How Is Professor X Still Alive In Xmen Days Of Future Past

How is Professor X still alive in Xmen Days Of Future Past?

Perhaps the most contentious of the Days of Future Past continuity errors is the fact that Professor Charles Xavier is alive in the future despite having been killed in X-Men: The Last Stand. While the end credits button scene for The Last Stand does suggest that Professor X, or at least his consciousness, is still alive, Days of Future Past never explains why the character looks exactly the same, or is still a paraplegic. Some will say that Xavier’s consciousness jumped into the mind of a twin brother, but, as we see it, there are two better options for solving this problem.

Option 1 is to have Professor X stay dead. Many films undermine their predecessor’s end credits scenes, and in this case the scene is vague at best. Our solution is to have it be Magneto who urges Wolverine to go back in time and save Mystique, rather than Charles. We suspect that Magneto, and likely all the mutants, are well aware that it is Mystique’s DNA that gives the future Sentinels their advantage, and so it’s easy to see Magneto realizing that the time travel solution is the only one. In turn, this choice would make the final scenes in Days of Future Past - where Wolverine discovers all of the X-Men crew alive and well – all the more poignant. Wolverine is relieved to see Jean and Cyclops alive, but the big reveal would then become Professor X, who then tells Logan all he missed in the mean time.

Option 2 is a little more complex, but easier to pull off with minimal changes to Days of Future Past. Essentially, what we propose is a solution where Professor X is actually projecting a vision of himself into the minds of the X-Men, but he’s really in another person’s body. We know that Xavier and other telepaths are capable of this – we saw such powers on display in a few scenes from First Class – so it’s possible Professor X is tricking the X-men into thinking they are talking to him. This would also keep in line with The Last Stand button scene, and The Wolverine end credits scene as well.

How we would find out that it’s not truly Professor X comes when young Charles (James McAvoy) communicates with elder Charles (Patrick Stewart) and sees through the visage. In that scene, Professor X could explain what happened and the ruse he has been pulling off for years. And again, the final scenes with Professor X could focus on how Wolverine saved the real Professor X from death.

X-men days our future past?

Well, in the end of that movie, the professor is still alive with Moira, remember? I'm not sure if he transported his mind into a clon Moira had already prepared or if he somehow managed to teleport himself.I think the first option is more plausible. But whatever happened, he was still alive.

Hope it helps! ;)

X-men days of future past?

Welcome to comics/comic-based films/cartoons: no one. ever. stays. dead. But in this case I think it was just because Wolverine went back in time.

How is Charles Xavier alive in X-Men: Days of Future Past? Didn't he die in The Last Stand?

There is post credit scene in the last stand, Charles being alive. Also, in the spin-off movie Wolverine, Magneto and Charles comes together to airport to meet Wolverine. Some say, Charles teleported himself to his twin brothers body.

X men days of future past question?

What car was Wolverine driving towards the beginning when he arrives at Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters? It was near the beginning of when he travels back in time. It was black with like a arrow like back. Thanks a ton tried looking all over the web but I couldn't find it.

Explain the X-men Days of future past ending?

So a couple of things I'm curious about,
Where does Eric go after Mystique doesn't shoot the president?
Why was Mystique on the boat that found Wolverine?
What could've happened to Striker?
Everything that happened in the old trilogy is changed, so how did Wolverine even meet professor X?
Will Wolverine still have adamantium claws?
Did Magneto ever build the brotherhood after the events of the changed past?
All these things that's happened in the movie, WHERE'S LOGANS BROTHER VICTOR????!!!

Is X-Men : Days of Future Past a good movie?

I loved the movie and rate it 9 out of 10. I respectfully disagree with Saffren. I thought there was a lot of character subplots, especially with the young Magneto, Professor Xavier, and Mystique. Even Wolverine's back story was flushed out and everything made sense in the end.

Great cast of acting involved and intriguing story, which I will not spoil for you. Xmen Days of Future past was definitely the most emotional comic film I have ever seen as well. What surprised me the most was that this movie was able to tie in all the previous xmen versions together using the past and future timelines. Well written movie. It's got it's action, sadness, anger, funny and inspiration moments.

I definitely recommend watching it.

X-men days of future past explanations?

so i just watched days of future past and the movie is just as confusing as the title. The main problem i have with it is understanding the motives of mistique, magneto, and charles/logan etc.
So they broke magneto out of confinement to help them change the future (what they were planning to do, I dont know.) Why did Erik suddenly turn against Logan and Charles? Erik wanted to kill mistique to prevent the midget from getting her DNA, right? So she wanted to kill him because he tried to do the same to her? Why was mistique resquing the military mutants at the camp? Since when can kitty send people's minds through time? Was she just sitting there focusing on Logan for however many days he was in the 70s? I realize that the process might have just been a few minutes or hours, but it seemed like Logan was reacting to drowning in real time. Dis moovie got me twisted.

If X-Men: Days of Future Past is the sequel to X-Men: Last Stand, why is Charles Xavier alive?

In an after-credits scene (X-Men:The Last Stand), Xavier speaks to Moira McTaggert through the body of a comatose man, implying that his consciousness survived by transferring itself into the body (An action that Xavier had discussed at the beginning of the film as part of an ethics class, the question being if it would be ethically right for a mutant like himself to attempt such a transference). In the directors commentary for the DVD, it is revealed that the man that Charles transferred his consciousness to was really his identical twin brother, whose mind had been destroyed at birth when Charles power's manifested. (Link: Charles Xavier)However, we have to assume that even Xavier's twin brother survives on a wheel chair.

At the beginning of X-Men: Days of Future Past, how does Magneto have his powers?

Don't seek logic in X-Men Series. In first part Logan killed Raven but she was back in the next part. HOW????  In X-Men United Jean died in the end but was back in the next part. HOW???? In X-Men The Last Stand Professor X died but was back in the end of 6th part and the reason he gave to Logan that he was not the only one lucky. I don't know how it qualifies as a reason. Moreover in the end of X-Men First Class, it is shown that Professor Charles could not feel his legs in a very young age but still he is shown standing and walking at older age in X-Men The Last Stand and X-Men Origins Wolverine. No logic in the movie.