How Do You Know If You Have A Anxiety Disorder

How do I know if I have an anxiety disorder or if I'm just worrying too much?

Okay. So what you're saying is “how do I know if I have anxiety or just the symptoms?”Essentially that's like saying “how do I know if this is a cake or just flour, sugar, egg, and butter, mixed and heated?” You see, symptoms are character traits. Worrying is a character trait, being sad is a character trait, being nervous is a character trait, low selfesteem is a character trait. The problem starts, when it's “too much” - ‘worry too much’, ‘sad too much’, ‘nervous too much’. That's when we stick a label on it. A diagnosis is a label. A diagnosis won't change you, or your character traits, or how you perceive life. A diagnosis is just a label, that doctors use to say ‘here is a malfunction, something is happening too much’ and then they use their research to help you figure out how to fix it. If you could've fixed it on your own, you would've. I know, you feel like maybe you just haven't tried hard enough or maybe you're faking it - those are very normal and common symptoms of mental disorders.Believe me though, calling it something else won't change what it is - it'll just make it harder for others (doctors for instance), to understand and help you.

What is Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety disorders are a group of mental disorders characterized by feelings of anxiety and fear. Anxiety is a worry about future events and fear is a reaction to current events. These feelings may cause physical symptoms, such as a fast heart rate and shakiness... I suffer with this and my doctors helped with counselling and medication. Counselling is good because it helps you find out why you have anxiety.

Hope you are ok, it can be helped.. x

How do I know if I have an anxiety disorder without a doctor?

Are you more anxious than most of the people you know? Do you have unexplained panic attacks? Are there things you won't/can't do because of fear? Have you experienced a major trauma, and are you experiencing nightmares, intrusive memories, or psychological/physiological distress regarding this event?If you answered yes to 1 or more of the above questions, you might have an anxiety disorder. However, to get a an accurate diagnosis, you need to see someone who can diagnose it. I would suggest a mental health professional such as a psychologist or mental health counselor.

I have an anxiety disorder, does any one know how to help me stand my panic attacks?(without medication)?

I find that I have my attack's at the most inopportune times but it help's me to find one thing to focus on when it hits me, some people that don't know that I have these attack's think I'm just being rude but then they realize that I'm having a problem and help me through it. Just try to make sure that you have someone you trust with you when your out and about this will help sometimes.

I hope this has help you in some little way

What are some examples of anxiety disorders?

A few basic ones are:
1- Generalized anxiety disorder - you have a "free floating" sense of anxiety that's not really attached directly to one thing in particular. The anxiety is uncontrollable and excessice. So really you're just worried about everything.
2- Phobias - You have one thing that really freaks you out to the point that it interferes with your normal daily functioning
3- Panic Attacks - A lot of people experience these. You get really anxious for no reason at all with a lot of physical symptoms (racing heart, feeling of chocking, sweating, etc). Or, your anxiety is really out of proportion with the situation. (Totally sucky. I get these often)
4- Panic Disorder with Angoriphobia - You get panic attacks and because of the fear of getting them you find it hard to leave the house or go into public situations
5- Social Phobia - When you're in public you get really anxious. Primary concern is being embarassed or humiliated

Etc, etc. I know of a few more but those are the most common forms. If you have any specific questions about them feel free to ask. :)

Anxiety disorder in the military.?

I'm shipping out for the air force come this september. However, I suffer from an anxiety disorder. I haven't been formally diagnosed but lately it has become much worse, almost to the point to where I am having problems driving because my anxiety is that bad. I was just wondering if I made it through basic would I be able to stay in diagnosed with an anxiety disorder? I know if I was to get diagnosed with anything right now, I may not be able to join. I'm pretty sure I can make it through basic if I try hard enough. I just want to know if I can get help for it after-wards.


How can I know if I have social anxiety?

The way I knew was because I started feeling nervous just going to school, for no reason; that was the first sign. Then I didn’t want to ever go grocery shopping because of all the people and the noise, and when I was in crowded places, I started shaking or playing with my hands, I was always uncomfortable. That’s how I knew I had social anxiety.Full source: How to Overcome ShynessJust because you occasionally get nervous in social situations doesnt mean you have social anxiety disorder or social phobia. Many people are shy or self-consciousat least from time to timeyet it doesnt get in the way of their everyday functioning. Social anxiety disorder, on the other hand, does interfere with your normal routine and causes tremendous distressOften those with social anxiety have fear of being around others, find it hard to talk or even breath properly. There are various types of social anxiety, but the basic concept is the inability to function properly in public.Social anxiety can be tough to deal with, you can check for signs that show you have social anxiety. For example, being extra self conscious in public and having the fear of being judged, stared, or even looked at for long duration. Some social situations can also trigger discomfort for you, so I would suggest looking out for those.Some signs of social anxiety are: difficulty in breathing in a social setting, dreading social settings, feeling extremely self conscious and eager to be out of the social situation, among smaller signs like: sweating, shaking slightly.Social anxiety is not always going to immediately identifiable, as I have had it for over 9 years and I just realized this in the past 2 years. I would say that if you are self conscious and you are scared of people looking at you and judging you for who you are, then that is a pretty big clue that you have it. If you are afraid to do small things because of what people might think or say, or if you have a hard time staying focused and engaged in conversations with people you don’t/ barely know. Good luck, because social anxiety is a big deal and it literally drains my energy all day long.I feel overwhelmed by the number of people that are around me, I purposely avoid meeting new people or joining in group conversations because I don’t want to draw attention to myself.If you find that you avoid places with large numbers of people and get nervous talking to strangers or other people, you might have social anxiety.