How Has Gender Inequality Improved In School From The Past

What are the impacts of gender inequality?

I'm currently researching about global inequality in the continents besides North America right now in my global issues class. My teacher just handed out a research sheet and one of the questions are what the short-term and long-term impacts of my issue is right now. Can anyone tell me the impacts?

Why do gender inequalities exist?

4 out of 135 nations have achieved gender equality, namely Cuba, Costa Rica, Norway and Sweden but the rest of the lot is still fighting the perils of gender inequality despite having substantial national and international programs and initiatives in tow.Coming to the reasons why gender inequality is still prevailing, we’ve to highlight the following points:Tradition and cultureThe tradition of a society is its archaic beliefs and norms that dictate the people around. It’s due to cultural and societal sentiments women are degraded and considered inferior to men. In fact, some of them men in villages don’t even support women leadership.Lack of educationEducation is the key to mitigate gender inequality. But lack of it results in female feticide, child marriage and honor killing. Inadequate education also leads to less attention to a girl child’s education and future, while boy’s education is given top-most priority.Social stigmasFor eons, women face discrimination against men. Be it workplace, home or family gathering, women are always treated inferior compared to male counterparts – the reason being age-old social stigmas and prejudices.Addressing the above-mentioned concern and trafficking for sexual exploitation, Missing Mural Walk aims to sensitize urban population about the extent of violence against women. Missingirl stencils are evocative and hits the audience right into the hearts.

Why do we need gender equality?

We need gender equality for a variety of reasons. Gender equality is required because of late there have been a lot of disturbances in the society, for which this inequality is responsible. Gender equality works at breaking the stereotypes of the patriarchal/matrilineal society. Both the types of societies focus on giving maximum power to ONE gender. This creates a lot of problems and these stereotypes are ingrained in our minds since ages. Examples:- 1. In a patriarchal society, it is always looked down when a man cries. He is labeled 'effeminate' or 'not a man'. - why can't a man cry and let his feelings out? Does crying mean that he is weak? No. Crying is just a medium of expressing one's sorrow and joys. 2. If we look at the advertisements that appear in matrimonial page in 'wanted bride' of any newspaper, we will identify a common stereotypes ruling the column. ​these are none other than labels like 'very fair' ,'slim', 'beautiful'. We are doing nothing but blindly follow the patriarchal stereotype of 'good girl'. I have heard so many people rejecting 'girls' in the first meeting, because she was 'not fair', 'not slim' etc. However, we have the stereotype of 'tall, dark and handsome' for men. Lot of times, gender equality is thought of something as 'women empowerment' or 'social upliftment of women', but the real case is that it works equally at both the levels I.e. at the level of man and woman. If we are asking people to give equal opportunities to women in terms of freedom, independence, work etc. Then we should also focus on giving the same freedom and independence to men when it comes to expression of emotions, and not impose or question their manhood by their actions. Gender equality is a complex term to understand, and the only way to achieve it is to start educating our new generation about it by not imposing any sort of stereotypes on them. It is more of balancing and equating power between the two sexes. Once we properly understand and inculcate this notion, we will be able to decrease a number of crimes relating to violence against both men (yes, it is less as compared to women but is present) and women.

Inequality In Gender, Race & Ethnicity?

My thoughts are that it of course isn't fair at all,people should not be judged simply by their gender,race,or ethnicity. I have experienced most of these throughout life especially being biracial, I am white and hispanic, but I look more hispanic. At one workplace hispanics and asians weren't treated fairly, we both dealt with harsh treatment and embarrassment that other races/ethnicities didn't deal with, and the others that didn't deal with the bad treatment noticed it and most didn't like it. WE also were the races/ethnicities to get laid off first and they upfront said that it wasn't because we worked bad because we were good workers,but it was because there was a POSSIBILITY that we were illegal and they didn't want to take that risk so they wouldn't bother to check if this was true,they would just fire people based on them not "looking" legal. There were some co-workers that agreed with us getting treated bad and getting fired because they said we were just stupid people taking up American jobs and that we didn't even understand the language and that we need to get back where we came from. That was painful to hear and deal with that is why I no longer work there. I could go on and on but to be short to treat people this way makes no sense to me at all. I have also dealt with this treatment at stores with people saying "this is America I shouldn't have to be dealing with no Mexicans" and things like that. I was born in the U.S and am legal, but there are many who are not, but whether someone is or not does'nt justify mistreatment. Well those were just my experiences kind of long and I may have gotten off subject but that's what I think

How can a decrease in gender inequality increase the rate of GDP growth of a country?

Gender inequality refers to unequal treatment or perceptions about people based on their gender.Traditionally, men have been looked upon as bread winners and providers for the family while women have always been expected to stay at home and look after family. Such ideology has led to an unequal treatment of men and women right from their birth. Consequently, women have faced a poor response of society in regards to their education, health, career, opportunities, social say and have suffered manifold.Numerous studies in the past have depicted a negative link between gender inequality and economic growth and therefore have suggested that countries can raise their GDP level if they bring about more gender equality in the economy.This relationship works at various levels.Engaging women in jobs would lead to -an increase in number of workers, more income and hence higher GDP in the economy.more efficient work force because of higher competition and better talent pool thus leading to a increase in productivity per person.improved flexibility among people to take up jobs of their preference. For instance, in general men are expected to work and earn while women to sit at home if need arises no matter how good and successful she is at her job. This is sometimes an inefficient arrangement as a man might be better at taking care of home vis a vis a woman.Educating women as much we do men would -improve the human capital in the economy in regards to addition of educated women to labor force.lower fertility rate which is quite an issue in developing economies like India.improve the quality of next generation as educated mothers are seen as more capable in regards to child rearing especially when we talk about the health and education of the young ones.Social and economic independence of women would also lead to -Increased use of technology and innovation in regards of work culture. Acknowledging that women have a key role in economy’s labor force, firms and government will come out with arrangements that would aid in their participation in labor force such as work from home option, flexible work hours etc.Increase in happiness level of women thus bringing about improvement in productivity of all the members in the family.Low child mortality rates as people would not have backward mentality (girl being a burden).Each of these factors in turn has a positive impact on economic growth.