How Many Years Do You Have To Go To School For Cosmetology

How many years do i have to go to cosmetology school ?

9 month course - attending school 5 days per week full time

2 years - attending part-time

Cosmetology and beauty school?

Hi. I can help you with some of the answers to your questions. Check out and Both are great resource sites that you can request free information from and find out just about everything you want to know about beauty school. To answer your questions:

- How long cosmetology school takes:
That depends on three things: the program you choose, how many hours your state requires, and whether you go to school full time or part time. Here's a link to the licensing requirements listed by state:

This is a GREAT link from Beauty Schools Directory that should be able to help you with all your other questions. The Q&A section on this link covers topics like tuition, careers, finding a job, what happens after school, what you learn in hair design school, etc.

Oh! One more thing – if you want to ask questions of other beauty students, cosmetology teachers and working beauty professionals across the country, you might want to check out the Beauty School Lounge at It’s a social networking site for people interested in cosmetology, and it’s loaded with good stuff.

How long is cosmetology school?

Besides getting into an industry that is creative, fast-paced and often times very flexible, one of the biggest perks about cosmetology school is the amount of time you can complete a beauty program and get started in your career. Unlike traditional colleges, which will often take you four years to complete a bachelor’s degree, you can find a cosmetology school that allows you to complete your training in as little as eight months or up to two years depending on if you decide to pursue your education full or part-time. Some schools require that you complete the necessary training in a set amount of time, so it is important to check with schools you are interested in. On average, a full cosmetology program can be completed in 12 to 14 months.

Is cosmetology school worth it in 2016?

The answer: It depends on a few factors. I was fortunate to go to cos school my junior and senior year of high school and had completed by the time I graduated with a license in cosmetology. Overall, I spent $450 for my equipment and not a dime more. Though, I always say — you get what you pay for. I was fortunate to have gotten my first job at a salon where the two owners were both former instructors and they taught me much of what I know now. However, fast forward a few years and I had relocated an hour and a half away and took a job at a cosmetology school where the students paid around $25-$26k for their education. Mind you — I have only once in my lifetime (having done hair for 7 years) made about $23-$25k/year from doing hair in Fort Wayne, IN. I owned my own business and that was a large result of it.We relocated again and I’ve decided to take an office job this time, where I make about the same amount and get to sit down vs. stand on my feet plus I get every weekend/holiday off and regular 9–5 hours.I loved the “freedom” I sort of had when I owned my own salon, but it was a LOT of HARD, hard work. With cell phones nowadays, clients expect you to be available and able to reach for appointment scheduling 24/7 (even on your honeymoon). I loved being able to make about as much as I wanted. However, I really found I disliked most of the salons I worked at previous to owning my own.I’ll end with this: a lot of people are artistic and creative, and enjoy the pampering of having their hair done. But what those that enter this field usually don’t realize until they are actually standing BEHIND the chair is how much of a servant you have to be. It’s a totally different role and it’s definitely not about you anymore - it’s about them. It’s great if you have a caring spirit and really want to commit yourself to making others feel good, but just know that that does take a lot of self-sacrifice. I made many wonderful connections while doing hair but ultimately, I wanted a job that wasn’t location-dependent and that took so much effort (physically and emotionally) which is why I’m taking a break from this field currently.

Could you be in medical school and cosmetology school at the same time?

Medicine is very demanding. You want to study and make sure that you pass all your courses. So, I don’t think it would be wise to try to do both medicine and cosmetology. Perhaps make a list and put the pros and cons on it for both subjects. Then decide what interests you most.Another thought is to finish cosmetology first. Then try this in an office setting to see whether you enjoy practicing cosmetology . If not and you still have the energy and desire to study medicine, enrol in Med. School. But be aware that you need to have enough energy at the end of the basic 4 year study to perhaps get into a 4 year specialty study or a 2 year family medicine program.

Do I lose my hours that I did in cosmetology?

Hey Girl-

If I were you I'd check out because they have all of the listed requirements for cosmetology licenses and stuff like I'm sure they have information about lost hours and all that jazz.

If you can find anything there then go check out

Hope this helps!
