How Many Days Before Your First Period Do Cramps Start

How many days of your period do you get cramps?

i get cramps starting 4 days before and they'd last through my entire period. i'd spend hours upon hours of each period lying in bed kicking and crying because they hurt so bad. obviously, that's not good! a temporary fix can be to stretch. it sounds odd, but it really helps me. for example, if you're in bed, lay on your back and try to lay in a piked position on your back:

that's the kinda position you're going for. you'll feel a stretch in your legs, and somehow it eases the cramps. also pulling your legs in into a ball can help. doing some abdominal exercises may help you as well! of course the obvious ones, too: eat a banana (potassium helps muscle cramps), get a hot pad and put it wherever it hurts, take midol, blah blah blah. but speaking of medicine, if you don't have midol on hand, aleve, advil or motrin will work just fine. the main pain relieving ingredients in these are the same ones as midol uses to target cramps (naproxen or ibuprofen). tylenol is far less effective than these, as it contains acetaminophen, which is not really intended for muscle pain.

in the long run, if you keep experiencing such terrible cramps, you might want to consider getting on birth control (if you're not already). even if you don't need it for pregnancy prevention purposes, it also helps regulate periods, make them shorter, and significantly reduce PMS symptoms. i know a handful of people who are on the pill (or the patch, shot, ring, any of these options will do the same thing for you) for this reason, and say this has really helped them! this was part of the reason i started the pill, as well. plus, if you're "sexually active", a little back up prevention never hurt! :)

good luck! cramps are awful. i hope at least one of these tips can work for you!

Is sweating and cramps a sign of your first period?

I have been sweating ALOT lately and no matter how good of an antiperperant i get i sweat.. I've also been getting cramps lately . I'm 13 and havent gotten my period yet.. Is it going to come soon?

Question when i get my period-
When you get start getting periods does that mean you will develop more of a womens body?
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Will i sweat alot on days of my period?
Will i start developing a chest? Kinda weird being one of the only girls in my grade that has no chest and hasnt gotten their period..
Will my motabolism speed up?

Do you get cramps before your first period?

no, i didn't get cramps before i started my first period. i guess i was lucky and i didn't have cramps for years. the other girls did have cramps with their periods. cramps will be located in your pelvic region and can be non existent to mild to severe feeling. i don't think there is a way to tell when you are going to start. if you feeling crampy go to the bathroom and wipe and check for blood. the blood will be light brown and then eventually will turn into a menstrual flow. i just turned 10 when i got my period and i was just starting to get pubic hair, but it came on unexpectedly

Is it normal not to have period cramps?

Some people experience cramps, while others don’t. If you don’t, it doesn’t mean that there’s a problem. On the contrary, you should count your lucky stars that you don’t suffer from them!What Causes Menstrual Cramps?There are a number of things that cause menstrual cramps including the following:• Endometriosis: This is a like a menstrual cramp or pelvic pain, which can last for many days before, and after your menstrual cycle. It can also include abdominal as well as lower back pain.• Adenomyosis: This is another gynaecological condition that causes cramps and pain.• Fibroids: Most people develop fibroids of various sizes in the uterus over the course of their lives. These can sometimes lead to cramp like symptoms.• IUDs: Things like an IUD can also be the cause of pain and period cramps. This is especially true if not inserted correctly. If you have pain following the insertion of your IUD, see your doctor. You shouldn’t be experiencing this.• A Menstrual Cup: There are some reports of menstrual cups causing cramping. It’s usually because the cup is too big, or too stiff and it pushes very strongly against the vaginal canal walls or urethra.• Etc: Other reasons might include uterine defects and pelvic inflammatory diseases.What if No Cramps?What if you don’t have any sort of menstrual cramps? Is this a bad thing? Or, it is okay.In my opinion, it’s actually a really good thing! If you can make it through your period without being down and out due to menstrual cramps, you are one of the lucky ones. Lots of people suffer from terrible cramps and have to miss days of work or school.If you don’t have cramps, it certainly doesn’t mean that something is wrong with you. Lots of people don’t have them.

How soon before YOUR period, do you get cramps?

I am trying to get pregnant, and I don't feel like I am pregnant, but I have not had any cramps yet. I am due to start my period in 4 days. I have usually always had either no period, or irregular periods, so I don't know what my average time before starting is when I start getting crampy. What about you? I would like to find an average ;]

How do I know if period cramps are period cramps?

About half of women experience menstrual cramps, and about 15% describe the pain as severe. It has been shown that women who do not exercise experience more painful menstrual cramps.Certain psychological factors such as emotional stress may also increase the likelihood of having uncomfortable menstrual cramps. Additional risk factors for these cramps include:During each menstrual period, if there is no sperm to fertilize the egg, the uterus contracts to expel its lining. This process is driven by the release of hormone-like substances called prostaglandins, which is associated with pain and inflammation in higher levels. These uterine contractions cause most of the pain felt during menstrual cramps because the contractions inhibit blood flow to the lining of the uterus (the endometrium).In addition, substances known as leukotrienes are also elevated during menstruation, and they may be the cause of menstrual cramps.Symptoms of menstrual cramps include:Dull, throbbing, cramping pain in the lower abdomenPain in the lower back and thighsNauseaVomitingSweatingDizzinessDiarrheaLoose stoolsConstipationBloating in the belly areaHeadachesLightheadedness - feeling faint.Menstrual cramps that are due to underlying medical conditions such as endometriosis or fibroids may require surgery to remove the abnormal tissue. Surgery may help to reduce some menstrual cramp symptoms but carries additional risks.Ela woman app is one such app which allows to track cycle days and provide best prediction for ovulation. I used it personally and found it useful in taking away my daily stress

I had my first period a month ago and I didn't feel cramps or anything. Is that normal?

Yes, it is not necessary that you feel pain / cramps during you periods. It is absolutely normal for everyone's body is different and process going inside one's body is not like others. Cramps occur due to uterine contractions , so as the body becomes mature by years (generally 2–3 years), severe cramps will happen. So, in the beginning it is normal to have no cramps.And Congratulations for the new and next phase of your life