How Many Miles And Hour

How many miles can you jog in 1 hour?

ok, i'm not solid at homework problems yet i will help set it up, thank you for being lenient with me.... At your fee of 5 a million/2 miles in line with hour burns 740 cals in line with hour, then in case you do 3 a million/2 hours each and every week, then multiply 740 by 3 a million/ case you boost the miles in line with hour, then you are able to boost the case you boost the era of workout, then you are able to boost the three a million/2, etc. Your answer is 740 situations 3.5. Plus each and every of the added energy burned together as your metabolism is up interior the zone, while you're on your heartrate section, ie, together as doing different issues like gazing television or paying for or getting groceries, etc.

How many miles per hour is 1 knot?

It is very close to one mile per hour. It is short for nautical miles per hour. Nautical miles include the curvature of the earth rather than just 5,240 feet. Can't really remember which is longer but I think a nautical mile is.

How many miles is 7 hours?

If you are a crow, then you can do straight line distances, and then figure the time needed at the speed of flight of a crow.
If you are an automobile driver, you will have to follow roads, contend with traffic, make stops during the trip.
If you are an airline passenger, you will have to contend with auto traffic delays, parking, airport security procedures, weather conditions, any emergencies, and FAA traffic controllers.
Your question is not specific as to how you will travel, and at what average speed, as if that is even predictable.

If you take 4 miles and look at them for an hour they're 4 miles long. If you look at those 4 miles for 3 days they're still 4 miles long.There is a difference between the length of 4 miles and the speed of 4 miles per hour. It is possible to walk at a speed of 4 miles an hour. You can walk faster or slower, up to you.If you walk at 4 miles an hour for two hours it would be 8 miles of distance covered. You could say the way was 8 miles long at 4 miles per hour if you like. Speed multiplied by time gives you a distance. That's how long it is.

How many miles per hour do you have to go to be going one mile per sec?

1 hour = 60 minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds

1 mile per sec = 1 mile / sec • ( 60 sec / min ) • ( 60 min / hr )
....................... = 60 • 60 miles / hr
....................... = 3600 miles / hour.

How many miles is worth 5 hour drive?

About 300 mile depends on how fast you are driving. If you are drive 200 mph then in 5 hours you have traveled a thousand mile.

How many miles is an hour long bike ride?

It absolutely all depends on how long you've been riding, the type of bike, if the terrain is flat or hilly, if you are alone or in a group. etc. But, as a rough calculation, 15-20 miles. Here are the assumptions:

Bike is a bike shop quality road bike with clipless pedal system
Rider is at least at the recreational level with some experience and in riding shape
Terrain is flat
The ride is only 1 hr.
Rider can be alone or in a group

There are some other things that will affect the speed but I'll stop here.

Umm, try as I might, I can't see any way of giving anything other than what should be a blindingly obvious answer...If a car is doing a constant 60 mph, it will travel 60 miles.  In an hour.60 miles, per hour.  There could be a clue there....Likewise (allowing for sufficient fuel, a long enough road & other considerations for safety, etc.),  if the car is doing a constant 200 mph, it will cover 200 miles in an hour.But.....The Bugatti Veyron (for example) will do over 230mph.  However, at that speed, it will wear-out its tyres in around 30 miles and run out of fuel after about 40.  If the questioner wants a better answer, perhaps he/she should add some conditions?

How many miles per hour do I need to run in order to run a mile and a half in 14.45 minutes?

ok ultimately, i think you should disregard everyone else and only listen to me

to start i would suggest that you translate 14.45 minutes into hours, here you present an issue..i am going to assume you mean 14 minutes and 45 seconds..fair enough, ok first i would make everything seconds cause i think it will be easier

14min*60seconds/min + 45 seconds
840seconds + 45 seconds = 885seconds
so now we make seconds to hours
885seconds * 1hour/3600seconds ~ .246 hours...

Distance = rate*time
Rate = distance / time
Rate = 1.5 miles / .246 hours
Rate = 6.098 miles / hour

so you would need to run at a rate of approximately 6.1 mph

to check the answer

Distance = rate * time
Distance/rate = time
1.5miles/6.089miles/hr = time
time = .246hours

.246 hours * 3600 seconds/hour
=885.6 seconds
as we said before 885 seconds is 14 minutes and 45 there you have it, the speed i mentioned is correct.

hope this helps!!

At sea level, the speed of sound is 1,088/sec. Multiply per/sec by 60 (seconds in a minute) for a sum of 65,280. Multiply that by 60 (minutes in 1 hour) for a sum of 3,916,800. This means that sound travels 3,916,800 feet per hour. To convert to from ft/hr to mph , simply devide this number by how many feet are in a mile (5,280). This gives us a final answer of 741.818182. Rounding to the nearest ones place gives us an approximate answer: at sea-level, sound travels at about 742 miles per hour.