How Old Would Mobster Benjamin

What casinos did Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel own?

The Flamingo is the casino Siegel most famious for but he also owned the El Cortez for a time.

What do you think of the name Benicio for a boy?

I like it. I want to name my son (when I have one, currently have 2 girls) Gianni or Giovanni.

My husband (who is Italian) Likes Vito, I dont like that name and we're trying to comprmise.

Try having your hubby put out a few names he likes and then put out your top choices and see which ones you both like then comprimise on them

Maybe if not Benicio for a first name, try it for a middle name.

Benjamen "Bugsy" Siegel?

I have to do a five minute speech for my senior History class on this gangster from the 1920's. I must sit in front of the room dressed as him and tell the class what i've done in life in first person.

Anyone know some interesting things about him I could talk about or include? I would really appreciate it =] I know a one or two cool things but if you know anything I don't you'd be lots of help.

Did the Mafia always distinguish between soldiers and civilians when going to the mattresses?

Look, “the mafia" is not like Macy's or DuPont. It's a generic term given to relatively small bands of criminals and some may be more ritualized or bureaucratic than others. Wars between rival gangs usually include only other men involved with criminal activity but there is nothing sacred among these people. There's no law beyond “the commission," a loosely connected organization made up of the dons and their consiglieres of various gangs in a city or state or general area, to approve conduct when carrying out murders. Most of these people have fairly serious mental problems. There's a reason they called Benjamin Siegel “Bugsy” and Joe Gallo “Crazy.” Both of these men bucked the commission and died rather spectacularly as a result.Selwyn Raab's breakdown of the gangland hierarchy refers specifically to New York's Cosa Nostra and the off-shoots of it in other cities. It may not be the same for The Outfit in Chicago, for example. The way the Bananno family does things is not exactly the same way the Genovese family works although technically both are part of Cosa Nostra.While we have Joseph Bonanno's strikingly candid autobiography, Man of Honor which we must assume, at least regarding the layout of his organization, is more or less accurate. We also have the remarkable recording of Robert DeLuca’s initiation into the Patriarca family, the Cosa Nostra off-shoot in Rhode Island. As to whether these records are representative of any other criminal groups we simply don't know. Mario Puzo’s novel The Godfather is fiction. While it has long been supposed that it was based on real events you can be absolutely certain that there has never been a mafia capo as honest, forthright, scrupulous and well-intentioned as Don Corleone.

Has anyone observed how most mafias and gangsters turn out to be either capricorn or taurus?

I did a bit of research not on serial killers but on the 10 most wanted men there. Most turned out to be earth signs. I think bcoz building a big crime syndicate requires patience and calculation(key qualities of earth signs).
Also i was surprised to see the rank 1 was a piscean - Osama bin laden

Is Joker older than Batman?

Joker's age is never directly mentioned in the comic books. The common notion is that Joker is much older than Wayne, probably stemming from the TV show and the 1989 movie, however it seems like they're the same age. The idea of Joker being older than Batman might also come from the fact that the artwork often depicted Joker as someone looking like an aged man in late 30's or early 40's, or the idea alone that he's a gangster and a leader of mobsters in the Golden and Silver eras, something that usually seasoned, older gangsters could be.Let's again start with the genesis of the character. Joker's appearance was based on Conrad Veidt's character from the movie "The Man Who Laughs", which is a nice way of saying that Bob Kane simply drew the character on paper without any changes. Kane was a self proclaimed copycat and the Joker was virtually the Veidt character with green hair

Why is the israeli prime minister's daughter (noa netanyahu) so much uglier than pakistani prime minister's daughter?

In my culture we say that the daughter of a liar will be cursed with the face of a donkey and the breath of a goat.

I can only offer the folk wisdom of my people - so this is my answer.

May Lord Vishnu & Goddess Lakshmi keep you safe.

Mishal: I did not say anything about Pakistan. I am not from Pakistan.