How Should I Entertain Myself For The Moment

How would you entertain yourself in an empty room?

i`d start remembering a funny moment from my life.. and i think i would laugh my pants down... or start singing.. never been in such position before.. but i think i would go crazy

If you were God, how would you entertain yourself?

Step One) Create a fantastic universe with sentient life.Step Two) Make the Universe so complex and remarkable that it would seem to suggest it was designed, but make the rules of mathematics and physics such that it’s totally plausible that it was not.Step Three) Do not reveal myselfStep Four) Watch scientifically advanced sentient species fill internet forums with endless arguments about whether or not I exist.Step Five) Laugh.In all seriousness, though, the idea that one could even imagine what it’s like to be God, much less that they have an understanding of what God would then be motivated to do, is a little unrealistic. If God does exist, he’s not a guy whipping up planets and watching from the sky. It would be a being of incomprehensible power, a being so advanced that “intelligence” is so base it could hardly even be ascribed to it as a singular attribute.

How do you entertain yourself on the toilet?

Original question: How do you entertain yourself on the toilet?It’s a very rare occasion when I spend more than let’s say two or at the most three minutes sitting on the toilet. As a man I do most of my stuff there standing up, and bowel movements that take sitting down tend to happen so smoothly that I don’t have time to get bored. In other words: no need to “entertain” myself because spending a few minutes with my thoughts alone is not particularly terrible to me (grin)!However, sometimes I have my cellphone with me and I check f’rinstance Facebook. But before I can read what’s going on there my business tends to be already finished.

If you have ever been homeless, what did you do to entertain yourself? What brought you joy? What brightened your days?

As someone who at the age of 13 ended up living on park benches, in abandoned buildings and apartment complex saunas there was nothing that brought joy … there was no entertainment. There were few funny moments that brought about a laugh which quickly gave way to the reality of being without a home, food, shower, change of clothing and most devastatingly human contact or care.One “funny” moment that brought about a laugh; I was hitchhiking to find a job and happened to have a gun with me (unloaded) when a man picked me up. A few minutes into the drive he attempted to put my hand in his pants which were already unzipped. I pulled the gun on him and he immediately pulled over crying like a baby for his life. I think my laughter after the situation was a way of ignoring the attempted sexual assault. I was lucky that time, there were other times when I had no way of defending myself.I have often been asked about fun times in the context of “you were 13, you must have been partying, no parents, no rules ... ” I find this question along the same lines … making light of the hardships that accompany being homeless.There is a huge difference between a moment of amusement and actual joy.Maybe a better question would have been about being grateful rather than joyful?I was grateful for the prostitute who took me in for a few days. I was grateful when the weather was good. I was grateful when someone smiled and spoke to me. I was grateful when I had something to eat. Sadly, I was never joyful.

What are some good ways to entertain my newborn?

I have a beautiful 2-week-old litte girl and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on what to do with her during her "awake" moments. I talk to her and sing to her, be honest...I feel like I'm talking to myself. Is she too young for me to be constantly trying to entertain her? Am I wasting my time? Any suggestions?

What does it mean to 'entertain a thought'?

What does it mean to 'entertain' a thought. I need to explain to someone what it means to 'entertain a thought' .... and I started to wonder myself, if I knew what it means (silly I know!...I thought about it so much I utterly confused myself!)

The dictionary says to pay attention to a thought .... but this is rather vague .... if you entertain a thought does it mean think about it for a long while etc.

I would love a reply (^‿^)

What am i to do about myself?

I understand what you are going through. It is called depression. Just like in the commercials, you have lost interest in things, don't want to be notice, and feel like the blues won't go away. I think of it as being in the bottom of a dark barrel full of a cloak of fog that I can't get out of. I feel like wallowing in sadness. It is a process of going through the sadness. When you are ready, look up. There isn't a lid on the barrel, there is light, a beautiful light. There is a way out of the barrel. It is called hope. Once that you feel the hope, the darkness feels like it is falling away. I just describe a metaphor.
There is hope. I hated the idea of taking pills. It was my pride. I decided that I wanted help and gave in. I have been on Paxil and Seoquil for 5 years. I still have bad days but I have gain knowledge by reading about what causes depression. I've learned to face it, deal with it, and live through it. My friends don't understand about what causes it and try to give advice like bible verses, or praying. My attitude of advice is that they are trying to help in their own way.
I'm a believer. I know that God hasn't left me while I go through these feelings. I know that He isn't far away.
I'm not here to shove religion down your throat. I only want to help. I am going to suggest a web site called 'Beyond the Blue' . I get a message every day from that site. Sometimes it help. Some I delete. I'm also going to suggest that you read up on depression. One last thing. Take your medicine. It only helps when you have taken it for a long time. Plan your diet and try to stay away from stuff with sugar and white flour. Chocolate is okay once and a while. Too much sugar brings us down faster.
You are not crazy. There are some kind of chemical mix up going on in your body. I'm also going to suggest a multi vitamin and complex vitamin B. Women need the B's. It will balance your body faster.
It is good that you are exercising. It will help. There is nothing like a good old fashioned walk out side and pushing your self hard. Get your blood moving. What a great feeling. Tell yourself that you are not junk and that you are worth something. I think that you are and I'm glad that you are asking for help.
I hope that some of what I've said has helped.

How do I stop identifying myself with the wrong me?

Dear friend,You will always be identified. To be identified, is to seek completion. The ego sense says, “I exist…” and it wants to say that, “I exists as something X Y Z.”So, it will always be identified and attached with something. It will say, “I am A, I am B, I am C” but it would always need something to call its own. Now, what is it that you want to call your own? What is it that you want to be closely associated with?Find the ‘right one’.When you have found the ‘right one’ then you will not feel the need to be associated with the inferior ones, the false ones. Find the ‘right one’ to call your own; find the One who will never betray you; find the One that never passes away; find the One you can completely rely upon; find the One that is not an in-between but the Ultimate.What is it?Ultimately, what is it that you want? Ultimately, what is the desire behind all desires? Call that your own; be identified with that.What is it that you really desire?What is that which if obtained would make unnecessary all further attainment?What is it?Find that and identify with that.Basically peace is that which you want ultimately.Instead of asking for dis-identification, rather identify yourselves fully; be dedicated fully, be owned fully, be committed and attached fully. In other words, be totally surrender to peace, to completeness, which means not for a moment would you entertain thoughts that talk of incompleteness. Not for a moment, would you promote, that within yourself which calls yourself as limited, petty, afraid, insecure.The ego needs right partner, it needs right bed to sleep on. Give it the right partner; give it a nice resting place. When you have given the ego a nice resting place, it sleeps there like a kid and relaxes.Love the peace so much that you would not bear being separated from it even for a moment. Love peace more than your life. Say that I am prepared to lay down my life but I am not prepared to live in lack of peace. Be prepared to die, any moment.Pay the highest price possible. Be totally identified with peace.

How can photography be considered a form of entertainment?

This answer is specific to photographing people, but can also apply to other kinds of photography subjects.If you’re a photographer who shoots live subjects, you must be a master of engaging and entertaining your subjects–to elicit from them the most true realization of your desired emotion or idea, which we generally call “the moment”.You’ve got to know how to communicate the emotion you wish to see, or elicit that emotion directly from your performers. On the extreme of a photoshoot as live entertainment, here’s a clip of the Vogue Italia famed, legendary photographer Steven Meisel in this scene from “Portfolio”.Even photographers whose styles are more distant and observational are actually entertaining their subjects with the rhythm, mood, and tone the photographer desires.Finally, in photography: after you have orchestrated and captured your Caravaggio-esque pinnacle moment, you must check your work and see if your 2D reproduction translates the emotions and ideas through to all the viewers who were never there. Your image of the moment must be able to hold the complexity of that moment, and hold your viewer’s interest and attention.