How Does The Process Of Losing Weight Work Why Do We Not Gain Weight Every Time We Eat

How does taking laxatives make you lose weight, is this process dangerous, and are there safer methods with equally effective results?

If you are really interested in reducing your weight quickly and laxatives to lose weight can be the best option. Laxatives are inexpensive and effective. Therefore, it is best to use laxatives to lose weight instead of opting for other slimming products that offer no results.However, most people are not aware of laxatives to lose weight. You better do a thorough research on the Internet to understand laxative efficacy. This will help you get the best weight loss product that suits their health.Laxatives are weight loss pills taken daily for best results. You'll be able to find reviews on the internet laxatives that help you get a fair idea about the advantages and disadvantages of their use. Reading through reviews of laxatives, columns and expert testimony will let you know exactly how this method reduces the weight.It is very important to increase the consumption of drinking water while taking laxatives pills because it prevents dehydration. Drink more water per day will also be beneficial in reducing the volume of food you every day. In fact, it is the natural way to reduce the desire for food, resulting in weight loss. Laxatives twice daily, morning and evening regularly is an effective way to reduce your weight quickly.The most important thing you need to understand before taking laxatives is the presence of food in your system. You should not take laxatives without anything, they can damage your system. The main objective of laxatives to remove debris on your system. This will flatten the stomach, reducing its weight. These are some of the main advantages of the use of laxatives. Therefore, if you are planning to use laxatives to lose weight, you must ensure that you have a bathroom nearby

Will not eating make you gain weight? Why?

Hello, and thanks for this interesting question.You might think that not eating anything at all - effectively starving yourself - will cause you to lose weight. This is absolutely true. In fact, people who have an eating disorder called anorexia nervosa can die from the substantial weight loss and subsequent shutdown of organs and bodily systems that comes from not eating.However, if you’re starving yourself temporarily to lose weight, you might end up gaining it in the end.In order to lose weight, there is one thing that needs to happen - you need to burn more calories through physical activity than you take in via your diet. Starving yourself might seem like a good idea, and it’ll work - at least at first. When you stop taking in calories, your body notices a difference. It’ll go to work burning off fat and eventually muscle tissue to compensate. In turn, you’ll lose weight.There’s a dark side to this, though. Because your body has only minimal need to process food due to your limited diet, your metabolism slows down significantly. When you start eating again, your body will still be in starvation mode. It’ll take every single calorie it can and convert it directly into adipose tissue (read: fat) for fear that it may not see food again in a very long time. That’s where the term “yo-yo dieting” comes from. People who attempt to lose weight with harsh calorie restrictions almost always end up gaining that weight back, and then some.If you want to lose weight, change your lifestyle. Eat regularly, but eat a healthy, balanced diet. Get some exercise, and try to track how many calories you’re taking in versus how many you’re burning. You can and will meet your goals, but starving yourself is never the answer.We’ve covered some of the best methods for boosting your metabolism in our article How to Increase Metabolism ~ This will help your body learn to burn more of the calories you consume as energy and stop storing them as fat.Regards, and good luck!Erin - AnabolicCoCheck Out Our Facebook Page! | Facebook

Does working out make you gain weight?

this week i have been working out more frequently (every day) and watching what i eat (no junk food at all + lots of water). however i've noticed that i've gained weight rather than lost it. does any one know why this could be? thanks for your help. (:

Explain why you do not gain weight every time you eat.?

Your body burns calories even when you don't do any exercise. It's about 10 times your body weight- like a female of 140 pounds can eat 1400 calories and maintain body weight, but if she's exercising an extra 500 calories, she will lose weight with that calorie intake.

If I poop right after I eat does that mean I am not gaining weight? I tend to do this a lot and can not hold it by any means

When you eat, it moves your entire digestive tract into action. Waves of muscle contractions called peristalsis start moving through from your upper GI all the way to your anal muscles. So when you put more food into your system, digested food in your lower GI is pushed further on. The digested food coming out was consumed hours or even days before; it is not the same food you just ate. Your body will process the food you just ate, extracting nutrients, and it will work its way down, to eventually move out.

Why am i gaining weight if i'm working out?

people who begin exercising sometimes start eating more, without
even noticing it. They do it for two reasons.
First, they have bigger appetite because they move more and burn more
calories. So, they eat more without even noticing it, and it tastes
better, too, because many overweight people were not even hungry
before - they ate because they were bored, because they could and so
on. Now they are genuinely hungry, everything tastes better, they eat
more and gain weight after they exercised.
Second, they think that they are burning a lot of calories, and can
now eat this or treat themselves to that, yet they do not burn as much
as they think, and they eat what they usually won't eat because of the
high caloric content. This treat may have more caloric content which
they burned during their workout. Then they have their regular meals,
too, and at the end they've worked out hard and have gained weight!
Then there is that myth which says that when you join a gym
and exercise for a week or two, you gain muscle, and it's heavier than
the fat. It's not true. To gain even one pound of muscles, one must
work hard and for many weeks. You can't just lift weights for a couple
of weeks, and suddenly become all muscle. You'll need to work much
much harder than that, and for much much longer. People can't cope
with the fact that they worked out hard, and gained weight, so they
use this myth to justify themselves. What can you do about it:
1. Start a food journal, and write down everything you eat, to track
down the calories.
2. Stop treating yourself. "I exercised hard, now I eat
this tempting little muffin" - to burn the calories from that little
muffin you will have to sprint run for an hour, and it's only to stay
the same, not to become thinner! This is too hard of a work, so drop
processed high caloric food from your diet.
3. Slow down with exercises until your body gets used to it. This way,
you will have smaller appetite and will be less hungry. By and by your
body will get used to your activity level, and then you can work out
more. Start slowly and work your way up to the intense workouts. When
you are ready to be more intense, your body will be smaller, your
stomach will shrink, and you won't tend to overeat.

How fast can you loose weight being anorexic and just not eating a lot compared to being bulimic?

i will not try to lecture you too much because after all i obviously don't practice what i preach.

i am anorexic.

it is a disorder, a mental illness, and once you start the process you can NEVER stop. it takes away your life. you are tired all the time, and never have energy. yes, you do feel good every morning when you look in the mirror and weigh yourself and see that you've gotten thinner, but it's never enough. it is an addiction that can be deadly. so keep all of this in your mind before you try anything extreme like this.

okay, so now for your answer. i used to be bulimic and through the process of bulimia i actually gained weight. being bulimic is like being a disgusting pig because you eat and eat and eat until you are really sick and then throw it up, the only problem is that you usually can't get it all up and so you end up gaining weight, and you will lose your voice permanently as well. not pretty.

anorexia is very different. it is a gradual process that gets worse and worse. in your first week of being anorexic you might lose as much as ten pounds. but if you quit right after that you will gain it all back. not to mention you wont be able to quit. you will basically live off diet coke and sugarfree gum and coffee. but i always told myself at the beginning that i wasnt anorexic and that i could eat whenever i was hungry, but i would always pretend i wasnt hungry when i really was. i usually wait until about 4pm to eat and i'll usually have a 100calorie yogurt. then i will eat again that night and have a 120 calorie kashi or fiber1 bar. the hunger pains never go away. you always feel hungry. but i do think that anorexia is safer than bulimia because you wont ruin your teeth and your voice and your face will get thin (with bulima your face gets all puffy, eww.)

anyways i hope that helps. but please think really long and hared before you decided you want to "get" an eating disorder/mental illness.

Why don't we lose weight immediately after an exercise even though the burning of fat has already occurred?

I have measured up to 2 lb difference between before and after a workout. So I clearly do lose weight immediately after an exercise.But the vast majority of that weight is just water that I sweated or breathed out.Lets say you burn 300–500 calories in a workout. It is estimated that you need to burn 3500 cal to burn 1 lb of fat, so you are talking about roughly 0.1 lb of “fat burned”. Even if all the energy during the workout came from fat (most of it came from glucose), the byproducts of the fat burn will still have roughly the same weight and will still be in your body, you lose a bit of the weight on the CO2 you exhale, but it is not much. So you would not see it immediately in the scale.Consider that a healthy weight loss program involving diet and exercise will yield 1–2 lb pounds per week, and you can see that the fat loss on an individual workout is just to small to measure. It takes years to accumulate fat, it takes a long time to lose it.

Do you lose weight if you don't eat?

One way to lose weight is to just stop eating. It sounds simple, but in reality you have to know what you are doing to get any long term weight loss benefits from fasting. Let's look at the weakness and strengths of fasting for weight loss.Like most forms of dieting, fasting can be used to bring about dramatic but temporary reductions of weight. You can go on a long fast, taking nothing but juice or eating grapes or taking some other low calorie meal substitute for several weeks, and while you are on the fast you will certainly lose weight. However, during the fast you may not be able to carry on your normal social interactions. It's not so easy to sit around sipping carrot juice while the rest of your family is eating a normal meal.Another problem with long fasting is that your body requires vital nutrients (vitamins, minerals, protein) and your favorite juice may not contain them. Long fasting without proper medical supervision can be dangerous.Finally, a major problem with this kind of fasting is that once you stop fasting and resume eating your normal diet, you are likely to gain back all the weight that you have lost during your crash weight loss fast.So, does fasting have any place in a weight loss plan? Yes it does. Periodic fasting is one of the secrets of a long and healthy life. Our body's digestive organs require a rest from time to time,just as we require days off from work. One-day fasting done in a methodical and regular manner provides the kind of rest that helps our digestive system, aids in the elimination of toxins from our body, and, yes, also helps us to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable.Tips for weight loss

Which is more difficult: losing weight or gaining muscle?

I’ve done both at different times so I have a pretty good perspective on this.Mentally, weight loss take the cake. When you have to lose weight, you are forced to make some major lifestyle changes. Bad habits are why we become overweight and breaking any bad habit takes much mental fortitude.Physically, building muscle is way harder.For starters, the actual workout has to be high intensity. Honestly it hurts, it burns, and you’re sore all the time. It’s a pretty uncomfortable physical thing. You can’t just go to the gym and throw weights around and come out with muscles, you have to really shock your muscles into growth and that means destroying them.And you have to repeat that process again and again and again and again. Muscle growth takes time. . . and a lot of it. Because it’s so much more dense than fat, it takes a lot of it before you can see growth in the mirror. You could work your ass off for months and, depending on your goal, it would only be the beginning of your journey.Eating for muscle growth is a job all by itself. Contrary to popular money driven beliefs, weight loss can be achieved by simply eating healthy (I’ve lost 70lbs by doing this myself). No special diets are necessary. Muscle on the other hand has to be fed correctly in order to grow. Maybe you get lucky with good genetics, but you’ll eventually be spinning your wheels if you don’t have the correct diet. For some this wall comes sooner than others.I will quote a young man who once described what it’s like when people tell him to back off the weights“Don’t get too big!!!”“BRUH I’ve been trying to get ‘too big’ for like 2 f**** years it ain’t easy like that s*** doesn’t magically happen”I’ve was lucky enough to experience both sides. When I was losing weight I couldn’t wait for the day when I could finally say “I did it.” Now, sometimes I miss the process of weight loss (I jokingly refer to it as “rookie gains”) but I enjoy the work ethic I have developed on the quest for muscle.The grass is always greener.