How Does One Kid Manage To Stab 24 People

What does it mean to stab someone in your dream?

Both the stabber and the stabbee are, in some way, aspect of yourself.Stabbing can be a form of attention getting behavior (pretty serious one, I’ll grant.) Like an exaggerated form of poking someone - “Hey there, (poke, poke), pay attention to me!” So, if this was your parent, spouse, significant other, etc., you’re possibly asking for them to pay attention to you. Killing them is just a side benefit, if they continue to ignore you! (Kids, do not try this at home! For dreams only!)The one you’re trying to get to pay attention well could be yourself (you didn’t mention who it was.) Like - “Hey! Wake up!” - for your procrastinating lazy persona.It might also be trying to be done with some part of your life that you’re thinking should be over, but you cannot shake out of it. Like, you’ve graduated but are still living at home. Or you’re done with your relationship, but haven’t been able to say it out loud. In your dream, you’re finishing it off in a decisive way. Or, you know you need to change jobs, so you’re killing off oil-field-welder-you so airport-shuttle-bus-driver-you can emerge and live the adventurous airport-shuttle-bus-driving life you’ve always dreamed of.Basically, getting rid of something decisively seems to be what is happening.

What happens if you don't get a Tetanus shot after getting cut with rusty metal?

Maybe nothing.But you could get tetanus, and once you get it, even if they manage to save you, you may still wish you had died. Dying of tetanus may be the most painful way to die on the planet.Here is a painting done in 1809 of a person dying of tetanus. Painting done by his doctor. The position is called opistothonus.Why does he look like this? Your muscles ‘fire’ to contract, i.e., shorten. Then a chemical in your muscles is released to relax your muscles. What the tetanus toxin does is to prevent that chemical from being released, so your muscles fire, contract, and NEVER LET GO.Back muscles are stronger than stomach muscles, so you arch your back.If you are in really good shape, too bad, because you leg muscles can contract so strongly that they will BREAK. YOUR. THIGH. BONES, the strongest bones in your body.Imagine a ‘Charley Horse’ in every muscle in your body, 24 hours a day, for days on end.And there is almost nothing that can be done to spare you. Eventually, your diaphragm contacts, and never lets go, so you quit breathing.Getting to this blissful stage often takes 3 days. 3 days of the worst pain imaginable.(BTW, we know the chemical that’s released, and could give it to you, but then, you would stop breathing, which presents it’s own set of problems)Personally, I think the vaccine shot is the way to go, but hey, to you anti-vaxxers out there, it’s your call. Just don’t do this to your kids, please.BTW, the bacteria that causes tetanus, Clostridium tetani, is a common soil living bacteria. It’s in the ground everywhere. It’s NOT rust that causes tetanus, but a rusty nail indicates it’s been in contact with the soil for a period of time, and thus likely has C. tetani on it.C. Tetani is an anaerobic bacteria, meaning that Oxygen is poisonous to it. If you get a scratch, tetanus is very, very unlikely, because of the Oxygen. But a puncture, like from a nail, creates an oxygen-free atmosphere in the wound, just perfect for C. Tetani to grow and thrive.Tetanus can be ‘treated’ today, but 2/3 of patients still die, and those that survive typically spend 6–8 weeks in the hospital, mostly on a ventilator, with about 3–4 weeks in a induced coma, followed by 4–6 months in rehab. Personally, I think getting the vaccine is easier.BTW, there is a variation of this disease called infantile tetanus. New borns can get it from, for example, non-sterile scissors used to cut their umbilical cord. I will spare you the pictures.

Pain in upper right side of my chest.?

Ok so im 14 years old and im about 5'9 and I have a bad pain in my chest (right side) Its like when i breathe it hurts and it just started today, And im really worried because i dont know what it is, Its hurting all the time and its like a aching/ stabbing pain and im really scared, Ive been having weird pains all around my chest lately and im scared. I do struggle with depression and anxiety but it doesn't feel like its that but i maybe wrong. Someone please answer with real seriousness!

Is someone pulls a knife on me, can I legally kill them in self defense?

It depends. On all kinds of things.Not least of all the legislation this happens in.Generally speaking, a knife is usually considered a deadly weapon (although a one Inch pen knife might well routinely not be, depending, again, on legislation and circumstances). In most legal systems I know anything about, your assailant brandishing a deadly weapon will go a long way towards justifying your use of deadly force in self defense. But it won't suffice on its own.If you're standing ten metres and a busy city street apart, simply brandishing the knife will not be regarded a credible threat to your life - which is the standard often applied to when lethal force is permissible in self defense.Drawn during a fist fight between you two, a metre away from you, while shouting death threats? That's as close to a textbook case of a credible threat to your life as it gets...Not a lawyer, anywhere, not even cooking for a law firm or playing one on youtube...

Teens: does your school have metal detectors?

Well I was bored a few nights ago at 2am and this cheer-leading movie came on. This posh, "white girl" goes to a new school with a mostly black population of kids in the high school. But when she went in you had to go through those airport things and get the metal detector thing.

I've heard there's actually schools like this! .___.