How Is The Government Shutdowns All Obamas Fault

Why did the U.S. government shut down in October 2013?

Disclaimer: I personally support Obamacare. The most direct answer is that the Tea-Party Republicans are to blame. They are the ones who are forcing Boehner to do this government shutdown.  The fact of the matter is, the constituents of the Tea-Party Republicans hate Obamacare SO much, that they will vote them out if they DON'T make a move against Obamacare.  They will be out of office if they DON'T take a stand against Obamacare.  They were voted into office precisely for this reason.  They HAVE to do this.  But nothing is done in a vacuum.  You have to ask yourselves, why does the Tea-Party so strongly control so many districts?  Why do they use such vicious tactics?The answer to that question is that Obama is to blame.  Obama is ultimately to blame for this government shutdown, because it's exactly the type of politics that Obama played in 2009.  There was no Tea-Party in 2009.  There were no Tea-Party Republicans.  Democrats controlled both the Senate and the House.  So what did Obama do?  He passed Obamacare without a single Republican vote.  He basically wrote the Republicans off.  He tried to pass the biggest form of legislation in US Government in 20-30 years via a partisan vote.  He didn't care what the Republicans thought.  He ignored the minority.  He made a lot of Republicans very very angry.  So what do they do now?  In 2010, a whole bunch of Tea-Party movement people got swept into power precisely to take down Obamacare and to reign in the debt.  These people were elected specifically to take down Obama.  And that's what they're doing.  Obama shoved the law down their throats, so the Republicans are using the same tactics to get back at Obama.  The Moderate Republicans might have allied with the Democrats against the Tea-Partiers, but now they won't because Obama burned his bridges with them in 2009.  Republicans feel that Obama wanted his name on one of the biggest pieces of legislation in the 20th century for his own legacy.  That's why they don't trust Obama.  Moderate Republicans trust the Tea-Partiers far more than they trust Obama.  So ultimately, both Tea-Party Republicans and Obama are to blame. Obama caused divisive politics by pushing through major legislation in the narrowest vote ever for any major law.  Of course they're going to fight back.

Why did Donald Trump say that a government shutdown is the fault of the president?

Donald Trump said that a federal government shutdown is the fault of the President because at the time Barack Obama was Commander-in-Chief. His animosity toward the 44th President of the United States is one history’s worst kept secrets.Now that he is tasked with the serving the best possible interests of all Americans, not only his hardcore supporters, Trump constantly abdicates his duties and avoids responsibility/accountability.Since the federal government has shutdown, Trump has been blaming the Democratic Party and it’s leadership even though during a call-in to Fox & Friends in 2013 he made it very clear that he felt is always the president’s fault.Donald Trump Blames Government Shutdown On President Obama In 2013

Do you remember the partial government shutdown during Obama's administration?

Sounds like you’re implying it was Obama’s fault. In reality, it was the fault of congressional Republicans throwing a tantrum in which they refused to raise the debt ceiling. This led to ratings agencies lowering their credit rating on U.S. debt, which added to the cost (borne by taxpayers) of servicing that debt. It also hit the markets hard, as investors feared the U.S. might default.In the end, Republicans had to retreat from their poorly constructed strategy, which they had implemented for political purposes in hopes of hurting Obama (they’d voted dozens of times to raise the debt ceiling when Republican presidents were in the White House).

If a government shutdown happens this December, who would get the blame, Democrats or Republicans?

The Democrat Party Brass will blame the Republican Party Brass for not being reasonable in their rush to screw over ordinary Citizens to bolster corporate profits.The Republican Party Brass will blame the Democratic Party Brass for “refusing to negotiate” (aka: Help them sell Citizens out to bolster corporate profits)Both partys will scream these accusations at the top of their lungs in our “news” media (read: Orwellian INGSOC) and NO ONE will take ANY action to end the real problems Citizens face:Obama’s TRUE legacy Yes, Bush passed it AND Obama fucking cosigned it.. freely. Shitweasles.Inside the Foreclosure Crisis Here's what they're doing with those homes they stole from Citizens Did you REALLY think those homes were ever going to be for sale to us peons?Civil Asset Forfeiture Skyrocketed Under Obama Here's Trump doing the EXACT SAME SHIT. The Bipartisan Opposition to Sessions's New Civil-Forfeiture RulesSeriously people? EVERY Administration since Reagan (including Obama) has fully and freely cosigned this blatantly racist, corporate fascist, shit. Watch for Trump’s next move… Nixon's Chief Advisor Confesses-- Real Reason for Drug War was to Criminalize Blacks and HippiesOh… and BOTH sets of Party Brass absolutely “Love Our Veterans! !”… at least until it's time to actually fucking care for them after their mental health is destroyed by PTSD in their wars for profit. 25. “Chaptered Out”: US Military Seeks to Balance Budget on Backs of Disabled Veterans - Top 25 Most Censored Stories of 2013-2014Am I seriously the only one who sees a pattern here folks?Corruption is Legal in America

How long will the government shutdown? goig to last?

If there is a government shutdown for 2013, how long will they last?

about a couple months or even years?

I just don't want it to last long because I don't want to the law enforcement to stop doing their job - which is catching theft and etc.

Has the government shutdown squashed Trump’s chances of being re-elected in 2020? Will his approval rating remain low in the months to come?

Not really. People judge a President based on how he has been doing in the last few days, not the last few years. Voters have a very short memory, and even if Trump were in prison, you would see voters like Mikael show up and claim it is all the Democrats fault.By almost every standard, Trump is the most corrupt person ever to seriously run for President, much less win. Each month, he commits five to ten crimes that would have gotten Obama (or Bush or Reagan, or anyone else) impeached.For example, Trump has repeatedly pressured the Department of Justice and the FBI to investigate and prosecute political adversaries like Hillary Clinton. Not only would Obama have been impeached for that, Republicans threatened to impeach him just for knowing about it.In addition, Trump lies more times per day, about bigger issues, than the last six Presidents put together. If his almost pathological lying and numerous felonies have not hurt his campaign, then the shutdown is not likely to do much damage.