How Long Is The Masters Of Illuisions Live Show I Am Going Soon And Was Wondering How Long It Is

Can I go to school for Masters in Accounting/Finance with a BA in History?

I am going to be a certified secondary history teacher with a BA in history. With the low demand for history teachers, I want to look for a career that is in high demand. I am interested in acquiring a Masters in either Accounting or Finance. I was told that some programs offer 1yr courses and do not care what undergraduate degree you have received. I am wondering if it is possible for a history graduate to be accepted into graduate school for accounting/finance? I only have basic algebra and statistics completed for my history undergraduate. I am willing to put in the extra time and effort to study accounting, but will I be accepted into a school?

Pretty long, particularly if you’ve just finished off a long and eventful life, with lots of stuff going on that you want to review and consider before planning out your next round. As I understand it, baby and very young souls are pretty much terrified by life in the physical plane, and then, once they’ve gotten used to that a bit, even more terrified of post-life on the lower astral plane, so they tend to leap before they look to get back to terra firma. Mature souls are more thoughtful about it, unless they’re impatient, have had an interrupted (by unexpected Death) life, and jump back in fast in hopes of rescuing some of what they were planning the last time (I did that; political execution in mid-thirties, only a 2+ year gap before I was trying again — and no, you can’t catch up that way). Oldies — well, I don’t know, since I’m not one, but I hear tell that souls get more used to the bardo and more comfortable there, and tend to stick around longer before returning to the hurly-burly of the physical plane.An elderly relative of mine who died aged 100 was still in the bardo, I was given to understand, 30 yrs later. Nobody kicks us out, because there’s nobody “in charge” and giving orders (how would you enforce orders as an immateril being on an immaterial plane full of other immaterial beings)? You take as long as you need to party with old friends, to review the life you’ve completed, to decide what you want to do next, and to frame up the basics you want to go back with and the rough plans that make going back attractive to you.So, like most things about metaphysical questions, IMO the answer is — it varies.

How long does a masters degree take to complete (In the UK)?

So I'm thinking a bit far a head here. (I'm getting straight A's in my biology, chemistry, physics and maths A levels though) I am just wondering how long a masters will take to complete and how long does a phd take and do you need a masters to take a phd. Also how long do these qualifications take to complete in the USA as I might go and study there? (are UK qualifications recognized in the US?)

I'm just thinking out loud here(well thinking in text...)

many thanks.

Moving to California WITH a masters in architecture?

So I am only 15 and have been thinking about moving to California for a long time until lately I have been actually thinking about what I want to do in life. I live in Chicago and plan on getting a masters in architecture or a similar field. After college I would like to move to California and was wondering is it a good idea and chances of me getting a job in California. I know I'm still young and my opinion may change but it's always good to plan things out young. Thank you!

It's depend on the situation And something which is forced that must result in something increasing in may positive or it may negative!Live alone I. E. Is not possible Whenever you go people also around you it may be strangers or may relativesLiving alone for longer time makes person stronger but it's not that easyEveryday you feel depress or after some time again you again feel that loneliness and may starting bad habbits to overcome your lonelinessThat bad habbits gives you a pleasure in short term but you know very well it's harmful.If a person want to love alone that great journey for him! If he /she overcome that depression..It's also makes you moodless or you can not concentrate on your one work..So think about it if you are ready for bearing this type of uncountable problem then follow your wish!Spiritual answerWe all are basically different.we just attached with feeling or memories or thougtsI. E. We are already detached from all of this things but  we assume we are attached likeThis is my  the word my I. E you own that you put possession on that object and when it's taken by others you are again depressed because your “MY" were gone so! And what if something happen you lost the memory about of “MY ”! you are again normal! So you are already free from your mind level !!I think it's enough so ’m stop here!!Thank you(mysterious)

How long can I live in a dorm?

I will be going to a community college for 2 years, and then transfer to a University where I would like to dorm at. I was wondering how long can you dorm? I heard 4 years, but if I am going to a community college to get my Associates then does that mean when I go to the university that I will only be able to live in a dorm for 2 years? I am planning on being a Licensed Counselor or Psychologist, and with that said I would have to either get my Masters or Docturate degree and that can take anywhere from 4 to 8 years. I would like to dorm for more than 4 years just because it would be too expensive for me to get an apartment even with roomates it still would be more expensive than dorming. So does that mean I can't dorm when I am taking my Masters? or Docturate Degree? Thanks for answering!

That depends greatly on at least two things.Where in the world do you live, or want to live (and/or study, and/or work)?What do you want to do, long term?Why? Well, if we start from #1, some places in the world (like the US) emphasize that you have some experience in order to be accepted into grad school. There are a few reasons for that, but one is that in the US, you are quite young and inexperienced when you can start a PhD, as compared to some other places in the world. A large part is that you can start after your bachelors. Whereas many other places, you need a relevant masters degree before you can even be considered for a PhD position.On the other hand, some places emphasize more that you are young, and that you have taken a straight academic path towards your PhD (and especially after your PhD.)This will largely depend on where in the world you are. So know the educational systems where you want to live/work/educate yourself.As for #2, you should really think about what you want to do. Are you aiming for an academic career? You want tenure, and your own research group at a university? Do you want to work in industry eventually? And what type of work would you then want?I know quite a few people I have studied with, who did a PhD after their masters. Most of the people I studies with, actually. But a very large percentage did so, and have not used it at all in their subsequent work, after they moved to the industry. Well, “not at all” might be a slight exaggeration for some. Some have not used it at all, some have a job where it was certainly an advantage to have a PhD, but where they would have been much further in their career if they instead had spent the time they spent on their PhD in the company where they now work.So you should think about what kind of work you think you want, in the long term. And then find out if it is more advantageous to have a PhD, or to have spent 3–6 years advancing within a company instead.Oh, and finally, remember to also do what you think is fun and motivating. It’s great to think strategic about what you want in the long run, but don’t forget that this might change, so also do something you find stimulating now!