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Is America the most multicultural/ethnically diverse country in the world?

Absolutely not .Even though today America has a large immigrant population and many many different cultures and ethnic groups on it's own soil, today it isn't nearly as ethnically or culturally diverse as many countries today .For ethnic diversity ( fearon's analysis)The sub Saharan and generally African countries top the list . There are hundreds if not thousands of ethnic groups mixed with colonial power migrants , which all make it extremely diverse .You'll also be surprised (at least I was) to find New Guinea topping the list . Today, 852 languages are spoken in that one relatively small country !USA is only 85th , behind countries like Chile! ( yup Chile is somehow more ethnically diverse than USA) .Short answer: No , today history makes that USA is not even close to being the most ethnically and culturally diverse country in the world . Thousands of languages being spoken in one continent:Africa , show just how diverse this continent is!To sum it up:Look at how greener Africa is compared to USA!