 + r/100)^N
where A = amount after N years
P = initial value
r = rate of depreciation and it is – ve
N = number of years
A = 2500(1 – 12/100)^4
= 2500 × 0.88^4
= 1499.25

How do you do this math question?

okay so for the second equation, subtract the y or the x and move it to the other side. so it would be 18 - x = y.
then u just sub it in!
so it would be 9x + 15(18-x) = 180
distribute the numbers so 9x + 270 - 15x = 180
-6x + 270 = 180
then subtract the 270 and move it to the other side so it would be -6x = -90
divide by -6 to get the x alone so it would be x = 15
and now that u know that x is 15 plug that into the second equation so it would be 15 + y = 18
so then y will = 3

How do you do this math question?

you actually have the answer correct. the answer is 17.1666.

When hitting the % key, your calculator automatically did the entire calculation. I would avoid using the % key on a calculator, as they can be tricky depending on the calculator. I would instead when faced with this kind of problem convert the percent to a decimal, then enter it into your calculator:

224.4 x .0765 = 17.1666.

How do I ask a maths question?

Quora content review discourages this approach, but some folks write out the problem in long hand on paper and take a photo. They include the photo with the question details. Try phrasing the question text as something more specific and on point than a generic “what is the answer to this?” The philosophy is that Quora content becomes a resource. Automatic indexing of searchable meaning of equations that appear in images is beyond current technology, so Quora would prefer use of text.You could also use function-call syntax for basic symbols like the square root symbol, as inSQRT(64) = +8 and -8People would similarly recognize ABS(x) as absolute value, INT(x) as integer.Other exponents can follow the ^ character.

How do I answer this maths question?

No, both answers are off slightly.I will assume that arrowed segments are noted as being parallel to each other.I note that no indication is made whether Y forms right angles, and assume not.If arrowed-segments are parallel, the 50[math]^\circ[/math] angle implies that the 50 km segment divides the 150[math]^\circ[/math] angle into 50-degree and 100-degree subangles. Because a straight segment has 180 degrees, this we can infer that the triangle’s interior angle is 80[math]^\circ[/math].We can apply the a similar process to the N[math]^\circ[/math] issue. But we will come back to that.At this point, we know 2 sides and an angle. We can use the law of cosines to determine Y. That is [math]Y = \sqrt{ 50^2 + 40^2 - 2*40*50*cos(80) } = 58.36 km[/math]From here, we can use the law of sines to solve the triangle. Work omitted:Right-most interior angle: 57.54[math]^\circ[/math]This doesn’t quite tell us what N is. Using that 40 km segment cross both parallel lines, we can see that the top-most exterior angle on the right arrow segment must be 180–150 = 30[math]^\circ[/math]From this we can discern that N = 360 - 30 - 57 .54 = 272.4[math]^\circ[/math]