How Long Does A Fractured Or Sprained Wrist Take To Heal

How long does a sprained wrist take to heal?

The time it takes to heal depends on how bad the sprain is. It could heal in a few days, or it could take a few weeks. For now, take some advil and brace it so it won't hurt while using it. I have foam pads designed for the wrist that go from mid palm to halfway up my forearm. There are laces on the back so it can be adjusted to the perfect fit. Trust me. Get one like that. That type is so good that I've used it for broken wrists and was still able to use my hand just fine while it was on. Ace bandages will allow you to move your wrist and keep it agitated. The foam one that's one piece with laces is perfect. I actually have two of the things, one for each side. Yes, I know that most people want one that could be used on both wrists, but none of the others work at all compared to these.

How long does it take for sprained wrists to heal? I sprained both of my wrists 11 days ago, and I am a piano performer with a competition this Sunday. Any recommendations for healing or reducing pain?

Sprains are generally a weeks-to-months kind of injury. The severity of the ligament damage and how soon you began a RICE (rest/ice/compression/elevation) treatment will be the main factors in how long the healing takes.I’m NOT a doctor. Go see one if you haven’t already done so. An MRI or X-ray may be needed to determine the severity of the injury.If there isn’t any bruising/swelling around the wrists, only stiffness, you may have a mild sprain or not actually sprained anything. Refer to #2.If you’re a black n blue mess, refer to #2.After 11 day’s, if you’re still in pain, bruised and/or swollen, odds are not in your favor of being fully healed in a few more days. With sprains, it’s not only ligament damage, but nerve damage that can take time to heal. Finally,Refer to #2. Best wishes for a full recovery.

How long does a sprained wrist take to heal?

I hurt my wrist about three months ago. I went to the doctor the day that it happened and they took X-rays and said it was just a sprain and would heal within a month or so. But it still hurts sometimes, especially when I put weight on it. Does it usually take this long for a sprained wrist or heal, or could it be that it was actually broken?

How long would a sprained wrist take to heal?

If I understand your system correctly the A & E is for emergencies? If so, make an appointment to see your doctor. You may have had either a strain or a sprain, and they are different. You should see a physician for an exam to make sure there is not fracture. One particular fracture to the scaphoid (or navicular) bone in the wrist can be fairly serious if not treated properly. For this reason, any wrist injury should be seen by a physician for an evaluation. The time frame for recovery varies with the individual and type of injury, and also whether or not there was proper treatment, but it can be several weeks. Read more about it here.

I am a waitress and i have a sprained wrist how long does it take to heal?

It will depend on the severity of the sprain or strain and how you take care of the injury.

Strains are injuries that affect muscles or tendons, thick bands that attach muscles to bones. They occur in response to a quick tear, twist, or pull of the muscle. Strains are an acute type of injury that results from overstretching or over contraction. Pain, weakness, and muscle spasms are common symptoms experienced after a strain occurs.

Sprains are injuries that affect ligaments, thick bands of cartilage that attach bone to bone. They occur in response to a stretch or tear of a ligament. Sprains are an acute type of injury that results from trauma such as a fall or outside force that displaces the surrounding joint from its normal alignment. Sprains can range from a mild ligamentous stretch to a complete tear. Bruising, swelling, instability, and painful movement are common symptoms experienced after a sprain occurs.

RICE is the acronym used for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. It is used as the best initial treatment of soft tissue injuries such as sprains, strains, and contusions. The combination of RICE helps reduce inflammation that occurs after acute injury. It is important to remember that the earlier this treatment is put into place, the more effective it is.

Rest: Rest and protect the injured area.

Ice: Apply ice to the injury. The cold will reduce swelling and pain at the injured site. This step should be done as soon as possible. Apply the frozen object to the area for 20 minutes three times a day for the first 48 hours.

Compression: Compress the injured site. This will decreases swelling of the injured region. Although the wrap should be snug, make sure it is not too tight as this can cause numbness, tingling, or increased pain.

Elevation: Elevate the injured area above the level of the heart as much as possible. This technique will also assist in reducing the amount of swelling to the injured site.

Once the pain and swelling are eliminated, you should start gradual range of motion exercises but not to the point of pain. Each day your range of motion will increase slightly. Continue until you have complete range of motion. Than start gentle strengthening exercises to re-build the strength in the wrist.

The stiffness will go away over time.

Good Luck

How long does it take for a moderate to severe wrist sprain to heal?

Severe sprains can take a number of weeks or even months to heal completely.WebMD says expect it to take 2 to 10 weeks. The older you are, the slower it may heal. I strongly suggest a wrist brace because without it, you are liable to use your wrist before it heals and thus delay healing. Take Motrin/ibuprofen with some crackers or fruit on your stomach. After about 12 hours have elapsed since the injury, you can use heat. One of the best treatments is to alternate heat and ice as this has the benefit of bringing blood flow to and then shunting blood flow away from the area so that your body can work on the inflammation.Good luck.

How long does it take for a strained wrist to heal?

Technically a strain is when muscle tissue is injured, a sprain is when ligaments or tendons are injured. I'm betting you have a sprain.
Ligaments and tendons are made of the same material. They are differentiated per their function: ligaments attach bone to other bone for the purpose of structural integrity, tendons attach muscle to bone on order to translate motion or add support via muscular contraction. There are a few muscles that are close to your wrist but there are many tendons and numerous ligaments at and around your wrist.
If you moderately strained a muscle, with proper rest and care, it should heal over the course of 10-14 days; a severe strain closer to a month. If you moderately sprained a ligament or tendon, with proper rest and care, you can expect the pain to decrease significantly over the course of 2-3 weeks but, due to these structures not having a direct blood supply and healing very slowly, you will be at risk for re-aggravation for as long as 2-3 months; a severe strain could hang on for 4-6 months and would probably require you to wear a wrist brace.
Try this: If you are at least 72 hours post injury (to get past the acute swelling phase) put a dry heat heating pad on the area while you sit in front of a TV, have a cold pack ready. Use the TV as a timer: while the program is on (regular TV, not news or sports) have the heat on, while the commercials are on apply the cold pack right on your skin (if you don't have an ice pack, put 3-4 ice cubes in a zip-lock baggie and do an ice massage over the area). This results in approximately 12 mins heat and 3 mins cold. Repeat this four times in the space of one hour.
The heat opens up the blood flow and brings in fresh blood, oxygen, and nutrients; the cold shuts the blood flow down and flushes away extra fluid, irritants, and waste products. This cleansing and replenishing action allows your body to heal as well, and as quickly, as possible.
Hope this helps,
Good luck!

How long is it takes for a sprained wrist to healed?

It took my severely sprained wrist about 10 days to get close to normal. It still felt weak for quite awhile and the nifty colors of the bruising didn't go away for about two weeks.

How long does it take for a sprained hand to heal?

First, just to clarify for other readers: a sprain refers to the joint, bone or ligament. This is different from a strain, which refers to muscles and tendons. There are 3 levels (grades) of sprains. Grade 1 sprain: minor sprain; 1-4 weeks to heal. Grade 2 sprain: medium to significant sprain. Swelling, bruising and pain included. Micro-fracture included as well ; 4-8 weeks to heal. Grade 3 sprain: Usually a gales tired or broken bone or torn ligament. Associated with severe swelling and bleeding and inability to move limb; 8-12 weeks or more depending on severity.Tip: To accelerate the healing process: -protect the injured area-rest the injured area -alternate ice and heat treatment -wrap or compress it while active but keep it moving periodically to avoid stiffness of possible-elevate the area if possible to reduce swelling

Sprained wrist taking too long to fully heal?

I sprained my left wrist 3.5 weeks ago from excessive load applied to wrist, it might have also been something that was slowly building up until a ligament finally gave out. Immediately following the injury I applied the RICE treatment, and heat application few days after injury, and did so for about 1 week.

About 2 weeks following the injury I regained all of mobility and range of movement in my left wrist and most of the pain disappeared. However, pain still existed when pressure/load applied to the heel of the palm. For instance, I can't place my left palm flat on the ground and have my forearm perpendicular to my hand without experiencing pain. I do hand balancing (handstands, presses, etc) and load is constantly shifted to the heel of the palm and balls of hand to maintain balance, so I've had to take a break from it.

Now it's almost 4 weeks since I injured my wrist and that problem still persists. I've never experienced a sprained wrist before, so how long does it normally take for a sprained wrist to heal? I've heard that injuries involving a sprain never "fully" heal, so should I expect an early retirement from hand-balancing? Is this problem serious enough for me to see a doctor?

Thanks all in advance!