How Mach Weight Can I Lose While Fasting

Will fasting make me lose weight ?

Fasting one day a month can be extremely beneficial to your body as it cleanses and has actually been said to make you live longer.

Short answer, if you don't eat, yes you will loose weight, anyone is stupid to dispute that.

The problem is when you resume eating, your metabolismm will slow as it thinks there is no food entering the body, thus holding onto it.

Hope i helped, thanks

How much weight do you lose fasting for one day?

You can lose up to a couple of pounds in one day but most of that loss will be from dehydration. As soon as you return to a normal eating schedule all of that water weight will return. The average female burns 15 calories per pound she weighs per day. The average guy 17 calories. So if a 120 pound female ate nothing one day she would burn 1800 calories. There are 3500 calories to a pound so not counting the water weight loss which will come back, she would lose slightly over 1/2 of a pound. The claims you hear about diets where you will lost 10 pounds in four days and such nonsense are typically ones where you eat very little to dehydrate and you exercise like crazy. If pills are included with the diet, they most likely dehydrate you. Eating very little and also becoming dehydrated is VERY dangerous. For a no cost diet that makes sense visit the source link below:

How much weight can you lose water fasting?

Well, I believed I gained 6 lbs because I've been eating a ton of junk food! I'm a compulsive eater! I eat like a pig! I lost control! I stopped going to the gym for a week. Since I stopped, i've been eating a lot! I went from 102 lbs to 108.8 lbs; and my height is 62 inches. I know according to my BMI my weight is average and healthy. I'm fully aware of that. I want to do a water fast because I want to cleanse my body after eating junk food. I would like eat 3 peanut butter sandwitches, full tablespoons of peanut butter, candy, cookies, pizza and a lot of peanut butter. I've been eating lots of sugary stuff. Dx
I had an eating disorder but I'm over it. My weight goal is 95 lbs. I know you'll be asking why?? Because I don't like my thighs and I want them toned... Don't worry, I was exercise and eating healthy when I was 102 lbs but then those cravings hit me and I went out of control. So i gained weight... Starting tomorrow, I'ma to do a 5 day water fast. After my water fast, I'll start exercising and eating healthy.
So, how much weight can you lose for each water fast?
And also how can I control my cravings next time?

How much weight can I lose fasting?

hi there in my personal opinion If you're interested in fasting to lose weight, you're on to a great idea. Fasting does help immensely at dropping pounds, although maybe not for the reasons you think. While the numbers on the scales will go down during a fast, many factors come into play as to how much of that weight will stay off.Fasting will put you on the right track to losing weight if it's used with proper attention and awareness. A commitment to lifestyle and behavior changes is still necessary or the weight will come right back. But a fast will make those changes easier as new decisions flow from!Fasting has been called a "reset" button for your sense of taste; the body and palette get cleansed of chemicals and impurities, giving you a keener ability to fully taste foods and more fully enjoy the true flavors of simple foods. There are often many foods that hold less appeal after a fast, especially "dead" foods and ones full of chemicals which you can clearly taste after a fast.check this out also !

Would fasting for a week make you loose much weight?

Contrary to what most people will think, fasting is a very healthy and completely natural way of cleansing the body and helping recovery from illness.
But from the point of view of weight loss it will be completely useless.
You will lose probably 6 to 12lbs dependent on your body but it will massively slow your metabolism down and you will regain most if not all of the lost weight very quickly afterwards.
You will also be undergoing such a short fast of 7 days that you will have to endure the first 3 or 4 days of hell as you fight cravings (which magically go after 3-4 days) and will then be coming off the fast a couple of days later.
Why not consider a raw fruit and veg only week (+ loads of water).
That will help you drop weight, wont slow your metabolism and will go some way towards cleansing your system.

If I fast for 3 days, how much weight will I lose?

There are too many unknown variables. It would depend on your basal metabolic rate. There are calculators to ESTIMATE your basal metabolic rate, but for certain people even those are inaccurate.It would also depend on things like how much glycogen you have stored. If you have been doing a high carb diet, you would lose more weight while fasting than if you have been doing a ketogenic diet. This is because on a ketogenic diet, you don’t have as much glycogen as if you are on a high carb diet. Glycogen binds with water, so when you burn that energy you lose the water weight.

How much weight can I lose by exercising and fasting for 1 week?

If you meant not eating any food with Calories in it, you will be admitted to hospital emergency ward. Keep known people around as you will likely to go unconscious anytime after 60 hours.Trying to lose weight in a short period of time which accumulated over years is not a good choice. Starvation is not a good choice either, though you have mentioned as Fasting. What your body will go through is starvation and not Fasting. Your body will retaliate after the said period of starvation.During the starvation period, body needs fuel and needs to keep minimum level of blood glucose, for which it will burn muscles (amino acids) to gluconeogenesis. You will lose only 100gm-200gm of fat a day and probably equal amount of muscle a day if you are in starvation. However you will lose 2–5Kg of water weight in 2 days through fasting or starvation.If you meant Intermittent Fasting for a week, again wrong choice. IF should be a life long choice.

How much weight can you actually lose on a water fast, deducting the water weight?

Take your BMR and divide it into 3500. That’s how many pounds per day you will lose on a fast with no appreciable physical activity. I.e., if your BMR is 1750, you’ll lose 1/2 pound per day. Note that the likelihood of maintaining appreciable physical activity beyond the first few days of a water fast is very low, but if you are actually able to get some exercise you will need to add the calories burned to your BMR and re-do the math.Then, one of two things will happen:If you don’t stop the fast in time, you will do extensive damage to your body tissues, some of which may never be repaired and might even kill you.You’ll regain much of the weight after you stop your fast, because you’ll have significantly lowered your metabolic rate and because you won’t have trained yourself in how to manage your diet for a healthy lifestyle.

How much weight can I lose after a 10-day water fast?

There's no way any of us could know for sure, it depends on your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure), or how many calories you actually need in a day to maintain your weight. Having a higher TDEE while fasting while speed up the process. For example an active, 200 lbs guy whose height is 6-foot-1 will lose much more weight fasting than a sedentary petite woman.