How Lame Would You Say You Are And Why

Am I "lame" My daughter says I am....?

Actually I think that is hilarious. Anyway, obviously you guys have a fun relationship if you are both going to read all of these answers together and hopefully laugh at them (because most of them are ridiculous). I'm still in my 20s but feel totally out of touch with the younger generation (like the current teenagers), I'm sure I'd be lame too. Don't worry, all parents are lame aren't they? At least all the parents that kids grow up to love and eventually think are cool.

How would you say "lame" in French?

Lame is translated as infirme, boiteux, faible (weak), paralysé... (1) I don't see it as slang

If "you're not voting? Lame" you could translate lame as
"excuse boiteuse" (poor excuse) or "argument boiteux" (2) and Webster also give "boiteux" for lame

How do you say your lame in spanish?

Eres lamentable. Or, eres patético.

Hope i helped you!!!.

Have a nice day!!.



Would you say that lame rhymes with cane?

It depends on what kind of poem you want.

The answer would be no if you want your poem to have a "Masculine Rhyme" where as the ending is stressed with the same exact sound ( in your case, lame would rhyme with anything that has an -ame sound, and cane would not be one of them)

It would be yes if you were trying to have a "Forced Rhyme" where as you trying to make the rhyme, despite the fact it does not have the -ame sound. Poets such as Edgar Allen Poe, Dr. Suess and Shakespeare usually use this strategy, so its not a bad idea to use this tool.

How do you say "This party is lame" in Spanish?

No you don't use cojo, only a person can be cojo.
You can say:
Que fiesta tan huesera.
Que huesera de fiesta.
This is Colombian slang, but there really is no word for lame. This is how I would say it.
And remember you don't pronounce the H :)

What do you say if someone calls you lame?

So you think the word "lame" is just used to put others down, just like silence is?
How would you respond if someone says "lame" after you say something?

What's your lame superpower?

I can use the Placebo Effect effectively on myself!For those of you who don't know what placebo effect is, here are some detailsA placebo is anything that seems to be a "real" medical treatment -- but isn't. It could be a pill, a shot, or some other type of "fake" treatment. What all placebos have in common is that they do not contain an active substance meant to affect health.Source: The Placebo Effect: What Is It?Except in my case, I don't even need a fake pill to be physically present.So, whenever I am having headache or any sort of pain and I don't have the necessary medicine available with me, I just imagine that I have the right pill physically present in my hand, and then I enact all the steps one undertakes while taking a pill.Now here comes the training-my-mind part. I know that I have not taken the pill actually as it's just an imaginary pill. I then train my mind to believe that I have actually taken the correct pill necessary to relieve pain. To train my mind, I just keeping saying myself, "Now that I've taken the medicine, everything will be fine". I say it over and over again in my mind until I actually believe it.And YES, this tricked has worked for me quite a few times now.This trick doesn't work for me in cases of severe pain.Not quite a lame super-power I would say, it comes in handy sometimes!The real lame ones would beI am able to touch my elbow with my tongue.I am able to touch my nose with my tongue.I have voluntary control over my head muscles and I can move them back and forth as I wish, which gives an impression that I am wearing a wig!I can wiggle my ears and to do so, I move my head muscles which give a feeling that I can wiggle my ears. I can do mirror-writing, that is, I can write in a way which could only be read when viewed in a mirror.

What do you think of/say to people who call you lame?

you can respond with:

1.)..and I care what you think because... what? Yea. I can't think of a reason either.
2.)When I want your opinion, I will beat it out of you. (friends in a joking manner only, of course)
3.) What's that? I hear the ramblings of the village idiot. (or use the non PC terms for those of low mental intellect)
4.) And at what point did you start to matter?

What should I do when someone calls me lame?

You don’t have to do anything. The thing is, people will think what they want to think, and it’s hard to change their minds. There is no magic dance or talent show that can completely change peoples minds like in the movies.That’s okay though because everyone is lame in some way or another. A lot of the time, when people feel the need to go out of their way to put someone down, it’s because they themselves are insecure over their own lame qualities. Just embrace what makes you “you” and don’t pay what they say any mind.But if you are looking for an action to take, a solution I like to use is humor. It’s hard to make fun of someone’s imperfections if they have already embraced it, usually it leads to the antagonizer to getting bored. Look at the movie Pitch Perfect. The character “Fat Amy” is clearly the most popular character out of that movie franchise. From the very beginning of the movie she makes it a point to call herself Fat Amy so that people can’t use her weight against her.I know when I get called lame, I like to brush it off with a light joke. I remember when I was in college, I had a roommate (one I wasn’t really close to) that asked if I was a virgin in front of her friends. I told her the truth and said, yes. One friend actually asked if that means I haven’t had had sex. Another shouted “No it means she hasn’t had sex, done kissing…she’s done nothing” which made the other say “wow, that’s lame, what wrong with you? How do you live?” The rest started snickering.I laughed, smiled, and said with confidence and snark, but no malice “One… You described a nun, not a virgin…Two… Guys are like food to me, and I’m a picky eater. ‘Aint nothing wrong with having high standards and not indulging on some of that junk food I usually end up on dates with.”It managed to change the topic onto some good old dating horror stories. I turned a potentially awkward and lame thing about me I was once insecure about, and gave it a confident and positive spin, while also finding something the others could relate to.In Short:-Don’t let it get to you-Find a way to relate if you can.-Have a sense of humor about things you like, and about yourself.-Have confidence in who you are and what you like. Because you have every reason to be!