How Many Kinds Of Heart

Girls/Guys HELP!!! Thug look, but kind heart?

I don't know when my face started look like this but, ever since high school, as I start getting leaner and My face structure started to look more Sharp (meaning almost like a Murder/Thug)

Many girls say I'm attractive but they always tell me when they first saw me, they thought i was pissed off or wanted to start a fight, so they tend to stay away from me... Same thing with guys..

I'm really kind hearted person, Im a christian, never fought anyone since 10th grade (I broke the other guy's nose, but i didnt get hurt, im now 19) Im 5'6''

And Im really sociable toward people, but when it's a new semester in college, i cant connect with people next to me...

I never had a girl friend, had many friends that are girls but never got into a relationship.
I make friends easily but they tend to be scared of me..

A lot of "Gangster wanabes" tend to befriend with me, and always talk about how much pound they can smoke or their latest drug incident.

I don't smoke/drink/ party/ drug..
I'm really clean!!

Can u guys please tell me how to be more "clean" looking?? I want to meet a lot of normal people, not druggies who think i smoke weed.... How do I overcome this complex?? Also How do I show people that Im not a SCARY person!!!

Im Korean, and people say I look like this rapper from korea:


What will happen If every person will have same kind of heart?

We all have same kind of heart- the four chambered muscular organ. So it is not the same kind of heart rather similar kind of feelings which are required to make the difference. If its love, it results in happiness and prosperity. If it is hatred, it results in unhappiness and sorrow.

What kinds of tissue make up the heart?

"I believe that the heart is made up of muscle tissue, epithelial tissue, and nervous tissue, but I'm not sure."

You are correct, but missing one:

The heart is made up of CARDIAC MUSCLE (there are three distinct tyes of muscle tissue: skeletal, smooth and cardiac).

It also contains NERVOUS TISSUE, which conducts the heart's electrical signals to make it condract in a coordinated manner.

It contains EPITHELIUM, mostly from the blood vessels which supply the heart muscle with oxygen and nutrients.

It also contains FATTY TISSUE, which protects the heart and offers an emergency energy supply if needed.

Hope this helps!

What made helen call boston the city of kind hearts?

The people and institutions of Boston made an enormous impact on Helen Keller's life. She was introduced to her first teacher, Miss Sullivan, at Boston's Perkins School for the Blind and made her first public appearance in the 1980s speaking before groups of the city's most influential citzens. See:,4835000

And there are individual citizens of Boston who contributed to Helen's progress. From Helen Keller's autobiography:

Among the many friends I made in Boston were Mr. William Endicott and his daughter. Their kindness to me was the seed from which many pleasant memories have since grown. One day we visited their beautiful home at Beverly Farms. I remember with delight how I went through their rose-garden, how their dogs, big Leo and little curly-haired Fritz with long ears, came to meet me, and how Nimrod, the swiftest of the horses, poked his nose into my hands for a pat and a lump of sugar. I also remember the beach, where for the first time I played in the sand. It was hard, smooth sand, very different from the loose, sharp sand, mingled with kelp and shells, at Brewster. Mr. Endicott told me about the great ships that came sailing by from Boston, bound for Europe. I saw him many times after that, and he was always a good friend to me; indeed, I was thinking of him when I called Boston "the City of Kind Hearts."

What kind tree has an edible part that is called palm heart? Do any kind of palm trees have this part that you can eat, or you should avoid some?

Palm hearts are the inside core of the trunk of a palm tree. The tree is cut down, and then the outer bark and a layer of fiber are removed from the trunk, leaving the “heart” of the palm.Most (but not all) palm trees have edible hearts, including coconut palms and acai palms. But harvesting the “palm heart” kills the tree, so people don’t usually eat the hearts of things like coconut trees, which take 15 years to reach the peak coconut production.The peach palm tree, Bactris gasipaes, usually grows a clump of several trunks from the same seed. Here’s a picture of a young peach palm tree, you can see that it is sprouting an extra tree off to the side of it:And here’s an adult peach palm tree, with six or eight trunks all next to each other:So “heart of palm” is almost always made from this species of palm tree, because you can cut down one or more trunks and make them into palm hearts without killing the plant, and it will grow more trunks for you to harvest later.The peach palm pictures are from

Many humans have kind hearts to understand the pain that an animal undergoes when it's cut, burned and eaten. But still we do it. Why?

There are 2 different ways to approach this question, from an ethics standpoint and also from a nutritional standpoint.Ethically- The real issue with the "pain" the animal experiences comes from the conditions it is raised in. Death is natural and exists in a moment. The real pain is how the animal was raised to exist. Was the animal subjected to living in crates or was it given area to roam? (not all "free range" is actually free range..) and was it fed a diet that it would consume if living in a more natural environment? Or was it fed highly engineered hormone-laden food products? You can choose to source your meat and support vendors who focus on humanely raised meat products. Better yet, you can hunt or fish for yourself with an attitude and intention of gratitude.  Nutritionally- When it comes down to our bodies basic need of the macronutrient of proton, it's almost impossible to beat the basic building blocks that an animal protein can afford. While the vegan diet comes with the concumption of perhaps less toxins or energetic impact on our ecosystems, I've not once met a long-standing healthy vegan. Our bodies need protein and throughout human evolution, this point still remains the same. So what is more "natural", processed and partialized pea protein shaken up with water and some Peruvian super roots for an energy boost? Or...eating an egg?  One of the healthiest things we can do is to live consciously. That is, to make a concious choice about what we eat and where we get our food, what restaurants, grocery stores, farmers markets we support. For now, I believe we need meat to live at our highest pontential. Still, the amount you actually individually need and the way you source it and amount of intention and gratitude you have when consuming it, comes down to a completely individual basis. This is where it starts. With each person coming to know their bodies more fully and being able to authentically choose.

How do how what type of heart problem I have?

You should first talk to your general practitioner, who can assess you and recommend you to the appropriate specialist(s), i.e. a cardiologist.Do not WebMD your symptoms or anything of the sort, and most importantly, don't self-medicate without speaking to your doctor first to gain a recommendation or treatment regimen.Good luck !

How many types of heart attacks are there?

Acute Myocardial infarctions are diagnosed by an elevation in Troponin in the appropriate clinical setting. Once the troponin is elevated, the EKG is evaluated to determine if their is ST segment elevation. If there is, we have our first class of heart attacks- 1. STEMI (ST elevation Myocardial Infarction). These are the worst kind, and generally what the public means when they say heart attack. Loss of blood flow to the heart muscle has resulted in trans-mural (whole wall thickness) death. This can occur due to a blockage in any of the coronary arteries. Generally a:2. Left Main coronary artery occlusion is the worst, followed by3. Left anterior descending, and then4. Right coronary artery is tied with5. Left circumlex in terms of mortality. 6. NSTEMI (Non-ST elevation Myocardial Infarction) are not as bad, as they only involve transient ischemia in the deepest part of the heart wall. They are classified as to the cause:NSTEMI Type 1: caused by a decreased blood flow to the heart, leading to myocardial ischemia. 7. NSTEMI Type 2: caused by an inceased O2 demand of the heart muscle, such that the blood flow is not sufficient (i.e. sepsis, av malformation)8.-10. NSTEMI Type 3-5. You really dont care about theseSo in conclusion, there are 10 different types of heart attacks, although clearly you could count them up differently.

Do any insects have hearts and lungs, or do they have a completely different system of breathing?

Hearts: Sort of. Insects have an open circulatory system, meaning their organs just float in blood. It's similar to how human organs float in lymph, so we call insect blood "hemolymph." However, insects do usually have a tube on their back that has holes to take in blood and pumps it up to the front of the insect. This sets up a current of hemolymph flow in the body. So, yes, insects have a "heart" and maybe an aorta... but no other blood vessels. Also, large insects have smaller, muscular "hearts" by the starts of their limbs or wings to help pump blood in those body parts as well.Lungs: Nope! Insects have a completely different system of breathing. They have a system of tubes called trachea leading from holes along the sides of their bodies called spiracles to their organs. Air flows in the trachea as it does in our lungs. You can think of the trachea as being blood vessels for air only, carrying oxygen and taking CO2 from every tissue directly. Insect hemolymph, likewise, does not carry oxygen the way our blood does. Small insects just have trachea, while large insects can pump air through them using their muscles or even air sacs.Fun fact: The trachea are lined with exoskeleton. When an insect sheds its skin, it sheds the tracheal lining as well. Imagine not only crawling out of your skin, but pulling out the lining of your lungs through your mouth as well! more fun: lookup the many ways insects breath underwater!