How May A Moderate Liberal Differ From A More Extreme Liberal

Whats the difference btwn Very Liberal, Liberal, Moderate, Conservative, Ultra Conservative, & Non Conformist?

Liberal: Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry; Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded; Tending to give freely; Generous in amount

Very Liberal (adjective): The higher degree of being Liberal

Moderate (adjective): kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense: a moderate price.
Moderate (noun): A person who is moderate in opinion or opposed to extreme
Moderate (verb): To reduce the excessiveness of; make less violent, severe, intense, or rigorous

Conservative (adjective): disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change; cautiously moderate or purposefully low: a conservative estimate.
Conservative (noun): a person who is conservative in principles, actions, habits, etc.; a supporter of conservative political policies.

Ultra Conservative (adjective): he higher degree of being Conservative

Conformist (noun): a person who conforms, especially unquestioningly, to the usual practices or standards of a group, society, etc.; (often initial capital letter) a person who conforms to the usages of an established church, especially the Church of England.
Conformist (adjective): of or characterized by conforming, especially in action or appearance.

Non-Conformist(noun): a person who refuses to conform, as to established customs, attitudes, or ideas; (often initial capital letter) a Protestant in England who is not a member of the Church of England; dissenter.

What are the differences between a liberal Muslim and a moderate Muslim?

Having an upper hand in manufacturing new technological devices and subsequent ideological contents, the westerners along with their influential media manipulate different ‘terms’ and ‘expressions’ to define their friends and foes. The labels such as ‘liberal’, ’moderate’, ‘fundamental’, ‘radical’ and ‘extremists’ are the offshoots of the western-based media outlets used to describe the different groups of Muslims. Thus, Muslims are categorized based on their level of belief and commitment to the divine codes of law. Those devout Muslim individuals whose character translate their beliefs, are called either radical or extremist Muslims. According to their notion, radical Muslims submit their will to Allah’s and do not dare stand in the face of Allah’s words. Moderate Muslims, according to their definition, are those who are on the verge of joining their campaign against what they term as anti-terrorism.To identify who the liberal Muslims are? one should have the knowledge of liberals in advance. Liberal is defined as: open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values. Or he who favors individual liberty, free trade, and moderate political and social reform. Abstractly, one can define liberal as he who is not literal!According to their definition of liberal Muslims, they are the professed Muslims who have produced a considerable body of liberal thought on the re-interpretation and reform of Islamic understanding and practice.*To some, liberal Muslims have no deep knowledge of their religious teachings. Being not sure about the authenticity of their religious beliefs, they are interested to change their mindset and then their behavior accordingly. They find westerners’ secularistic approach towards politics, society, culture and economy, more interesting and appealing. Thus, sooner or later, they will join them. They can be called nominal Muslims who hold Muslim IDs only. Neither their worldview nor their actions represent the true teachings of Islam.The result: to many Muslims, such reductionist labels manipulated by westerners, are divisive and stigmatizing.*Khan, ed., M. A. Muqtedar (2007). Debating Moderate Islam: The Geopolitics of Islam and the West. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press.

What is the difference between a liberal and a moderate Democrat?

Identity politics at it's finest…From a “Still supporting Trump, watch Fox News, Mainstream Media is Fake News” perspective: All others, even members of the GOP who don't support Trump 100% = Liberal, leftist snowflakesOutside of that hard core 20–30% of the population, there exists a spectrum of ideology that may be thought of as having two primary components, Social and Fiscal/Political.Socially liberal types may favor equal rights including the rights to abortion and protection from sexual harrasment for women or marriage rights for the 'non hetero' population. Secular government. Etc.Fiscally/politically liberal types might support higher levels of public funded healthcare, higher education, stronger regulation to protect the environment and consumer rights, reduction in the inequality gulf between rich and poor… higher taxes, etc.Democrats have become more associated with both types of liberalism, but there's definitely a large number of people who are Socially liberal and fiscally 'moderate', while the visible evidence would suggest there's fewer folks on the inverse side of that mix (Socially conservative and fiscally liberal).In short, I think there's a more diverse, less concentrated 'spectrum' of Democratic leaning types than current GOP leaning types. Getting them to show up at the polls is an issue though.

What's the difference between a liberal and a democrat?

A liberal is someone who believes in liberalism, which is political and ideological philosophy. Liberals have a wide array of viewpoints, but generally support freedoms and equality. These can range from freedom of speech to gender equality.Liberalism has been around since the 14th or 15th century, during the Renaissance where liberal ideas first came to prominence. Throughout history, liberals have supported progressive viewpoints that favor equality. The first few liberal viewpoints were the push for democracy and freedom of religion (17th century), followed by classical liberalism (18th-19th century) which supported banning slavery and serfdom, better working conditions, and colonial independence. Later, once these goals were achieved, liberal views shifted again towards the progressive, favoring civil rights and women’s suffrage (20th century).Finally, here we are now with modern or social liberalism, which is even more progressive and supports universal healthcare, immigration rights, LGBT rights, women’s rights, and greater wealth equality. Note how liberalism references mainly ideologies, and liberals simply believe in that ideology.In contrast, democrat is someone who supports the democratic party, and doesn’t reference their ideology. If the democratic party had conservative viewpoints, a democrat would also be conservative. However, in the U.S. today the Democratic Party has modern liberal views (see: Burnie Sanders), and thus Democrats are also liberal.The difference lies once you go out of mainstream U.S. politics. Socialists and communists are also liberal, just extremely so. So are European liberals. Both of these groups have liberal views, but aren’t Democrats because they don’t participate in U.S. politics and the Democratic Party. Therefore, most Democrats are liberal but not all liberals are Democrats. Likewise, Republicans are conservative but not all conservatives are Republicans.Note: Democrat is also defined as someone supporting democracy, such as in ‘social democrat’, but because this is the U.S. I’d assume that definition isn’t relevant.Thanks for the A2A.

How were radicals different from liberals?

This is the left wing of political views.

Radicals, being the farthest left, are the ones who want the most change. They tend not to like anything that is status quo. Usually go about change in extremist ways.

Liberals are in between Radicals and Moderates. Like change and reform but not as drastically as Radicals. They tend to see change as better than keeping things as is.

From left to right

Radical - Liberal - Moderate - Conservative - Reactionary

What is the difference between a 'Conservative Liberal' and a 'Liberal Conservative'?

First, there is no such thing as a “liberal conservative” any more than there can be Christian atheists. Both Christianity and conservatism have radically different assumptions about things.There is such a thing as a right liberal, as represented by the GOP. Right liberals are liberals that follow old Anglo-American liberalism that ruled from the Civil War up until the cultural revolution of the late sixties, when it was replaced by French postmodern liberalism.While both right and left liberalisms only work in the benefit of the liberal elites, Anglo-American liberalism existed in what Emerson called a system of double consciousness. This means that unlike postmodern liberalism, which was wholly invented in the heads of the mentally unstable, Anglo-American liberalism was a very uneasy coexistence of liberal economics along with the traditional host culture. Again, this type of liberalism is almost dead now.

Do you agree that moderate conservatives and moderate liberals have more in common with each other than with the hardliners in their movement?

We need to unpack the components of your question, because it rests on some very questionable assumptions.“moderate conservatives and moderate liberals”What exactly is a moderate? The state department and it’s propaganda networks (CNN, FOX, MSNBC) all labeled the Syrian opposition “moderate”. When in fact they knew without question, that the opposition was almost entirely radical Sunni extremists. So to be a moderate, one has to simply be labeled one by the media.Now that we’ve removed that amorphous shiftless term from our vernacular, lets talk about what conservatives and liberals are all about. First they represent the same set of material interests, they both support all of the same policies, and merely use the ideological elements to maintain their neo-liberal center. In fact they are the same thing, your referencing two cultural identities that are materially identical.Do they have more in common with themselves? Yea, but without those hardline ideological rubes they wouldn’t be able to maintain power. Their is a cost for horrible policies that misserve the majority of the population, especially the working class, and they both willingly pay the cost. In fact without those hardline neo-liberal extremists protecting their flanks, the public would rip their world apart.