How Often Should I Feed My Leopard Gecko Every Two Days

How often do you feed a leopard gecko?

for babies you want to feed them everyday until they are about 4 months, then you want to feed them every other day for 3 months, then when they are fully grown at about 7 months of age you feed them every 2 days. you want to feed them about 2 prey items for every inch long they are for example you would want a 6 inch leopard gecko to eat about 12 items. if they still seem hungry them drop a few more in until they seem uninterested

How often should i feed my leopard gecko?

The poster ahead of me is correct. Babies and juveniles get fed once a day every day. Feed them as much as they will eat in 15-20 minutes. Whatever is left, particularly crickets, remove them. Crickets can get hungry and begin to munch on you leo. It is not recommended that you switch them over to an every other day feeding until about a year old. Late evening and nights are the preferred feeding times. That's when they are emerging from their hides and looking for food.

How often should I feed my leopard geckos?

they do not eat themselves

How often and what do you feed your leopard gecko, also can they get too fat?

Leopard geckos store their energy as fat in their tails, before using it. Appetite depends on a few things, like season, temperature, gestation, and availability. It is crucial to always have fresh water in their terrarium.I've read a lot of conflicting things in this topic, here's what I find with mine. Each female will eat about 5 large crickets (dusted with calcium powder) every 2 nights. During hibernation this will be reduced. Also as gestating eggs develop they eat less but more often. After laying they are ravenous but might need 24 hours or so to recover from the stress of egg laying. At this time they may eat double their normal intake. It's important to note that every individual may differ in amount eaten per feeding, you will quickly get to know your animal.My male is housed by himself. He eats only about 6 crickets per week.As for being overweight, I find that with proper temperature regulation they don't over eat. This may also depend greatly on the orientation of your gecko (hot, cold). This refers to gestation and incubation temperature. I find hot females will eat whatever is given while cold females will often not eat if they have a tankmate. I have not had a hot or cold male.

How many and often should I feed my leopard gecko meal worms?

Mealworms are mostly fat. You should not feed them alone, they are not very nutritious. A varied diet is important for all herps. I feed my lizards crickets every other day. I give them mealworms once every week or two. You will know how much to feede by watching her. If you put feeders in and she eats them all in 2 minutes, then maybe you should feed more. If you put them in and she just looks at them and is not interested, try feeding less. Be sure you clean the water daily and dust feeder insects with calcium.

Leopard geckos are nocturnal so you may want to feed her at night before you go to bed. That way all the feeders get ate and they are not crawling on her while she is trying to sleep.

Hope this helped.

How often should i feed my adult leopard gecko?

they need more than three crickets.
you should feed them about ten crickets every 2-3 days. you can also feed them some worms in addition to this. don't worry if he doesn't eat all the crickets at first, some of ours like to hunt them in their own time or they may not eat any right away and just eat them later.
added: kassy r is wrong! they need to be fed way more than what she says listen to me and the first person

How often do you feed your adult leopard gecko ?

Ok my adults, eat every other day, sometimes every 2 days, I feed them the biggest crickets I can find, about 5 the days I feed them, I also feed them meal-worms, not giant meal-worms, just meal-worms about 1 inch or 3/4 of an inch, about 5 of them too, sometimes i mix them like 3 crickets and 3 worms, or something like that.

How often should I feed my 2 year old Leopard Gecko?

Be very careful with buying any skinny animal from a petstore. Vet bills could kill you with the prices.
Anyways of he's as skinny as you say I'd recommend feeding him maybe 2 or 3 large crickets dusted with calcium twice a week. Its always good to leave a constant supply of some mealworms (also dusted with calcium) in a dish that way he can eat when hes hungry. Also, if you want to spoil him and fatten him up give him some waxworms...but no more then a few every couple weeks. I recommend gutloading your feeders.a few.hours before feeding.
Also...not sure how experienced you are but its also vital that you have a moist hide for proper shedding.
These include any sort of tupperware, with an entrance hole. I use coco fiber as the bedding inside as it holds moisture very well. 84 to 90°F in the tupperware.
Anyways good luck! Make sure hes got a nice fat tail soon!

How often does a leopard gecko shed?

An adult leopard gecko will shed around once a month while younger geckos shed much more often. While shedding the gecko will consume its entire shedded skin, so there is no need to assist the gecko at all unless it has problems removing its skin. A few days before shedding, you will notice a progressive graying in the gecko's skin that will alert you it is about to shed. You need to provide adequate moisture to ensure little problem. You may find this website helpful