How Is It Possible For Me To Love My Best Friend But Hate Him At The Same Time

Why do I hate my best friend?

You cannot hate your best friend. f you hate her, she is not your friend.That’s the truth but reality is somewhat more layered. You can feel hatred for someone who has the ability to hurt you and nobody can hurt you more than someone who knows you well. They know where your weak spots are and they know how to push your buttons. Giving them knowledge gives them power. Understanding WHY you hurt will bring you far greater wisdom. With maturity, I have learned to welcome pain because I understand that growth without pain is not possible. When you feel hatred, choose to respond in love. It’s amazing how things change when you do this.

My 2 best friends are in love with my teacher, what should I do?

Hi Sweetie Pie,
My advise is simply let them enjoy their crushes on your teacher. No amount of what you say right now will register with them. In fact, by contradicting them, you are positioning yourself as an enemy to them. Whether it's right or wrong? What they are feeling is natural. I've heard plenty of stories about students falling for the teacher and vice versa. But as long as nothing is happening, as long as they are doing any seducing, they have every right to feel a "crush". After it's a most natural feeling and it just comes. It becomes wrong when they go out of their way to flirt and seduce your teacher. For the mean time, just keep quiet and don't make any more comments. Believe me, you have said your part, now it's time to be silent. If you remain friends, which I think you should, you will laugh about this in the future years.

Love and Hate my best friend at the same time? Advice?

My best friend and I have been friends since birth. There wasn't any point in my life where we weren't in each others lives. After 20 years of friendship a lot has happened in 20 years. I absolutely love her because she is practically my sister. But for some reason there is this deep and dark hatred, jealousy, and resentment. I have always shared everything with her. My two brothers are as close to her as I am. My parents are like second parents to her, they even refer to her as "their second daughter." But it is not the same for me, her family isn't as welcoming. I am not close to any of her brothers. If anything just on awkward friendly terms. And I am also not really close to her parents, just politeness. My family takes her on all our family vacations and everything. But that never really bothered me because I enjoyed her company. But in high school she waited two years to tell me that she had been occasionally making out with my brother for those years. I knew she had a crush on him and I understand it was probably difficult for her to tell me. But i was still kind of annoyed that it took two years. (meanwhile he did have a girlfriend at the time). Then my brother had a new girlfriend (who is still together with til this day) and she is like a sister to me and a great friend. But at my high school graduation party at night my best friend and my brother slept together. Even after she said she would never hook up with him again, she did. And this time she was always the reason for him to cheat on my brothers girlfriend who is good friends of both her and I. Ever since, My brother and I aren't as close anymore. We barely speak and rarely see each other even when we are under the same roof. I am studying abroad and have been away from everyone for 3 months now and I figured these feelings would go away but even thinking about everything that happened and that she did to me makes me more angry. I dont want to be angry at her because she is my best friend and I know i do love her. Its such a burden to look at your best friend and see her as ugly, devious, and annoying because I know she really isn't like that. I really need advice. I don't know what to do anymore. Thanks!

Can he hate me and love me at the same time?

The guy I like and I never dated but we always liked each other. Him and I had a fallout that led to a huge distance between us. We haven't talked in a year and a half and as of right now, he and his group of friends hate me. We were the best of friends anybody could ever imagine and from that grew our supposed "romantic relationship".

I hear from others how much he can't stand me and bla bla this and bla bla that about me; really horrible stuff... I just can't help but feel that there's more to his anger than just pure hatred towards me. I've done things to hurt him some intentionally and some unintentionally. These things were never clarified and I suppose it has a lot to do with how he's reacting. Since so much time has passed, I figured the distance would make him move on with his life but I found out that most of the times that he gets drunk, he starts talking to his friends about how much he hates me and then when he sobers up he's like "Ohhh it's just that people that cause drama bother me so much so I can't help but say stuff"... Mind you guys, I have not even made myself seen in a year and a half almost, needless to say cause any drama!

Although I have never texted or called him again since our fallout last year, he continues to talk **** about me. To be honest, it hurts. I care about him still but I can't get anywhere past his wall of rage and anger so I don't even bother approaching him; I just live my life. Plus, to me it seems fairly obvious he doesn't want to talk to me. His friends and him talk bad about me, he never texted me or called me since the fallout... But then again, neither did I.

Is this just pure hatred that he can't control or are there any underlined feelings that need to be resolved? Should I risk talking to him? I need a bold and sincere answer please! :`(

How is it possible to hate and love one particular person at the same time?

Yes. I do think its possible. I love and hate my ex-boyfriend all at the same time. I love him because through meeting him, he has raised my standards for what I will accept in a relationship. I hate him because he seems to have moved on without any delay in finding other women to sleep with. Jealousy is tearing me apart from the inside out,

i love what is kind and wonderful about him, and I hate the selfish part of him. Part of me will always love him, and I am sad not because we are no longer together, but because I took a major risk and I got badly burned.

Is it possible to love yourself yet also hate yourself?

Sure it is.
You don't hate yourself, you just don't like some things about yourself and yu could just be too hard on yourself. Like if I make a mistake, I'll think to myself "No, you d*ck". And I don't like myself for being shy, cause I hate being called shy. But at the same time, I also like things about myself too, and like being me.

Why do you say you hate yourself? What don't you like about yourself?
I think you mean dislike. Hate is a very strong word. In my mind, hate means that you couldn't care less if they got run over by a bus. It's kind of like an evil word. Dislike just means there are things about someone that you are not attracted to, morally or generally speaking. It's in compatibility.

And I know what you mean, you'd never let anyone else put you down. But I guess since you've been you for so long, you're comfortable enough to say whatever you want in your mind. It's just you.

Be wary of being too cocky. Confidence is attractive, but cocky can come off as unlikeable.

Something tells me that you are being too hard on yourself. You should credit yourself for the things you do right, who you are, how you look, your achievement, parts of your personality etc. You're never going to be anybody else but you, so you might as well be nice to yourself, because this will make you happier, more at peace with yourself and it will boost your self-esteem.

You can choose to be your own worst enemy or your own best friend you can ever have.
At the end of the day, it's your choice.
Be comfortable in your own skin and just be you.
Take care. xx