How Much Memory Los Does 1 Sufer From Derealisation Is Mine Normal

Are these normal symptoms for depersonalization disorder?

People with dissociative identity disorder often describe an array of symptoms that can resemble those of other mental health disorders as well as those of many physical disorders.
Different groups of symptoms occur at different times.People with the disorder may feel detached from themselve(depersonalization) and experience familiar people and surroundings as if they were unfamiliar, strange, or unreal (derealization).

Depersonalization disorder is a mental disorder that distorts a person's sense of reality. It affects a person in a way that can be hard to articulate. This feeling of limited control can hamper motor skills and bring about speech impairment. Depersonalization disorder impairs the normal state of awareness and limits or alters one’s sense of identity, memory, consciousness, and feeling as if we are losing our Mind.

Depersonalization is the state of not feeling like us or feeling alienated from our own behavior. As a Depersonalization disorder’s patient, I ca say that I feel I been watching myself from outside of myself. It may feel like out of my body, but without seeing myself if that makes sense, I feel going mentally retarded or going crazy!
An out of body experience is literally seeing yourself a sleep, or if someone dissociates and they see themselves, depersonalization is similar but it's not that.

Some degree of relief is usually achieved with treatment. Complete recovery is possible for many people, especially those whose symptoms occur in connection with stresses that can be dealt with during treatment. Other people do not respond well to treatment, although they may gradually improve on their own.

A few people like me remain unresponsive to all treatments. Ant-anxiety drugs and antidepressants sometimes help, particularly for me having anxiety or depression.

Marijuana = Memory loss/Derealization/Anxiety?

Hey guys, back last year I smoked some weed with some friends and I have never had this effect before I started freaking out and got horrible feelings (hard to swallow, hot head, feet kept moving) and then two months later I got all these symptoms, My memory is absolutely horrible I can remember the previous day if i'm lucky, i'm always tired, i'm really dizzy/zoned out? and I feel like I have a brain fog. So I went to the doctor awhile ago he put me on anti depressants Citophram I believe the name was and it didn't help, but now I look back I'm not really a sad person usually in a good mood and whatnot but lately its been really hard. I take a multi vitamin everyday and a fish oil with omega 3 in it but still haven't got back to normal. I put alot of work into my studies 2 years ago and I am starting college this week and don't wanna screw up (or waste the $3000) haha, If anyone can relate to anything I said or have any advice please help me, I thought it was Lyme disease or a possible brain tumor but i'm starting to think its really all in my head. :( thanks alot guys.

What's wrong with me? (derealization?)?

Yeah, sounds a lot like derealization. I got the same thing from a bad experience with pot a few months ago, unfortunately it hasn't gone away yet. Apparently 2% of people have this and its the third most common psychiatric symptom so its not that far out of the normal range of human experience, to be honest. Some people develop it slowly in childhood or teenhood, while others get it suddenly from a traumatic experience ie a car crash or a bad drugs trip.

Generally, it is associated with an anxiety disorder and/or depression, and clearing up the primary problem(s) will allow the derealization to fade away. Unfortunately this is a long-term process (months) but there is light at the end of the tunnel! Doctors don't tend to know very much about this symptom but they might be able to refer you to a specialist or psychiatrist if you ask them.

This website is good for helping with anxiety:

The grainy vision (or static as I call it) is fairly normal with derealization.

Try and take natural methods first like improving your lifestyle (exercising more etc) and socialising, rather than taking drugs of any kind, which tend just to mask the symptoms and have side effects. I find exercising helps lift the 'fog' of derealization a bit for a short while. Whatever you do do not take cannabis or other hallucinogens, which could possibly start a depersonalization episode. Good luck on recovering! I know some people seem to experience this for years at a time and then recover so even if you've been having this for a while don't worry.