How to add a Start menu to Windows 8

How do you expand the Start Menu in Windows 10?

Hover your mouse over the edge of the Start menu, until a little double sided arrow admitted up, like this ↔. Then click and drag to your desired size.The Start menu can also be enlarged by searching in the Cortana (or search) box for “use start full screen” and turning it on.

How can you add your own theme (or background) to the Windows 8 start screen?

Step 1:Step 2:Step 3:

Pin to start won't work on Windows 8 Pro?

You are supposed to be able to pin your websites to your start menu in Windows 8 Pro and create a tile for it. This isn't working for me. I can pin other things like apps and files but not a website. I've looked it up several times and it isn't working the way it says it should. You should be able to right click on the website and then click "pin to start" but there is no option for this. I have tried this in Firefox and IE. Anyone know how to fix this?

Windows 8: Does anyone like the start screen?

Yes, it's very functional and highly customisable.But I also like it for the very bold statement Microsoft decided to make while iOS and Android were at the time pretty much the dictating design language.It's fair to say that Microsoft had been a little conservative in some of their design decisions since Windows 95. We basically just got evolutions of that design language all the way through to Windows 7. Sure there were some excellent technological developments under the skin (and some not so good of course). However this in effect made these new ways of interacting with the OS more obtuse. Old interface with new technologies was getting ever more difficult to overcome.Something quite radical was needed to shake up the Windows economy. Not content to play 'me too' and just do a variation of iOS/Andoid they came up with the 'Metro' design language.IMHO, a really great attempt to bridge traditional computing with new modern ways of interacting with our devices and applications. While at the same time maintaining as much as possible the greatest and most unique feature of Windows: extensive backwards compatibility. No mean feat!It was a big change and as is always the case with such big changes it met with a lot of fierce resistance. However the concept is slowly beginning to mature. The Microsoft Surface 3 Pro is a really good example of where its at now and that is quite possibly one of the best devices overall to market in 2014.Windows 10 (nee Windows 9) will again see the design language take another leap forward (it already is in fact, see Windows 10 Tech Previews.)

What does your Windows 8 start screen look like?

I’m currently using Windows 8.1 Pro on my computer. I do some customization on the Start screen and the desktop. I’m going to explain about how my Start screen looks like.Before that, let me show you how my desktop screen looks like.You might ask, why my desktop screen looks simple and clean? Why there are no apps pinned to the taskbar? Why even there are no icons on the desktop? Well, instead of putting apps on the taskbar, I prefer to put all apps that I mostly used on my Start screen, so I will not make any clutter on the taskbar. Here is how my Start screen looks like.Let me explain how I customize my Start screen.From the left, I put my 4 favourite apps that I downloaded from Windows Store beside the Desktop button. I make Facebook app tile looks big so I can get up-to-date to my news feed.The OneCalendar and Weather app have a big tiles because I just want to know about my calendar events and the weather updates.There’s also News app (on my computer it’s called “Berita”), where I can see some of trending news on Internet.On the right, those are apps that I mostly used. So, instead of putting them on taskbar, I’ll prefer to put it on the Start screen.Hope you like it!

Can I program the position of tiles in Windows 8 Start screen?

I'm sure you could do it with a Desktop app.  Definitely NOT with a Windows Store app.  You could still technically sell your desktop-style app on the Windows Store, but it will only be a link to your website.

Why does the Windows 8 start screen scroll horizontally?

I can only guess for an answer, but I would expect it's because the screen-orientation of most computers and laptops is landscape. Compare it to the portrait orientation of most smartphones, where vertical scrolling is the norm.The mouse-wheel is of course an invention predating touch-based operating systems, and the reason that the scrollwheel is vertically placed is not in the last place because it's much more ergonomic (try scrolling horizontally once for fun). Then again, scrolling probably goes back to the typewriter era, in which 'scrolling' was vertical as well.As far as I know there is no cognitive advantage to either horizontal or vertical scrolling per se, so most likely the fact that we still do vertical scrolling on landscape screens is a matter of old habits.