How Should I Apologize To My Parents

How do I apologize to my parents about my hickey?

This isn't about you having a hickey. The roots run much deeper. It is about making poor choices and behaving in unacceptable ways. It is incredibly disrespectful and goes against the standards they have set for you. Obviously, they expect and deserve better of you. Btw, they have every right to be thoroughly disgusted with your behavior. You are 15; not 18, not an adult, and I assume your GF is also underage. The thought of two underage and immature KIDS messing up their young lives and possibly getting her pregnant and having a baby or an abortion are NOT consequences any parent wants for their own children. Yes, sorry to break the news to you, but you and your GF are still children yourselves. However, what are great opportunity for you and your GF to change your ways and begin to accept responsibility by becoming accountable for your actions. Your real immaturity is revealed in that you think this is all about a hickey. You are NOT bad kids, you are kids that made a bad decision and stepped way over the line. I am glad your Dad cares and loves you enough to confront your poor choices.

How to apologize to boyfriend's parents?

I do like the idea of a letter, because then you know you'll get the chance to say EVERYTHING without being interrupted. However, the problem with the letter is that it doesn't give the other party the opportunity to discuss things with you.

This is why I think it may be best to go for coffee/lunch with your boyfriends parents. Explain to them you're responsible. Acknowledge that sneaking out was not a good idea and why you feel bad about it. You want their trust. In order to regain their trust, reassure them that the two of you were not "DOING" anything (I know that's an awkward convo, but they'll feel better hearing it). Ask if it would be acceptable if you went on chaparoned dates (ugh, I know...but you screwed up here!!! At least you can see him - even if his parents are closely watching).

Gifts won't do anything. Wine or chocolate won't help. Although, maybe you can get a coffee card and start making regular coffee dates with his mum to keep her in the loop.

I crashed my parents car, how should i apologize.?

I'm only 15.
I took the car this morning
and was speeding
nd i did a sharp turn and ended up gettin on the sidewalk and got stuck on a bush.
The police came and told me i was going to get a fine in the mail.
How should i apologize to my parents.

What does it say about a parent when they don't apologize to their child for a mistake they made with them?

This question was meant for me!I grew up with parents who rarely if EVER apologized for anything, even if proven wrong. The worst offender was, and still is, my mom. She just never felt the need to say she was sorry unless it was so obvious she was wrong or if busted in front of other people.My dad was no help either, defending her by saying,”When I was growing up, my mom didn’t apologize and we didn’t expect her to.” I just can’t agree with that.As kids get older and hit their adolescent years, I think it’s this type of thinking that leads to resentment and rebellion. Because by then, they have learned that parents are NOT right all the time and it makes you look human when you admit that you aren’t.It was rough growing up sometimes because when it came time for arguments and to prove my case, it didn’t matter. I wasn’t winning because they didn’t care about the facts, only about what they thought. I had to learn to just let it be and agree even if I knew I was right or else it got ugly.While I have amazing parents, this was their one major flaw that I really couldn’t stomach. They were loving and supportive in every other way, just never wrong!I won’t be doing the same with my daughter; I WILL be apologizing for my mistakes with her.

How do I best apologize to my girlfriend’s parents?

By being brave and showing courage. By being honest and looking both parents in the eye. By not only explaining your actions and asking for forgiveness but also by making amends to promise them that it will not happen again. Think of what you want to say and get it right in your mind. Be straight forward and direct when speaking. Don't mumble, speak clearly and loud enough to be heard. Don't ramble or get off the topic. Do not smile or joke about anything.Do these things and you not only have a good chance of being forgiven but also gaining their respect.

How do I apologize to my dad?

So me and my dad had this fight on Tuesday. He was saying something to my mom about me, and i was in the bathroom so i was like 'if you have something to say, then say it to my face.' then he kept talking and it annoyed me and i was like 'if you dont have anything nice to say, then don't say it at all.' and we're asian so he doesnt know english that well so he thought i was telling him to shut up but i wasnt.

now hes ignoring me and not talking, i suppose hes still mad. and i dont want to apologize to him because its not my fault for him misunderstanding. However, I do know I should apologize. But I'm never good at apologizing. I find it akward and I don't know how to start.

So how should I apologize to my dad? IM NOT GOOD AT APOOLOGIZING. :(

How to apologize to girlfriend's parents for having sex with their daughter?

If you intend to continue having sex with their daughter, don't apologize. Wait them out and in the meantime be respectful if you are around them. If you don't intend to continue having sex with their daughter, then say something to the affect of "I apologize for not showing you or your daughter the respect you deserve. Please know that I am sorry for my actions, and will show nothing but the utmost regard and respect for your daughter and yourselves in the future. I hope to prove to your daughter that I am capable of caring for her deeply without expecting her to compromise her values, and of remaining a gentleman in any way that I can be. Thank you for your consideration and understanding."
You could also use this even if you intend to continue having sex, and just be WAY more discrete..never put anything into text, email, paper, journals, photos, or audio/video.
Good luck and best wishes. Oh, and use birth control! Please!