How Serious Is It When Hemroid Starts Bleeding After Taking Prescription Medicine Only After A

Would bleeding be caused by a hemorrhoid?

So I've always had a slight touch of IBS. I get periods of constipation at times is mainly the issue with it. About a week ago I had constipation that lasted about 4 days or so. When it finally started it was hard to pass and it was hard and solid. There was some straining. Anyway, today I had a movement that was regular and normal, but on the stool I noticed two streaks of what appeared like mucus tinged with bright red blood. It was on top of the stool, not in it. And looked as if you took a thin sharpie and drew a thin red line. It was straight.

Im quite sure the IBS over the years likely has caused some hemorrhoids. I sometimes get specks of bright red blood on the toilet paper and the anal area feels inflamed sometimes after a bowel movement. It's like an itching or burning sensation. If I take a bath or shower it tends to subside. Its never been severe enough to run to the doctor for relief. More of an inconvenience and goes away usually with a shower.

But can hemorrhoids cause this type of bleeding?

Otherwise Im a healthy 30 year old male...Just wondering if anyone has experienced something like this before.

What is the best over the counter hemorrhoid medication?

Please only reply if you actually have advice for me, from experience, please..... I have a small hemorrhoid that hurts and bleeds when I wipe, and itches when I wash in the shower. I have talked to my doctor about my options, and I decided I would try an over the counter medication before anything else. So, I am wondering, what should I try? What product works best for you? Is there any medication or brand I should avoid? I really don't even know what's out there at this point.

Can HemClear and HemCream stop bleeding Hemorrhoid? How long will it take to see the results?

I have hemorrhoids for years and it became worst when i got pregnant with my youngest son. I have bleeding too but what concerns me is i cant travel because i cant sit in a car for more than 3 hours.
My doctor prescribed Hemclear and it only took one week for me to see the progress. At first i had to take 2 capsules three times daily but since ts almost gone i am now taking 2 capsules everyday for maintenance.

I am a 22-year-old girl with external hemorrhoids without bleeding for the last 2 months. How do I remove this bump permanently without surgery?

Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are vascular structures in the anal canal. Normally these structures serve as a cushion that helps with stool control. However, when swollen or inflamed ,they become a disease. There are two types of hemorrhoids. The signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids depend on the type present. Internal hemorrhoids are usually with painless and come with bright red rectal bleeding when defecating. External hemorrhoids are often painful and swell in anus areas. If bleeding occurs it is usually darker. Symptoms frequently get better after a few days. A skin tag may remain after the healing of an external hemorrhoid.Are you ready for piles treatment? Cool. Let's get down to business.How to treat hemorrhoids?HEMORRHOIDS TREATMENT WITHOUT OPERATIONBoil two liters of water in a pot. Dissolve in this boiling water a pound of alum (or take a thick clay pot and pour into it two quarts of milk, dropping 4 large onions). The pot must be closed. Cook this mixture in the oven over low heat. Then close the pan or pot with a wooden lid with a hole and warm the anus over the steam. After the session, always lubricate the anus (inside and outside) with petroleum jelly (Vaseline) and take a laxative.Warming should be done no more than once a week. Two or three warm-ups are completely enough. More here: HEMORRHOIDS NATURAL REMEDIES | YOU WANT TO KILL IT?

Why am I bleeding every time I poop?

If the blood is RED, You likely have Hemorrhoids. BUT: DO NOT take any medical advice from Laymen. See a M.D. at once to verify the problem. If it is hemorrhoids, then merely keep your anus clean by washing it after every bowel movement with COLD water and a Soft Cloth. Do not wash your anus with hot or warm water and soap because these exacerbate the problem. If they are advanced, you may need a prescription ointment. Do not panic, but do see a qualified physician ASAP.
Gently train yourself to be regular as constipation and straining can cause hemorrhoids, too.

Should I go to Urgent Care for rectal bleeding?

Seek medical attention... The problem with this situation is the high possibility of infection. Obviously the hemorrhoids are opening up, and when you have a bowel movement the chances of stool getting into those open sores are very high! That can lead to a septic blood infection... Go to the doctor to get some antibiotics, protective barrier cream for your rectum, and pain relief meds.