How Many Degrees Does A Planet Have To Be From A House Cusp

If a planet is 4-2 degrees away from the next house cusp, then which house is it interpreted in?

You might want to consider what some astrologers call the "five degree rule." That "rule" states that any planet within five degrees of the next house cusp should be read as though it were in the next house. The exception is if the planet is in a different sign than the cusp. In your case, assuming the planets are in the same sign as the cusp, Neptune should be read as if it is in the 2nd house and Pluto as if it is in the 12th.

The theory is that the house does not begin with the cusp. The cusp is the most important part or sensitive point in the house (every astrologer accepts this), but it is not the beginning. Think of an actual house. The most important room may be the living room, but you don't enter through the living room, you enter through a doorway and maybe a small hall. Then you get to the living room. Therefore, in your case, Neptune is in the 2nd and Pluto is in the 12th.

This idea dates back to Ptolemy (second century AD) although there is some debate over the translations and what he really meant. It is not as "clean" as it sounds, however. There is the problem of house systems. For example Jupiter in late Sagittarius in the 4th but less than five degrees from the 5th. Using Placidus cusps the 5th holds Sagittarius, but using Koch houses Capricorn is on the 5th. In the first case Jupiter would in the 5th in the second in the 4th. Astrology is full of contradictions like this (and they're usually caused by house systems).

Look at the planets in each placement and see which one fits best. This is more difficult with the outer planets since they are less "personal," if they have that much value in the first place.

"Like all such "rules" the five-degree rule is not that hard and fast. I've seen planets at slightly more than five degrees from a cusp that seem to work better in the next house and I've seen planets that are close to the next cusp that work better in the previous house if they rule it or if they are the exaltation ruler. You have to play with it and use your head a bit. Astrology is not an exact science. Using the contemporary meaning of the word "science," it is not a science at all. Good luck.

Do you have any house cusp that isn't the same sign as the planet(s) inside?

explain how you feel the planet is influenced by the sign on the cusp of the house in which it resides. for late degree rising sign people, you have a multitude of planets to choose from, i imagine. but this probably happens in most everyone's chart.

you know i mean like... if you have sagittarius planets in your 6th house, but your 6th house cusp is scorpio. how does scorpio color your sag planets?

Does a planet have attributes of the house cusp sign, even if a planet is placed in another sign? Eg: 9th house cusp is in Cancer. Jupiter is in the 9th house. But Jupiter is in the sign of Leo. Does Jupiter have Cancerian traits?

This is an answer from the (Traditional) Western astrology viewpoint. I have no idea of how Indian astrologers see this things.Planets don’t acquire attributes from houses. The house ruler embodies the affairs of the house (the first house ruler is the native or the querent, the second house ruler is the native’s or querent’s finances or movable possessions, etc.). Planets near the cusp affect the subject (Saturn in Cancer on the second house harms the finances, etc). When they’re in a different sign, the influence is much lessened. Planets in the house may be affected by the houses in general terms (planets in the eighth are restricted, in the tenth have more opportunity to act), but they don’t just start being related to the subject of the house.Planets don’t get “traits” from signs. Signs don’t have qualities, signs are qualities. The “Cancerian traits” you speak of are traits the Sun exhibits in Cancer, and people extrapolate it “to Cancer”. Jupiter in Cancer acts… as Jupiter in a cardinal moist sign in which it’s exalted.Signs and houses are totally different things. A planet never ever in any circumstance whatsoever receives any quality of the sign of the cusp of the house just by being in the house.

Having a Planet in A Late Degree?

Any planet in the last degrees of a sign still belongs to that sign. The thing that you have to remember is that, any planets in 29 deg of any sign brings about many changes in one's lifetime.

As for Mercury in 29 deg. Cancer brings a degree of liberty and one who is very passionate in his thinking.

As far as house is concerned, don't confuse it with the end degree of a sign. If Mercury is in 29 deg of a house and the following house is at 30 degree / 0 degres of the following house, then Mercury is said to be conjunct to that house cusp and is interpreted as in that house.

Any planet at 5 deg from any cusp is read into that house. As far as influence in signs is concerned, your Mercury in Cancer traits would take a tint of fire in their expression. You would be less introverted and less changeable. Leo would strengthen the will and make the mind more rational.

As far as the karminc degree mentioned by one poster, a planet at the end of a sign is already aware of his karmic and has taken matters in his own hand. It is not like Mercury in the middle of a sign where it would indicate that a you would need to work on your karma.
In your case, it is the opposite. You have already worked on it and mercury is ready to move to another sign .

Enjoy ...

Advanced Q: How important are the specific degrees of each house cusp?

As for websites, I really don't know. Perhaps look through Debra Houlding's site which is very informative: . I would suggest that you study the house systems first, as that will give to you an insight with why we use certain house systems. Although Koch was very big throughout the 70-90. In the last few years I have seen many astrologers go back to the Placidus system, Porphyry or Alcubitius systems. I did in the early 70's work with koch for awhile, but I learnt astrology through the placidus system and for the most part work the Placidus system, occassionally with the porphyry and alcubitius systems. For some of my clients (a few in very northern latitudes such as Iceland, Finland etc) I will always use the porphyry systems, due to the latitude issue. So before placing emphasis on the house cuspal degree, understand why you use that house system. All house systems will have the same asc/mc except for equal and whole house systems. But the succedent and cadent houses will vary in degrees depending on the house system. This is important as a planet could easily be in a different house due the the math of each house system.
There is not much out there unless you take a course. Many do not bother to look at different systems, or understand them. It is very math oriented.
As for degrees, that too lacks badly via books. I am actually doing a serious study on degrees, and at the rate I am going, it may take about another 5-15 years to complete this study.

Stephanie Camilleri wrote a book on the houses, but it is more about the planets in houses nothing about degrees. I am sorry but do not know of a book with degrees and houses.... hmmmm... got me thinking... lol

Planets at the end of a house are interpreted in the next house?

Hi Tiida:

Morin had demonstrated with his own natal chart that if a planet is at the end of a house, it should be interpreted in the next house.

These are the conditions:

If the planet is 6 degree near of the next house and the house is not an angle

If the planet is 8 degrees near of the next house and the house is an angle but not the Ascendant (First house)

If the planet is 12 degrees near of the ascendant

You should interpreted planet in the next house.


Jean-Baptiste Morin (or Morinus), a native of Villefranche, France, lived from 1583 to 1656, which makes him a generation senior to England's William Lilly. Morin was a physician with training in astronomy. He began to study astrology in the 1620's & quickly acquired a reputation in the French court. He held the post of Royal Professor of Mathematics from 1630 until his death. In his capacity as court astrologer to Louis XIII, he was present at the birth of Louis XIV (the Sun King) in 1638.
His great work, Astrologia Gallica occupied him for some 30 years. It is without doubt one of the greatest astrological treatises ever written, but, as it was written in Latin, and at a time when sentiment on the continent had turned sharply against astrology (the so-called "Age of Reason"), he was unable to get it published in his lifetime. Queen Marie Louise of Poland, a grateful client, first published it in 1661. The work has yet to be completely translated into any modern language.

Composite pisces on 5th house cusp. wtf does this mean?

Understand that a composite chat is a midpoint chart that describes the relationship. If you are not in a relationship, but wanting a relationship, this is a chart that truly will confused you. However, pisces on the 5th have many dreams and wishes. They could be creative together. However, where is neptune? what degree? what aspects to neptune? or are there any planets in the 5th? With Aries in the 7 house cusp, what is mars doing? is it a strong or weak mars? aspects? degrees? planets in the 7th house. Sometimes a pluto consideration with aries is advised. So Aries in a composite chart may struggle for a little control. Who is in charge? It could also mean you may get bored with each other. Therefore, the 5th will have an impact with this. Truly not enough information to give to you a clear answer. This is considered intermediate astrology, get a handle on the basics before jumping into charts as these.