How Tall Is A Female Kodiak Bear On Its Hind Legs

How tall is the average bear on hind legs?

Bears rage greatly in size and weight from one species to the other. The American black bears stand as tall as 5 or 6 feet when standing on their hind legs. The Asian black bear is similar in size and appearance. The sloth bear is somewhat smaller and may average 300 pounds in body weight while being about 5 - 5.5 feet in height. The larger bear species, such the polar bears and the brown bears (especially the Kodiak subspecies) usually stand about 8 to 9 feet on their hind legs, but it is not uncommon for exceptionally large males to be taller than ten feet, although I think that some of the answers here are exaggerating a little when they say that bears stand as tall as 13 feet.

When it comes to their body weight, the polar bear is the largest of them, with males that can reach weights of 1,400 lb but generally smaller, while the females are about half the size, ranging from 400 to 600 lb. The Kodiak subspecies of the brown bear is a rather bulky one with large males that exceed 1,500 lb. The grizzly bear can be as large as 900 (or even a 1,000) lb right before hibernation, but typically less. Black bears (both the Asian and American type) are much smaller than the polar and the grizzly, averaging weight from 200 to 500 pounds, though sometimes they can be 600 lb and even 650 lb for exceptionally large individuals. The sloth bear is much smaller, achieving a maximum weight of 300 lb when fully mature, but there have reports of sloth bears attaining a weight of nearly 600 or 700 pounds, but such individuals are rare.

How tall is a Kodiak bear on its hind legs?

Well the Kodiak bear isn't really called the Kodiak bear anymore, except locally on Kodiak Island. It is in fact a Grizzly Bear and there is one at they are going to place at the Anchorage Airport that will be 14' tall.

What do kodiak bears eat?

Often touted as the world’s largest meat-eater, this bear is an omnivore, eating grass, plants and berries as well as meat. Fish are essential to the bear’s diet and bears become expert fishers, but few Kodiak brown bears are willing to expend the time or energy necessary to chase and kill mammals.

The flesh, eggs and brains of salmon provide Kodiak bears with vital nourishment. Bears maximize weight gain by consuming the most nutritious parts of their food resources. They eat grass when it is growing rapidly during the spring and early summer and large quantities of berries when they are ripe in the fall.

If you had to choose between a giant Kodiak Island bear as a pet and government involvement in your life...?

I'll take the bear in my bed and piranha in my bath.

The nine most dangerous words in America:
"I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

I'm not entirely opposed to government involvement in domestic issues. The government says we need roads and private industry builds them. Government says we need cars everyone can afford for our new roads and private industry builds them.

Not lately though... Now the government says we'll make the cars and build/repair the roads.

(for the libbies that can't put two and two together, I'm talking about the GM takeover and Obama's stimulus)

When Standing Up, How Tall Are Grizzly Bears?

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Unless you happen to be over nine feet tall and very wide, you have very little chance of intimidating a Grizzly. You're best chance is curl into a ball, play dead, and take whatever it throws at you- and it will throw a lot at you. Very rarely will it actually eat a human, but a grizzly will usually maim something to the point were it no longer deems it to be a threat, and that point varies considerably with the individual bear. Although, the rule of thumb with any other bear (Bar polar bear, in which case you're doomed) is to stand your ground and make yourself look as big as possible. Running is a sign of weakness, and has resulted in deaths.

When standing up, Grizzly bears are from 9′6″ (290 cm) to 10″ (305 cm) tall. you should remember that Robert Wadlow was 8′11″ (272 cm), he would have been still shorter if he had compared to Grizzly Bears. So, Grizzly Bears are the 3rd tallest animal on the earth, they are just shorter than elephant which are 14″ (427) cm tall and giraffe are 18″ (549 cm) tall

Both are very strong. Bear's strength versus tiger's swiftness.Tigers and Lions are very good at wrestling.In reality, bear would use his strength to overpower tiger and cut him to the ground but tiger's swiftness and fast, very fast reflexes would make him evade much of any animal's atrack.The fight would finish after both realize their powers and gonne away from each other after a brief conflict.The smaller the tiger, faster would be. Also, the biggest tiger of the world, Siberian Tiger, which can grow 4 meters long, could easily overpower most of the bears.Bears are his prey in reality.Siberian tiger could have better outcome since he's also very strong and fast. Kodiak bear would realize that every attempt of his is evaded by tiger, since the tiger is too fast, so Kodiak would leave the fight after few minutes.Especially if the tiger is female defending its offsprings.While the fight between Siberian tiger and Kodiak females would be much bloodier since each would be protecting its kids in a given situation.If you ask me, would Lion win against the Kodiak, Kodiak would run with tail between his legs, since Lion can overpower any sized animal, except large mammals like elephants, rhinoceroses.Lion is the best wrestler in the world and Kodiak of any size wouldn't stand a chance.

What female animal is the most aggressive amongst mammals?

Most females with offspring are very aggressive about defending their young. Hyenas definetly stand out as strong females, because female Hyenas are larger and more dominant than males. And yes, when a pack of hyenas encounters a group of lionesses, the lionesses often end up on the run. A hyena and lioness are a fairly even match (from what I've seen in documentaries), but a male lion will easily dominant a hyena.

Bears will also fiercely defend their young, even from huge males. This includes Black Bears (smallest), Brown Bears (medium), and Polar Bears (largest). Grizzly/Kodiak bears rival polar bears in size, and are subspecies of normal brown bears.

There is definitely a lack of strength in lionesses, simply because of the male-dominated harem lifestyle they have. All females in a lion pride are submissive to the male, and despite doing all the hunting, eat after the male. And a lioness will let an invading male kill her cubs. If you want to go for a strong female feline, go with a tiger. Tigers are solitary, and the females don't take that kind of crap from the males.

Frankly, when it comes to maternal ferocity, moose take the cake. You don't want to go anywhere near a moose sow with a baby-- they have been known to cross roads in order to attack a human or animal that was minding its own business. Moose are also huge. The average moose is the size of an 18-hand horse. That's 6 feet tall at the shoulders. Alaskan moose are even larger, over 8 feet tall at the shoulders!

While a pride of lionesses could take on a moose, or bear, or hyena, one-on-one there is no competition, all the animals I listed could kick lioness butt.

So there's some good choices for you! There's no one "right" answer, but if you've looking for strength and ferocity, these are good options.

Bears are big, strong and scary. A Yellowstone grizzly can reach about 700 pounds and has claws three inches long, with a powerful bite to boot. They’ve got thick skin and coarse hair, and they hunt dangerous game: moose, elk, even bison. Alaska grizzlies get even bigger, sometimes passing 1,000 pounds, though they primarily subsist on fish, rather than preying and scavenging on mammals.That said, even the biggest grizzly ever recorded—one that weighed well over 1,500 pounds—is completely out of its league against an elephant. With trunks that can knock a charging rhino of its feet, tusks that can pierce the body of a car, and 1,000 pounds of battering ram head, an elephant will win any head-to head contest with a bear. And elephants are not limited to head-to-head combat; they can trample or simply kneel on an enemy to crush it flat.The size disparity makes it starkly apparent that the bear does not stand a chance: an average male Yellowstone grizzly is about 600 pounds; a Serengeti elephant bull is six tons, or 12,000 pounds.The bear could outrun an elephant (capable of 35 mph compared to the tusker’s 25 mph) and is probably more agile, so I see no reason why a bear could not escape an elephant, but in a fight… no, the elephant will win every time.