How Does Being Too Negative Affects You

Does being a "night person" affect you negatively?

It does economically unless you can find a job where you work your own hours or work at night. I've been a night person all my life. I cannot function with night sleep. 8 hours at night is literally not refreshing while 3 hours in the day can keep me going for another 24 hours.

There are some treatments for being a night owl. I've not tried any. I am very alert and creative at night. I fear that would change were I to become a day time drone. I need minimal sleep if I sleep in the day. 4-5 hours and I'm good. 6 and I am fully rested. 10 hours at night even if I can actually sleep at all at night and if I can stay asleep still leaves me feeling like I havn't slept.

Other than work issues there are issues with events and other people's calenders. The majority of people are day people and they can be quite rude about insisting their schedule is the only schedule worth following. Then you have issues such as school if you are a parent. Getting your kids too and from school for example.

As for physical health, unless you are forced to be a day person by some means no. In fact when I'm able to just be a night person I rarely get sick, have excellent health and do quite well. When I am forced to be a day person it's stress. Big time stress and I suffer quite a few ill health effects.

What is most interesting is that 24 hour cycles are not natural to the human body. If there is no sense of time and no incentive to rest at a given time most people will settle down into 36 and 48 hour cycles. It is rare that a person without outside incentive follows a 24 hour cycle.

My mom is always so negative, it's affecting me badly. What can I do to stop her?

I don’t know how old you are, but I am going to offer you a very important life lesson. In life, we can either choose to try to change other people or we can try to change how we respond to other people that upset us.You have control only over how you respond to other people. You do not have control over other people’s natures or behavior. Yes, you can correct people, yes you can say don’t do that, yes you can say you are hurting me. But in the end, you get to control whether something hurts you or impacts you and you get to choose how you want to handle such things.So my first piece of advice is, don’t try to change your mom. Try to avoid putting yourself in situations which allow her to upset you or hurt you.I don’t know if your mom is always negative or if she is being negative because of the stress that she and your father are experiencing. If she is always negative, well, that is how she is. Perhaps she is worse due to the stress. If she is not normally negative, perhaps she is depressed and is having trouble seeing your artwork for the joyful effort that it is. Perhaps she is forgetting that you need praise and attention for your work, or maybe she simply hasn’t got the energy to give it to you right now.I can only tell you this. Moms are human. And they, like everyone else, only have so much energy to spare. Sometimes, this energy gets low and they have trouble showing their usual enthusiasm for the things their children do. Sometimes, when they are like this, they don’t even realize they are doing it. Sometimes they just need a hug from their children as much as their children need a hug from them.If your mom has always been negative, well, she isn’t going to change, so there is no point in asking her to do so. Just try to avoid allowing her negativity to upset you. Go elsewhere for praise for your art. If she is not normally negative, try to understand that she is stressed and having her own problems, and maybe she needs a little bit more love and support than usual.Regardless, try to understand that she doesn’t mean to hurt you. She is who she is, and she is stressed and worried right now. If she isn’t normally negative, in time, it will pass.

My father is very negative and his negativity affects my mood!help?

Most people have a high regard and respect for their parents. We look up to them for guidance, reassurance, and resolution to problems we may face. However, in your situation, it is very difficult to experience any of these qualities from a parent who is putting you down.

Just because your dad is negative and feeling sorry for himself, doesn't mean that you have to allow it to drag you down. If he demotivates you, stay away from him as much as possible. You always have alternatives to listening to your dad. Is your mom the same way as your dad? You could ask her for reassurance. If that is not possible, I would ask other family members (brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc). At the very least, talk to your friends. If they are true friends, they will encourage you to become everything you want to be. If they don't, find friends who will.

Finally, remember one thing. You are a unique individual. You have aspirations, dreams, and goals in life. There is NO person on earth who has the right to take that away from you! You were born to accomplish whatever it is that you have talent for, are gifted with, and want to share with others. You have a spark in your soul that never goes out. And nobody can steal it. If this helps, try it. When you go to bed, before falling asleep, think of all the things you are good at, all things you love, all dreams that you dream "big". If you do this constantly, your subconscious will act on it accordingly. Try it. It worked for me. I wish you well.

What are the negative effects of being too friendly with your teenager?

I don't think it's a good idea. A parent should be a parent.You can have friends your own age. Soon the parent will start wanting to out with you and your friends.

Do protein shakes negative effects include not being able to reproduce in the future?

Why do you want him to stop? It's just protein. It's exactly the same stuff that's found in Chicken, tuna, eggs etc, it's just easier to get enough when you take protein shakes. There are no negative effects of it apart from perhaps getting diarrhea if you drink too much. It certainly does NOT cause infertility.