How Much Do You Think A High School Senior Who

What is senior year of high school like?

the best, it's probably going to be your funnest time at highschool! I hated it when seniors before my time used to come up to me and say "12th grade is awesome", I would only respond to that in my head with a "yeah right", never did I ever think that quote would be so true. Having so much freedom in that year is so good! I loved it! But you got to watch out with that freedom, because with it comes a lot of responsibility. Also by the time we all reached 12th grade, my grade felt really close. You'll love it.

How much could I get on average for my high school senior ring at a pawn shop?

I am currently under some financial pressures as I'm sure a lot of us are and I was wondering how much money on average I could hope to get for pawning off my High School Senior Ring. It's gold with a black stone (either obsidian or ebony I really can't tell) and it's a "jumbo" size. I no longer have the proof of purchase or any other documentation. Could anyone help me?

What do you think of high school proms?

They have become too damn expensive, are held too far away, and have been surrounded with so much pressure that they are less fun than they are an ordeal.Things were simpler when the junior class spent a week decorating the gym, the dance and after party were chaperoned by teachers and parents (especially fathers!), and the school arranged for a late supper / early breakfast nearby after the prom and provided the transportation so parents could expect their children to be safe. Boys rented tuxes or good suits (or wore their father's or uncle's) and girls borrowed or purchased a gown which didn't cost their parents a week's salary. The boy brought a corsage when he came to the house to call on the girl and the girl's mother took pictures while the father looked properly threatening. The boy or the boy's father, mother, or older brother / sister drove the couple to the school.Once at the Prom the boy and girl stayed together and had the first, coronation, and last dance together. Neither was ever left alone!After the meal, the school's transportation returned the couples to the gym where their parents were waiting to take them safely home.Boys could attend the prom stag (without a date) and provided the stag line so that no girl sat out a dance unless she wished to do so. Girls, too, could attend in a group and dance with anyone who asked them, and the stag line and the chaperones made sure that they were not left without a partner. The band made sure that there were line dances with provided a time when everyone could dance with or without a partner.Of course this was a simpler time, but I dare anyone, no matter how progressive, to declare that dances with breathtaking costs, limousines, hotel rooms, and the pressure to end the night drunk and having fornicated with one or a number of people is better!

What month do high school seniors graduate?

It's usually late May or early June.

Do you think it is ok for high school juniors/seniors to date college students?

My girlfriend is in college and I'm a senior in high school. We've together for like three years. I mean... there isn't even much of age difference. She was born at the beginning of 1992 and I was born at the end of 1992 so it's not even a year.

I don't think age matters as much as people complain about it.

I always say do half of your age plus six to see the youngest person you can date. Example...

My girlfriend is 18... so half of 18 is 9. 9 plus 6 is 15. I'm 17 so the age difference isn't too bad. And it works too because older people always date people much younger or older and so... if you're 50... you can technically date a 31 year old...

At least on my scale.... which is really ghetto anyways... XD

High school senior with no real friends?

I'm in the exact same boat as you, I live in Sydney, Australia and we just had our summer holidays. Not ONE 'friend' invited me or asked me to hang out in the holidays. None of them even really spoke to me. I went back to school and I felt so alone and isolated, so I know exactly how you feel. I never have plans or anything anymore. But the way I deal with it is this; I think of the people in high school with me and how much I really don't want to be friends with them anyways. High school doesn't last too long, for me it's another 7 months, and the chances of people keeping their friends in high school is quite minimal unless they've been friends for years and years. So don't stress about it, high school will be over before you know it, and whether it be college or wherever you go off to next, it will be a new start and I'm sure you will make many more friends there, that will actually last. All the best.

Why do seniors date freshmen in high school?

I think I can properly answer this one based off pure observations.There's a reason people say, “If you're a freshman, don't date seniors.”One is fourteen, and the other seventeen. Give or take. That's might not seem like a big age difference, but when you're young, four years is a major gap in maturity. One just got out of middle school, and the other is about to go into college.The seniors know the maturity gap is there. And they will date freshmen girls because they know they are impressionable and new to the high school system.I met a senior once who only dated freshmen girls because they weren't aware of his reputation. That he, of course, only dates for sex. He and his freshman girlfriend were caught by a teacher in the school barn, the girl performing oral sex. Her response? “Oh, but he brought me a blanket for my knees. That was sweet of him.” Fact of the matter is: she doesn't quite grasp the concept of how wrong that was.Actually, he wasn't the only senior I met who would only date freshmen girls for these sorts of things, but his was the most scandalous.Other purposes exist as well, such as the senior knowing that the freshmen can be easily manipulated and controlled because of the obvious power imbalance.Next time you see a senior interested in a freshmen consider this: what's wrong with them that they can't find someone their own age?Edit:Sure, exceptions exist, but they're uncommon, and I have yet to see a good freshman and senior relationship. Intentions might be good and they might be a genuinely good and normal person, and I'd hope that’s the case, but it seems to me like they're usually not, and rare exceptions to this rule are not universal.

Is it weird for a high school senior to date a sophomore?

Its not that its strange its just inconvenient.It wouldn't be weird if the relationship was already happening or you have this amazing connection but I'm going to be honest. The probably of that happening is low.He is going to be stressing about college admissions, preparing for college, the SAT's , and wrapping everything up so he can leave.I highly recommend you just let it go unless you know that he is staying local.Long distance relationships do not work out if the couple hasn't been together for a while already. Relationships into college in general don't last. My two friends were together for 3 years and broke up a semester in. They go to the same college.I just need to repeat that I recommend you let it go.  A 15-16 year old and a 17-18 year old is not the best relationship.I also want to say if I saw a couple like that its not like I would say something but you asked about the possibility of.

Should I -play High School basketball my senior year?

You've got to play you're senior year. You will only be a senior once in your life and by the looks of your last game you still have game.

Take it from me. I played in my junior year and did not play my senior year. When i was a junior we were runner-ups and the senior year my former teammates were Champions in our league. I really regretted it. Watching from the sidelines wasn't fun.

The message i want to impart to you is. Oppurtunities are given once in a while only. So grab it, play and you'll never regret it.