How Long Does It Take To Get Abs What Food Am I Aloud To Eat

How long will it take me to get abs?

I'm 5'5 male 120 lbs
i do 300 sit ups 3x a week
200 crunches 3x a week
100 push ups 3x a week
100 leg raises 3x a week
50 squats 2x a week
i do it every other day to let my muscles rest. i have been having a little bit of trouble on my diet but should be ok after adapting to it.
i also have trouble running because it's very hot outside. so i haven't been running.

i need to know how long will it take me to get abs. and what meals or snacks am i allowed to eat and what am i supposed to not eat?

Can you eat unhealthy and still get abs?

Yes.There are 2 ways to get abs without having a strict diet :Naturally high metabolism. Some people just never get fat regardless of what they eat. This is especially true for teenagers.Burn more calories than you eat. Most people will tell you that your diet is more important than your workout. It is not always true. I lost over 20kg in about 8 months (82 to 62kg). I still eat kfc, McDonald's, junk food, and whatever I like without hesitating, never counted calories, never had boiled chicken breast and boiled broccoli or raw salad in my life. Of course, I may be the exception and not the rule. You can always choose to do high intensity exercises, which are extremely effective in weight loss, or just keep doing whatever workout you usually do, but for a much longer period of time.That being said, I do not condone overeating. A person should stop eating when he or she no longer feels hungry. Reducing 10% of the quantity of your meals go a long way in reducing calories, without giving up the satisfaction of having good food.Hope that helps.

If i want to get abs, is eating brown bread bad?

Basically i want abs. I do weights, situps, crunches and that every other day. I usally eat fast food 2-3 times a week. I have been doing my abs for over a month now, and still see no improvment? Im already quite skinny its just the belly fat covering my abs.

How long does it take for a change in my diet to affect the taste of my semen???

While I’m having trouble recalling the exact source of this information, I’ve read that a man can improve how his semen will taste to a girl by altering his diet to include more fruits and less red meat, garlic, and cauliflower.

I was wondering how long it takes for a change in my diet to effect the taste of my semen.

Since semen is excreted from an erect penis even before ejaculation (this is why the “withdrawal method” doesn’t work), the flavor of a man’s semen will also effect what a girl tastes when she is giving him oral, even if he doesn’t ejaculate into her mouth.

Since girls are far more likely to give a me pleasure in the future if they enjoy what they are doing (and enjoys the taste of what they’re putting in their mouths), it is in my best interests to ensure that I tastes as good as possible.

While I don’t eat much cauliflower, I do enjoy red meat and garlic.

What should i need to eat and not to eat ? for 6 pack abs?

what should i eat and not eat ?

am i allowed to eat pizza ? siopao ?

should i drink PROTEIN SHAKE ? or whatever they call it .. im stil starting to buy it xD

thanks al0t !

How long should a 14 year old work out a day?

I was able to go from 135 lbs to 175 lbs in one summer. I ate like a horse, made sure I ate at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, and I used Mike Mentzer High Intensity training routines (AKA heavy duty).

Here is a youtube clip of one of the routines. clip is kinda boring, but gets the point across

Now here is my whey protein schedule

Right out of bed 50 gram shake/smoothie
Immediately after workout 50 gram shake/smoothie
Right before bed 50 gram shake/smoothie

Then sometimes if I wake up in the middle of the night, I will go to the kitchen and have another 50 gram shake/smoothie.

This blows up recovery and puts the mass on quick!

Here is a protein link

Here is a WICKED gainer smoothie video

Try and eat a couple of these mega gainer smoothies per day in addition to your normal diet and your sure to gain!!!

Is eating rice good if I want a six-pack? What is the diet for a six-pack?

Okay ,lets talk science here a visible sixpack is the out come of lower body fat to to get in there there are few points you need to keep in mind.No single food source can make you fatIts all about the overall calories that you eatIf you talk about the diet pyramids these are the things to followOver all caloriesProper ratio of macrosMicronutrientsMacro timingsNow dont make it more complicate and dont follow any hyped dietFind you maintenance calorieGo on a deficit of 20%(if you maintenance is 2000 target for 1600)Keep the ratio of macros as protein:carbs:fat= 40:40:20Use a calorie counter for tracking your calories and there you go you will have the visible abs for sureStop listening to those who preach about any hyped diet ,keto, weightloss pill nothing is going to help you (most of the time they will do harm/not sustainable in a longrun)Find a diet which suits you and your budget making sure you hit your macros perfectly that is the thumb ruleKeep hitting gym 4–5times a week and rely on compound movements rather than the isolation one.When I was on deficit i was having all the food you can think of be it rice , Ice cream, Biryani ,DOSA, BURGER, PIZZA but just making sure i am not exceeding my caloric limit and yes leading a active life (6 times gym in a week with increased NEAT).The out come that iGot following this is