How Exactly Does Sperm Form In Your Body

Sperm will only form:?

A. when the testes are elevated and very close to the body
B. when the testes are a few degrees lower in temperature than regular body temperature
C. during sexual arousal
D. when the male ejaculates on a regular basis

How does sperm forms inside your penis?

None of the answers so far (3) are correct. Glad you're enjoying your toy to the max. Keep it up. It's healthy for your prostate, where semen is produced and from which it is ejaculated at the height of your orgasm. As it gathers speed on the way up your urethra (cleaned out by the so-called 'pre-***' ), it meets up with the 4 million passengers it has to carry along with it. They (sperm) have been produced in the testicles and have been summoned to their meeting at the first instance of excitement - as you are getting ready to jack. They are scooped up by the passing semen and shot out in that wonderful blast you've been looking forward to since the last one. It happens over and over again, keeps the prostate functional, and brings you happiness and relief. Keep up the good work with your body and the joy for your libido!

Does the body of a pregnant women reject the sperm?

It doesn't reject it, the sperm just has no effect on her body. She's already pregnant, therefore not ovulating, therefore cannot get pregnant again.

Whatever sperm doesn't trickle out after sex, just dies inside the woman. Nothing happens. As other posters have mentioned...its very very rare to get pregnant again while already pregnant.

Where does the sperm go following a vasectomy?

You can read all about it here:

What exactly is a vasectomy?

they snip the vas deferens and therfore sperm cannot exit the body and this is a permanent form of male birth control, also known as sterilization, meaning the man can never father children. sometimes they say it is reversible, but i guess only in some cases.

How do sperm enter into the female body?

During sex, the man's semen comes out of his penis when he ejaculates (comes). Each drop of semen has thousands of sperm, which are too small to see. When the man ejaculates in the woman's vagina or near her genitals, the sperm can enter the through the 'mouth' of the womb (the cervix) into the womb.A sperm’s journey from vagina to egg is only 15 centimeters long, but it’s a race with attrition.There are approximately 200 million sperm in each human ejaculation, but only about 2 million sperm make it into the cervix. The rest are killed by the acidic fluids inside the vagina or lost in “flowback”—which is exactly what it sounds like.Out of the approximately 2 million sperm entering the cervix, only about 1 million make it into the uterus. The rest are stopped by gooey mucus, or swim into dead-end channels inside the walls of the cervix.Out of the approximately 1 million sperm that enter the uterus, only about 10,000 make it to the top of the organ. The rest are attacked and absorbed by white blood cells, which start to appear in force as soon as sperm enter their defensive perimeter.Out of the approximately 10,000 sperm cells that make it to the far end of the uterus, only about 5,000 turn in the right direction. The rest head toward the other oviduct, and unless both the woman’s ovaries have released eggs simultaneously (a rare event), those sperm are out of luck.Out of the approximately 5,000 sperm that enter the uterotubal junction—a twisty space connecting the uterus and the oviduct—only about 1000 enter the Fallopian tube. The rest get caught in the mucus lining the junction.Out of the approximately 1,000 sperm that enter the Fallopian tube, only about 200 reach the egg. The rest get attached to the lining of the oviduct, or just give out and die.Out of the approximately 200 sperm that reach the egg, only 1 enters the egg to fertilize it. The rest are pushed away by the zona reaction, which makes the fertilized egg impermeable to additional sperm. Those last extra sperm? Yet more fodder for a woman’s immune system..

How are sperm created inside our bodies, and how does it leave our bodies?

Sperm production:Sperm are produced by male sexual organ testicles they are mainly produce by seminiferous tubuls, sperms are collected untill they are mature.Then they are stored in Epididymis(a highly convoluted duct behind the testis, along which sperm passes to the vas deferens).Ejaculation:It is the phenomenon through which sperm along with semen is carried through body.Ejaculation can be achieved either by sexual stimuli or nocturnal ejaculation(ejaculation occurs during sleep usually refered as ‘'Night Fall’)Edit:It takes almost 2.5 months of timed development to produce a single sperm cell.

How much sperm can a man’s body hold, and what happens when the max is met?

Depends on what you mean with sperm.Many are mixing up sperm cells and semen so it is really hard to know what they are talking about.What many don't know is, that the liquid around the sperm cells does not come from the testicles. In one ejaculation only 10% of the liquid is from the testicles, most are from the prostate gland and seminal glands.And the thing with glands is: The glands produce fluid when needed, but they only store little fluid. So there are only little of the semen fluid ready in the glands.There are however molecules and proteins ready in the glands, that can produce the glands excretion very fast. The glands release proteins and other molecules and then water will be dragged over the cell membranes of the capillaries and mix with the proteins to become the excretions.So I'd estimate that at any time there is about 1ml liquid in the testicles ready and about 2–4ml ready in the prostate and seminal glands. And there are not going to be any more, unless the glands get a signal that they should produce more.Another thing is the sperm cells. The sperm cells are not the liquid. Sperm cells are suspended in the liquid and is only a miniscule part of the total semen.There is about 300 to 800 million sperm cells stored if the man havent ejaculated for 4-5 days. And new ones are constantly produced.Sperm cells expire very fast so if a man doesn't ejaculate in 2 weeks, the expired cells will start seeping out and be removed in the urine or he will get nightly emissions to remove the expired cells.So the total a mans body can hold is: 5-6ml and 800.000.000 cells. The expired content is removed after 2 weeks of abstinence and, new cells and semen proteins are produced continuously.

How do testicles store sperm?

Actually, each testicle is split in two parts. You have the testicle itself, where sperm cells are only produced and the epididymis, a structure where sperm cells can mature. Once past this maturation stage they are send onwards direction ampulla trough the vas deferens. It's only this place where sperm is storable for a couple of weeks, not in the testicles or in the epididymis.Shortly before ejaculation the sperm in the ampulla is mixed with secretions from the prostate, seminal vesicles and the bulbourethral glands to form semen, this process also 'activates' the sperm to swim.After each ejaculation the testicles need to fill again the ampulla. This can take 2-3 days before being completed. This will also mean that each subsequent ejaculation in a short time will also have less sperm cells, not to a point where you become sterile, but just less, this is why they suggest people coping with fertility trouble to abstain from ejaculation 2-3 days before the expected ovulation date of the female partner.Men that are vasectomized have their vas deferens cut, they will see a drop in sperm count in each subsequent  ejaculation up to zero once everything is rinced out. They count up till 20 ejaculations or 8 weeks before this is completed. This shows you that sperm can remain viable for some time after the testicles made it.Your body will take care that the sperm cells don't become too old. Once older then 1-2 weeks they will either be reabsorbed by your body or expelled during an ejaculation (either man-made or in your sleep).Most people think that the testicles deliver their sperm during the ejaculation but it's more like a steady flow of sperm production that fills up an internal reservoir, much like the water reservoir of a flushing toilet.