How Sensitive Are Azaleas To Being Moved

What does it look like when an INFJ is really angry?

It looks like a tornado, that ignites out of seemingly nowhere…and to witness this, is absolutely terrifying. I knew an infj, that lived in a house with roommates, who constantly toued with her. She put up with constant harrassment, for a solid nine months. They were even stealing from her. Then one day she said the words…”this better stop, or IAM going to lose it. I'm not kidding, I will go absolutely lunatic, so please stop”. Well…they were not bright people, and what could this calm, peaceful, saintly thing do to them? Two days later, they stole from her yet again, and she did lose it…grabbed a golf club, and went through three door, yes went through three doors, like a bull…into the room where the thief was. The room was an add on from the 1970’s, and an entire wall was the square glass tiles covering it. And that infj girl went swinging, and I mean with the most powerful force you can imagine, and super fast, matrix like…and within seconds, nearly the entire wall…a long wall, was shattered. She even grabbed the thiefs fifth of vodka, tossed it in the air, and nailed that to…and everyone stood staring, terrified, jaws on the floor…she turned around and calmly walked out. Later she told me it took four hours to stop the pounding of her heart, and her boiling blood, and heated cheeks to begin to cool…and she felt afraid of herself, and years later, she told me she never felt so badly about a thing in her entire life. That is an infj that has had it…so people, when they are still using their words, well…that is an excellent time to stop what you are doing to them. And they don't react for no reason, or even react right away.. so it an infj shows this kind of anger. You can bet, they absolutely have been mistreated, and for an extended time…

What Type of House Plants Are Good For a Cockatiel to Nibble?

cockatiel diet must be supplemented with fresh fruit and vegetables on a daily basis. An all seed diet often results in an unhealthy or overweight cockatiel.

Try the following:

apple, grape, guava, kiwi fruit, mango, melon, nectarine, orange, peach, pear, pomegranate, plum, strawberry, tangerine, watermelon

bok choy, broccoli, carrot (chopped or grated), celery, chard, lettuce (but small amounts of lettuce and not too often as not a lot of goodness), peas, silverbeet, spinach, sweetcorn, watercress, zucchini.

Favorites with cockatiels tend to be apple, egg, pasta, peas, rice, silverbeet, spinach, sweetcorn.

Note that the fruit and vegetables should be provided:

thoroughly washed
in small pieces
at room temperature
free of cores, stones, pits or pips
raw (some cockatiels prefer certain vegetables cooked (steamed) like peas and sweetcorn - use your judgment here)

fresh (obviously this will be the most nutritious for your cockatiel but you can use frozen or canned)

Be aware that your cockatiel's droppings may be runnier than usual with an intake of fruit and vegetables.

google for pet bird recipes

How do i raise my bunny to be friendly?

I bought a dwarf hotot bunny Friday, his name is Mr.Wiggles and he is 8 weeks old.
I have been handling him alot so far, but all he ever wants to do is go back in his hutch or run off.
I want to raise him to be friendly, kind of like a petting zoo rabbit.
What do i need to do?
