How Impotent Is P.e In High School

What do i do when i get erection in school?

Find the closest attractive girl and stick it in there.

High School Showers and water polo/pe?

You should ALWAYS shower after sports to remove the sweat and dirt. It is not healthy to go home without showering and even less healthy to spend the rest of the school day in a dirty condition.

Most swimming pools expect you to shower before use so as to remove dirt and oils from your skin that otherwise mess up the pool systems. After swimming you should always immediately shower to remove the chlorine from your body. Failing to do so will make you smell like the pool for hours afterwards! The chlorine will also gradually turn into hydrochloric acid which will harm your skin and, worse still, rot your clothes.

When showering you need to remove your shorts or trunks so as to be able to properly clean your pubic area. If uncircumcised you must retract your foreskin and wash fully under there as well. Attempting to shower with some clothing still on not only makes you look stupid but also frustrates the purpose of showering as you cannot clean your whole body. Your pubic area actually tends to sweat more than most other parts of your body and develops a bad odour quicker.

Don't worry about being naked around your school mates, it is perfectly natural in a locker room or shower. You all have the same equipment 'down there'! It is also perfectly natural and normal to glance at your friends to compare your development with theirs (and for them to glance at you too). Nobody stares at another in the showers or locker room, but we are all curious to see how we compare and thus take short glances.

It is also perfectly natural to occasionally get an erection in the showers. Just don't draw attention to it and nobody else will bother about it. These things happen from time to time with boys passing through puberty and mean nothing other than that you are growing up into a man.

If more boys took regular showers at school there would be far fewer "Is my penis the right size for my age" questions on Yahoo! Answers as they would have seen their peers in the showers and been able to see for themselves the wide range of sizes at their age and that they would eventually develop further.

What is gym class like in high school?

How do I begin….Everyone is probably talking, the teacher yells and tells you to go run around the gym for a “warmup”. After a few half-assed laps you stop, and now it's time for stretching. You do a few basic stretches which don't help. The rest of the time is spent learning some sort of sport, which actually fun. When you actually get to play, that's a different matter. The teams are almost always not fair. The kids who actually did sports usually won.The bell rings, and you go to the locker room. You're sweaty and debate whether you can shower or not, you don't and it's off to the next class.

Is it really true that vodka and menthol cigarettes cause impotency in men? If yes, how much is too much?

It is true that with consistent use of any alcohol or smoking that it may lead to a sexual dysfunction such as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation. In fact, alcohol is the one of the leading causes of impotence. Alcohol and smoking puts a physiological strain on your body that can cause stress and internal complications in our sex lives. Out of 100 men studied with smoking and alcohol dependence, 72% had a prevalence for sexual dysfunction.  This study was based on an impatient stay of up to 2 weeks with no more than (8-42 drinks per day=30 ml)  Hope this gives you some insight on how much is to much.  Resource: National Institute of Health Libraries

What are good reasons for wearing school uniforms?

According to Wikipedia, a uniform means a set of standard clothing worn by members of an organization while participating in that organization’s activity. People generally wearing uniforms are armed forces, police, emergency services, schools and workplaces. Uniform also means to be the same, and without any difference.With these basic ideas in mind the concept of having a common dress came in to picture. If the dress of the members of an organization remains the same then there is a sense on commonality which develops amongst them.So here is 4 reasons why uniforms are integral part of school or any organization.1.Uniform as perks: In some large organizations or school, it is considered as an honor and a kind of perk to receive uniform. This results in considerable conservation of time and energy of a child, as he doesn’t have to choose again and again the clothes to be worn at the school. Also a lot of money is saved since rarely will that child will be buying new clothes.2.A sense of belonging: If everyone wears the same clothes to the school then they share a feeling of commonness and belonging, which other wise gets very difficult to achieve.3.A feeling of equality: Uniform brings every one to the same platform, no matter how rich or poor he or she is and thus inculcating a feeling of equality amongst those wearing the uniform.4.Mutual growth: People wearing uniform are more caring for their fellows, they care not only for their growth but the growth of their peers as well. Uniforms are very important and fosters traits which are very necessary for a person as an individual and an organization as a whole to thrive and prosper.Thank You. :)

I think I'm being sexually harassed at school please help!?

Well I'm a freshman in high school and there is a senior guy that keeps saying things that make me feel dirty and bad. I do not dress slutty and don't have a bad reputation at all, but I've been told that I'm very attractive. Anyways, the guy is very popular at our high school and I'm scared that nobody will believe me. One time in my PE class I was playing tennis and he was like "I bet you suck way more balls than you hit them" and he says sick stuff like that. Another day I was in the locker room checking my hair in the mirror and he came in and asked me if I was the only one there so I ran out and he shouted that if I came back he would be naked. Another time he accused me of touching him inappropriately and I didn't even touch him. I'm getting really scared and feel like he knows he has more power over me. I haven't told my friends about it cause I feel bad and dirty. What should I do? Is this considered sexual harassment or should i just ignore it?

Why is biology important to study?

Biology is life. Understanding biology helps you understand how your body functions and how your pets’ bodies function and if you have children and/or a spouse, how their bodies function. This matters because it affects your health and diet. You can communicate better with doctors, veterinarians and other health professionals if you understand biology. Biology helps you understand what you read on the Internet or elsewhere that relates to science, health and medicine and evaluate if it’s true or not. Biology helps you raise plants or tend a yard. When you go out hiking in nature, biology helps you understand what you are seeing and the importance of it to the earth and humanity. I remember when I was 16 and backpacking that I was lecturing the counselor about the ecosystems we were passing through (something I had been studying). The health of the planet and humanity depends on the health of ecosystems. To fully understand ecology, though, you have to understand the foundations of biology too—chemistry, physics and cellular biology. When I was in college, one of my biology professors took us to a university that was built wrong for the ecology of the area (not taking into account what the ground was made of) and the buildings were sinking because of this. It was hard to even open some of the doors because of the sinking. He said if the builders has hired an ecologist this wouldn’t have happened. So biology and the related sciences (geology) affect building construction as well.

Is what I did during this basketball game cool or did I go too far?

Those jerks and people similar to them responsible for her sorrow state would hate you but it's motivational for other sensible guys and those who sympathetic to the girl, and others who refuse to pay attention to such serious issues, it will draw their attention and make think. What you did was nice, but stay calm and strong, don't fill your mind of hate and anger or those annoyed indecent assholes would try to stab your back. Be safe. I have serious complains from Men's society and their attitude toward girls/women in general and the government as well. Government seems impotent in resolving these problems of bullies, molestation, abuse etc in every nation and society and Men's perversion has gone too far to give them any sort of help.