How Do You Stop Obsession

How do i stop my obsession over a pornstar?

This is probably weird af but im obsessed with this one GORGEOUS pornstar names Dani Daniels. It's more than just her looks. She's like really genuine and nice bc i follow her on IG and see all her posts. She's an optomistic, energetic, sexy girl with the fattest *** smhh lmfaoo. Another reason is that she kinda remins me of my gf and her personality, which makes it harder to get over. Whenever im not gettin anything in w/ my girl, i always go straight to the pornstar lmfao. Anyways i just wanna know if im not the only one, if it's just a phase, and how i can get rid of it

How do I stop my obsession with astrology?

When I get a new friend, I would always spend a whole day looking up their birth chart, all their aspects, personality etc. It consumes so much of my time. I don't know how to quit. Please help me. I also need to quit internet addiction.

How do I stop obsessing over kpop?

Live in South Korea and assimilate into Korean society.I was once a big kpop fan. Then I had a chance to live there. Every day you see people with almost the same features as the artists. Every day you see billboards and advertisements of Korean artists. Every day you hear their music. Every day you hear their language. Every day you’re in Korea. Must be a dream come true, huh?It started to die down on me when I began to realize that for Koreans, kpop is only for middle and high schoolers. It’s a child thing. Something to scream about. Something to spend your free time on when you’re young and carefree. After that it becomes something corny. Even uncool. Something that adults (or people who consider themselves adults) just wouldn’t do—there are so much more important things to think about.And then you hear stories about how hard kpop artists work. Like no-sleeping-at-night-till-you-perfect-the-dance-routine hard. Like putting-up-with-the-whims-of-your-superiors-without-a-say hard. Like worrying-about-what-other-people-think-about-you-all-the-time hard. Like having-to-do-long-overtime-hours-every-single-day-and-then-still-have-to-drink-with-the-boss-and-colleagues-till-dawn hard. Then the day after that it’s still-have-to-go-to-work-at-eight-in-the-morning hard. But then it’s also work-that-barely-pays-you-you’d-wonder-if-it’s-even-worth-it hard. And it’s also every-day-press-repeat-it’s-all-just-too-exhausting hard. You believe all these stories about kpop because it happens to you. It happens to your friend. It happens to almost every single person you meet. This kind of hard is the norm.And then you realize you obsess so much about kpop because they show you exactly what you want to see. A world that is almost perfect. A world that is all pretty and handsome. A world full of glitters and flicker and flash of a thousand lights. The high life.But then k-world’s reality is not perfect at all. It’s almost as if someone suddenly poured cold water on you and you grasp for breath and then it all sinks in. This is reality. This is ‘Hell Joseon’. There is no perfect.Would you still be obsessing over the same old imperfect world you’ve been living in all your life? I don’t think so.P.S.I still like korean music. But I prefer indie music now. And some ballads/acoustics/duets.

I need SERIOUS help. Scorpios, how do you over come your obsession?

The best way is to focus o positive issues such as your Friends, love and do not let your self to attracted to negative points;

How do I stop obsessing over penis size?

My erect penis is between 6 and 7 inches which is in average range, but it I still feels and looks small to me. I'm always comparing it to pornstars with 8 and 9 inch penises and it makes me so unhappy about mine. I spend hours a day pumping and stretching so that it will hopefully get bigger. Everyday I also compare myself to guys in my gym locker room to see if mine is bigger than theirs. I realize that this is unhealthy and nuerotic, and I wish I knew how to stop.

How to stop obsessing over anime and manga!?

Okay, so, this might come of as weird and I am embarassed, but: how can I stop obsessing over anime and manga? I've been watching anime and reading manga since I was 11 and I am now 17. I've watched all of Inu-Yasha (including all 4 movies), Bleach (up to now; including the movies), Death Note (including the live-action films and I've even read the book "L Saves the World" and "The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases" back-to-back), Naruto (original series and some of Shippuden), FullMetal Alchemist, Blood+, Rurouni Kenshin, Salior Moon, Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit, Welcome to the NHK, etc., and now I'm stuck on One Piece! So addicted, in fact, I'm on Episode 502 and ive only been watching it for a week and a half! And I've even started searching to watch all 10 films back-to-back! Don't even get me started on how many mangas I've read... :/
Everytime I finish an anime series and manga series I become depressed because I feel like I connect with the characters and story and imagine myself in them...which is ABNORMAL....!
How can I stop this obsession? Is this abnormal? All my friends watch anime and read manga. How can I just STOP this obsession FOREVER before I start going looney and wishing that this world was like anime because animes and mangas are utopias and this world is far from a utopia... this normal at all!? How can I stop this! Are there others like this...? What's your advice? Please don't say I need to see a therapist, I don't have the time nor the money...

How can I stop? :(
Thanks for those who answer honestly...your answers mean everything. :I

How do I stop being obsessed with clothes?

I am obessed with clothes. I look at someone's clothes and then want more. Whenever I go to the mall, I always want to buy so many clothes, it is crazy. My room is filled with clothes. My closet is filled. There are containers filled with them but I do not like all of them. I can not even walk in my room because there are clothes all over the floor and on my bed and next to my bed and in containers in my room. I do not want to get rid of any that I do not like because they fit me. I mean none of my clothes are ugly, except for my pj's because no one sees them. I do not have all name brand clothes but I constantly want more, especially name brand clothes but they are too much money. Like right now I really want a new bathing suit to match a plaid top I got from Target. I am a minskirt bathing suit that would match it but I still want more. I also get jealous when someone has a clothing item that I do not have, especially a name-brand clothing item. I have an outfit for everyday of the year but still am not content. What can I do to overcome my obsession with shopping for clothes?