How Many Phone Numbers Do U Know From Memory 911 And 411 Don

Can you list the numbers 1-1,000? (or 2,000?)?

this person keeps effing spamming me and i want to get them back by sending them a long list of numbers 1-1,00 or 2,000....?
i know there used to be some groups and pages on facebook that would do that but they're not rlly there anymore cuz ppl spammed them (cuz they were freezing their pages)
so if u could type that much lol if ur bored?
or even just copy and paste from another site i don't care.

Why was "911" chosen as the emergency phone number?

Prior to 1968, there was no standard emergency number. So how did 911 become one of the most recognizable numbers in the United States? Choosing 911 as the universal emergency number was not an arbitrary selection, but it wasn't a difficult one either. In 1967, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) met with AT&T to establish such an emergency number. They wanted a number that was short and easy to remember. More importantly, they needed a unique number, and since 911 had never been designated for an office code, area code or service code, that was the number they chose.

How many phone numbers can you recall without access to your phone?

When we moved into our house at my age four, we installed a two party line telephone. If the other party was using the line, we had to wait for whenever they finished to use our phone.I have no idea who they were, another family in town, but it was strange even then. We could listen in quietly and they wouldn’t know it, but it was never very interesting.There were seven characters in our phone number, the first two being the name of the town:LInden 3–3033To make a call, we had to wait for the operator to respond, then we told her the phone number. There were no dials on the phone.After a few years, the use of telephones expanded and we got a new one with a rotary dial and a new exchange. It was weird and uncomfortable to have your phone number changed by Ma Bell:HUnter 6–3033I loved all the threes before, not so much this one with a rogue 6 inserted.Then, civilization advanced—they assigned area codes and the letter exchanges disappeared, an ominous signal that life was becoming more complicated in many ways:201–486–3033After I left for college, more area codes were added and divided up the region. I lost track of the numbers of friends and neighbors although I always remembered my grandparents’ phone numbers.Everyone had telephone directories at home but we also kept personal phone books on the desk or bedstand.The term “little black book” came into the lexicon, the secret list of phone numbers that guys supposedly kept of girlfriends and potential dates.My best friend and I recently asked if we knew each other’s cell numbers—we didn’t! For safety reasons, in case we forgot our phones and have to borrow one, we practiced memorizing each other’s numbers.I have a landline and won’t forget that number. But I’ve had that same number since 1978.Isn't this a quaint history? I’m the real deal when it comes to vintage!But Lily Tomlin as Ernestine the telephone operator (on Rowan and Martin’s Laugh In) is hysterical to this day, snarling in her nasal voice, “Is this the party to whom I am speaking?”

Where did the emergency number 911 come from?

One of the staff members of Senator Ernest Gruening has taken leave to go on a summer trip in Europe in the summer of 1966. Flying first into London, he noticed that the English had implemented a 999 nationwide emergency number which struck the staffer as a good idea. He simply filed it away in his memory, finished his summer in Europe and returned to Washington back on the Senator's staff.

Then one morning he overheard another of the Senator's staff talking to the Senator in Juneau [Alaska] (where he was running for reelection in 1968, though the date of the conversation may actually have been 1967) and the Senator said that he had to give a speech that night in Juneau and did anyone have an idea for a topic? This jogged the staffer's memory and he said "why don't we introduce a bill to establish a nationwide 911 emergency number?"

The Senator thought that was a great idea and kicked off the idea with a speech that night in Juneau. The reason 911 was picked was also simple. At the time (and this you can check) in the Washington area there was 211 for time and weather (long since dead now) and 411 for information (which still exists). So he naturally borrowed the 9 from the British 999 system and simply added the 11 to match the other already existing and simple to remember numbers.

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Why am I making spelling mistakes on words which I know how to spell? (please read description)

So, I may be entirely wrong. But apart from anxiety I have another theoryThere have been many small instances in my life when I've forgotten the spelling of a very simple word. This is random and extremely odd because these are words that ... I mean ... I forgot how to spell "with" I went on trying variations of WHIT OR WIHT. In such cases I've sort of been able to help myself by writing it down and then it sort of "looks" correct to me. My mind was able to associate how the word "looked" not spelled. Now here you have stated you changed your handwriting. I don't know how dramatically different it is. But your focus on the style has probably removed your familiarity with the "look" of the word. Which has in turn removed your focus on the spellingAnother theoryHave you ever painted a sign in LARGE letters? It is extremely easy to miss a letter while doing so. Cause your focus is on each letter. You sort of forget what the next letter should be. I've made this mistake quite often while trying my hand at calligraphy or while making a chart for a school project and stuff. One last thing. Don't worry so much. My parents have terrible handwriting. They're also doctors but I'm sure that doesnt have anything to do with it.... I'm sure. Yeah... I'm sure. Anyway, they've got through life just fine. Nobody cares that much about handwriting. And in today's world of texting seeing correct spelling is almost a blessing. So to find someone focused on improving it is good news for me, but its not worth worrying over. Im certain you'll get over it once you're comfortable with your new writing style.

Any one know about Magic Jack?

Many have problems with Magicjack. You get what you pay for. It works most of the time, but sometimes it will not. They have virtually NO Customer Support. Useful, cheap, but not a reliable service at this time. It is best to have a high speed broadband connection, and plenty of available memory on your computer. A lot of applications running will cause cut-outs. Of course, you have to leave your computer on all the time for incoming calls too.

Why do Indians give cash gifts in numbers such as 51, 101, and 501?

I had once put the same question to my grandma when she gave me 501 rupees on Sankranti.She said that the 500 was for spending on the essentials or saving up. But the 1 rupee was the seed to grow. It was to be invested or given in charity to increase in either cash or kind or karma.All in all, great logic from a woman who never had a bank account or a lavish lifestyle but never fell short in  giving to others.

When was the last time you had to call emergency and what service did you ask for? Do you remember everything clearly or is it a blur?

The last time I remember calling 911 was a few years ago. I was a 911 dispatcher prior to this, and my jokey mantra was this is 911 not 411. Many people calling to get the number to the power company, because their power is out, or the bank or water department, or anything that isn’t 911.On my story, I was at home, on the phone and the lights flickered. Just once. A few minutes later my brain clicked in, the lights weren’t fluorescent, so they shouldn’t flicker. I got off the phone and started investigating. After checking inside, I go outside. The line (I’m not an electrician, so I don’t know what line) coming from the power pole to our house was on fire. The coating of the line was just dripping into the grass below. It was very surreal. I couldn’t go past it to see if the house was on fire, but didn’t see smoke (I wasn’t walking under it).This is the point where my brain disengaged. I ran in the house and got out the yellow pages. I was looking for the number to the electric company. I’m not calling 911 to have the electric company come to my house. Their pole, their line, they just have to turn the button and turn it off, right? Well, I don’t know. Because at this point I remember that my 5 year old and 7 year old are asleep in the back of the house, and there was fire on the power line going into my house. This is an emergency! Well F&&&. I stopped looking for phone numbers, took the kids outside and called 911.The fascia on the side of the house was scorched. Nothing else. Someone turned something off, and we got it investigated. Turns out the cable company had put a P-hook to support their cable right through the area where all of the electric lines in our house went to the breaker box. I have no idea how it didn’t electrocute the guy when he did it, or why the house didn’t burn down before this.TL:DR, I don’t remember the call itself, but do remember why!