How Do You Grow Old Gracefully

Should one grow old gracefully or fight it all the way?

Reframe that to be“Grow ON Gracefully”It changes everything.

The saying " Growing old gracefully " are you?

I ask this because my best freind called ( she is 42 ) and complained because she was standing in the airport and stated " All of these 40 and fifty year old men are looking at me ! " To me ...that sounds silly , when your 42 is it not a compliment ? I would think so ! So far I like getting older and if I changed anything it would be my energy level...not looks !

How do I gracefully grow out dark brown hair?

My natural hair color is a dark blonde/light brown. I dyed it dark brown and it almost looks black. How do I grow it out without the roots looking bad? Do I just bleach everything & then let it grow out from being blonde & get highlights to gradually grow it out? (Except when I bleach it, it always looks really brassy & ugly unless I do it really light blonde/almost white but it's really damaging). Or do I just get different color low lights or what? (If I get almost black low lights it'll look weird against my hair color & regular brown low lights won't match the dark hair that's growing out).

Poll. Do you plan to grow old gracefully or disgracefully?


How do we grow old?

I'm presuming based on how you phrased the question that you don't really care about the nitty-gritty medical reasons behind the physical effects of aging, which is good, because we don't know all of those yet.The super-high-level abstract answer that is relevant here, however, is simply that your body grows old because it decays over time.If your body experiences less time, it will show fewer signs of aging. Thus, a six year old looks and functions differently from a sixty year old because his body is, in fact, not as old.The passage of time, in turn, is affected by things like relative velocity, acceleration, and local gravitational potential.So, yes, if you go on a trip to a place where time runs more slowly than it does on Earth, and then come back again, you will only have aged as much as the time the trip took for you. It could not possibly work any other way, because the chemical and physical processes of life in your body have no means of telling how much time is passing off somewhere else, back on Earth or whatever; your body only knows how much time it has actually lived, wherever it is that that living happened.

What is it like to grow old, weary, and tired?

Well, it's very like being young, weary and tired, except that one knows how to deal with it. Get out and do something, even if it's only pruning the roses. Listen to stirring music; better still, dance to it. Write a book (everyone has at least one book in them). And never give up.

How would you go about teaching someone how to grow old gracefully?

One of the fun things I have done in retirement is to develop and teach classes for seniors. “The Art of Graceful Aging” is one of them.Growing old gracefully requires that a person know themselves really well through their mind, body and spirit. We need to feed our “Big Triad” good stuff — music, art, walking, being out in nature, quality literature and films, things just for fun, people to care about and to share life with (friends, family and neighbors—make social connections as that is the key to contentment and a long life), and remember that the cultural purpose of the senior members is to keep the meaning of life alive. There are many ways to give these ideas (and many others) form and life — and in the process enjoy graceful aging.