How Old Do I Look In This Picture

How old do i look in this picture?


How old do i look? (PICTURE)?

You do look very young in the pictures (I'd say about 13/ 14 without the piercing), but the makeup and the piercing make you look older (about 16/ 18?).
And you're VERY pretty ! (:

How old do I look? [Pictures Included]?

Haha, thanks for the honest opinions but I think its just my small eyes that say "I'm tired!"
And wow, nobody got even close to my real age! If you checked my profile, I'm 14 years old.
Maybe I need to show you better pictures of me next time. haha
And no, I'm not really offended. I'm just a kid whose curious so thank you! =)

Do I look twenty years old?(picture)?

Yeah you do look like 16 or so.

I have the same problem ... I turned twenty recently but I could certainly pass for a 16 or 17 year old.

It is frustrating.

Why do people look at their old pictures more than their old videos?

I once took a writing class where one of the exercises was to write a piece looking at an old picture and telling the story behind it.I think I can infer from that old pictures have great sentimental value when it comes to nostalgia.Same is probably true of old videos especially videos of people who are for some reason not in our lives any more.However one difference between pictures and videos is that videos record incidents and depicts an accurate representation of any event as it happened.Pictures however give us an opportunity to reminisce old memory through the colours of our sentiment.Human memory is not perfect and when we look at an old picture our brain brings back the sentiments associated with that picture and we create for ourselves a less than perfect recollection which none the less suits our nostalgic needs for looking at the picture.On a lighter note it is far quicker to flick through pictures than to look at videos.

How old do I look in your opinion?

21 Benjamin ....

Can you please rate me out of 10. how do i look..? [pictures included..]?

rate my appearance out of 10. please. and how do you think i could improve.
please be honest :]

image 1 :¤t=2-1.jpg

image 2 :¤t=573.jpg

Rate on looks and how old do i look picture include 10 points best answer?