How Old Does She Look And Why If You Want

What will my 2-month-old puppy look like when she grows up? (pic included)

She certainly is cute! And she will still be beautiful no matter what length her fur is.With a cross bred dog, she can have either labrador traits or golden retriever traits or a blend, for any aspect of her physical appearance or character. Which means, her coat might be short like a lab or long like a golden or somewhere in between long and short.That's genes for you. It's a case of wait and see. The only certainty with her coat is that she will stay pretty much the same colour.I hope you will love her just as much, no matter the length of her coat. Golden retriever coats I agree are very beautiful, but they are also very warm, get really disgusting if your dog plays in mud and then needs lots of washing and grooming, and take forever to dry if wet.Please remember your dog is a living being and not an accessory. They are exactly who they are! It will take just over a year for your puppy to become full sized, and in that time you will hopefully form a close bond. If you focus on forming that bond, then you won't care about her coat. You will just care about your friend in terms of who she is, not what she looks like… and that's the important thing.

Why do older people say I look like a thug?

My mom can't stand to see me with a du-rag on my head. She says I look like a thug. When I tell her that she is reinforcing negative stereotypes of young black males like myself she says she doesn't care because du-rags are not attractive to her. My pops says the same thing. The reason I wear a du-rag is so my hair can hold a style that I want it to hold. I wear in the winter when it's cold outside and I wear it when my hair is messy and if it's not cut or lined up. What is so wrong with wearing a du-rag? I'm not trying to look like a thug. Most thugs don't even wear du-rags. Hell sum cats gangbang in suits.

I really like this girl. I am 45. how old do you think she looks? (PIC INCLUDED)?

Do you think she is too young for me?
She never showed any interest in me, but maybe she is just playing hard to get?

Is it bad for a 30 year old man to look like as young as an 18 year old?

I believe we have the same age defying genes. I am 40 and can pass off as late 20s. When I was in my 30s they thought I was in my early 20s.Sometimes I believe it is the schoolboy haircut I mantained and sometimes it is my boyish smile. However I also think it is gods retribution for making me an unattractive teenager. So I consider my youthful appearance as a blessing.When I was in my 20s I got asked for my ID alot for going to age restricted places. I always take it as a compliment.When I was in my late 20s I have substantial experience for management jobs. However I dont get the jobs. Whenever I went for interview, the interviewer will first comment on my appearance on how youthful I look. I have the impression that I dont have the authority persona that they are looking for.Things get complicated with my wife and daughter. I have a teenage daughter. When we walked together people will think we were a couple. I got gossiped at work on that I am dating another girl and my girlfriend is so young. I usually answered thats my daughter u sicko!!! Followed by another question… how old are you actually? My wife who is 8 years younger than me struggles to keep up her looks with me. She looks normal except that she keeps looking older than me when we are together. She forces me to wear classic cut clothes so I will look older when we are together.I also have problems at work when people thinks I am single as they do not expect me to be married. They pushed extra hours and weekends to me as though I do not have a family. I need to constantly remind them I have my family commitments too.I am not an attractive nor handsome. I look younger than my age. That is all. I still suffer from all the health conditions for people around my age. Except balding.This condition runs in my family. I work with my uncle who is 15 years my senior yet when we are together, our age are not apparently different.Sometimes I try disguises like putting on thick frame glasses which I think will make me look older yet it made me look like a schoolboy.Thats me and my daughter after 15 years. I do gained some weight but never looked much older.

What do you think a 50 year old looks like?

I have seen so many questions and answers about people “aging well.” It’s driving me crazy.Look at Jen Anniston, she’s over 40 and she still looks pretty!Look at me, I’m 70 and I can pass for 55!WTF people?What do you think we look like at 50? We have modern medicine, modern skin care products, we’re more careful about what we expose ourselves to, fewer people smoke, we don’t use trans fats. We ALL look a little better a little older.Here’s a not terribly flattering selfie from just a random day. I had a little leftover make up on from earlier in the day, not much.This is what 51 looks like in 2019 people.It’s not shocking that celebrities look good at 40 or 50, no one looks particularly old at 40, especially when they’re styled and finished by the best hair and makeup people.That 70 year old bragging about how young she looks, convincing people she looks 50? I’m sorry, she does not. She looks 70. I look 50, because I am 50, or 51 really.Sure, my eyelids are sagging, my lips have thinned, my nasal labial folds are more defined and I’m loosing my eyebrows. That shit happens to all of us, it doesn’t mean we automatically become hideous hags when we turn 35.