How Is Education In The Us

How does education help us in our lives?

The higher a person education/literacy skills are, means a person has better choices of employment, better income, better social status, better health care choices and economic wealth.

However if a persons education/literacy skills are poor, they are limited to the types of employment they can apply for, due to an inability to read or write well, if at all. Lowering their income, social status, economic wealth, and health care choices.

There is a fairly significant difference between the incomes, of the higher and the lower educated, which causes huge shifts in economic wealth etc, and the countries economies.

Many employers do spend substantial amounts to train and educate staff, to maintain productivity etc. So many employers will employ a highly educated person, over the lower educated.

There are many reasons why a person has poor literacy skills, it can be due to their families low income (vicious circle of poverty), poor health, family breakdown, drug & alcohol abuse, a learning disability, and in some cases some peoples unwillingness to learn.

How does education help a person?

Education is essential for everyone.It is the level of education that helps people earn respect and recognition. In my opinion, it is indispensable part of life both personally and socially. However, the unequal standard of education is still a major problem that needs to be solved.Imagine the world without schools, colleges, universities,Impossible! Right?Education is giving and gaining knowledge. Education helps us to choose the right path, how to walk on that path, how to deal with the obstacles.Education is the most powerful weapon to safeguard ourselves and gives us confidence to stand for what is right.Education helps us to distinguish between what is reasonable and unreasonable. Education is like the battery in the electronic gadgets.Education builds our personality, because what we learn, we become. Education is not what we gain in schools or colleges, it is what we learn from our own or other's experience. It can be imparted or gained by anyone and everyone irrespective of age.Thanks for A2A.

What life lessons does education teach us?

It depends on what kind of education, but for the most part. Just about everything really does help us out.

When in class, you are asked to work with your peers and work on group projects, right? This is a form of teamwork that can be used outside of school and into the work place or even at home.

Math in the class tries to strain your brain a little to solve addition and subtraction, which can go into how you spend or money, what will be left over, or how you save it.

In Literature, Reading, and English classes; it improves your grammar, writing, understanding, or sometimes how you think of things. So when you're talking to people you can absorb what information they're feeding you and putting it into simpler terms so they don't trick you, such as in contracts. Also, in understanding, when going over a manual to fix something or understanding how it works, reading can play a great role here.

Some teachers in history or in writing will ask you to write an essay and give a speech, by doing so you can get more comfortable talking in crowds so that you'll become more social or be a better help to others.

History takes more then just that, in history you're learning about things in the past and will help you understand that what happens in the past can help shape our future so that we won't make the same mistakes again.

Art class even plays a great role, you can understand what the shapes are that are used in your everyday surrounding, from the octagon of a stop sign to the architecture of a building. Art also helps with much more, it shows emotions in color.

When you see your home, the colors around you can really tell other people who you are and what you're like.

I don't know if you've experienced this in school, but we're given little bell ringers to start out our day, usually they'll give us a sentence to correct, a word to understand, or sometimes they give you a type of problem to solve, and it's not always math, it may be a real-life riddle.
When you see someone being bullied, what would you do? Those kind of things will also help you understand your basic thoughts. Some of us don't think about what we'd do, so when asked, we do actually think about it and our thought processes change often.

Just about everything in basic education gives us life lessons or things we can use in life to make it better or suitable to live in.