How fast are hormonal responses?

Body's hormonal response?

Imagine you just ate a candy bar. What is your body's hormonal response to this influx of sugar? Mentions glands involved, hormones released, and response of target organs.

What is the difference between a hormonal response and a nervous response?

They both are communicators of the body. The endocrine is a slow communicator and the nervous system is a fast communicator.
Each system uses several of the same chemicals. The systems both regulate eachother, and rely on negative feedback mechanisms.

The endocrine system works in concert with the nervous system to regulate other body systems. Sometimes the two systems are referred to as the neuroendocrine system to reflect this important relationship.

The endocrine system is composed of glands that make hormones which are released into the bloodstream. These hormones act upon their target cells and tissues. The glands are scattered throughout the entire body

Although the nervous and endocrine systems both help regulate the body systems, there are some key differences between the two systems.


1.The method of communication within and among the cells and tissues

2.How quickly the desired response occurs

3.How long the response continues after cessation of the signal

4.The area that is affected by the signal

Why is hormonal responses slower than nervous system?

By definition of a hormone, a hormone has to travel through the blood to reach its target destination. This takes a lot longer than the firing of a nerve cell.

Best wishes and good luck.

What prevents hormonal response from continuing long after the hormone is released?

What prevents hormonal response from continuing long after the hormone is released?

Its for my science test

Anyone knows the answer 10 points up for grabs

How fast do hormones carry messages around the body compared to nerve cells?

hormones are carried in the blood. It take about 10 minutes for hormones to completely circulate through your body. For instance, this is how a diabetic's insulin injection works [insulin is a hormone]. It take about 10-15 minutes for the injection to "take effect"

HOWEVER, most neural messages are not "complete". That is, most neural messages DO NOT go through your entire body. It take about 150 milliseconds (0.15 sec) for a neural message to go from the tip of your toe to your brain. It takes some small processing time for you to "think" what to do, and another 150 milliseconds for a message to go from your brain to your toe. So, if you stepped on a hot rock, it would take about 400 - 500 milliseconds for you to responds and pull you foot away from the hot rock . this is called your "Reaction time".

Depending on the stimulus, a human reaction time is between one-quarter and one-half a second.