How To Ask Your Parents If You Can Dye Your Hair

How can I dye my hair without my parents knowing?

I want to dye my hair.
I have for at least a year so I know this is not just a phase.
But the thing is I don't think my parent's will be too pleased.
I haven't actually asked but I think I know the answer anyway. The color I have chose is different from my natural color by not very much but I love the color and it is probably one of the closest shades where you would notice it wasn't the same color I had yesterday for example if that makes sense, in other words it's not too drastic, similar to my natural. Anyway, I am dying my hair so any excuses why for my parents? It is going a little darker if that helps and I do often tie my hair up (for school) before it has a chance to dry so I could use that as a cover-up thing.

Please help. =)

How to get a strict parent let you dye your hair?

Well. im gunna be 14 in 3 months...i know im not grown so dont say n e thing dumb plz. but i wanna dye my hair a color thats like light brown..i have black hair.but my parents are extremely strict..what can i do to convince them?

How to convince your parents to dye your hair?

Just tell them, you want to test it out and see the outcome. They'll probably agree to that.
And if they don't, accuse them of not trusting you. Or you can tell them, you think it looks nice this way, and you don't care what other people think. Or ask them to get washable hair dye, so you can dye it black. So they can see how you look. It's like testing it.

Try to be responsible and respectful. Soon they'll break down and let you do it.
Or start yelling at them for not giving you freedom. And it's no fair how they're letting them show how unique they are.

If all else fails do it behind their back. Sure they'll yell at you, but in a day or two they'll forget about it. And next time you need to dye it they'll most likely let you. Since they see how much you enjoy it.

Good Luck :) and hopefully it turns out well.

How can i convince my parents to let me dye my hair?

Hmmm, I find it sad that you have to convince your parents. I'm 31. I have kids. When they decide they want to dye their hair then that is up to them. It is their hair! I understand your mom not wanting you to because she loves your hair now. But would she listen to you if you tried to convince her what to do with her hair?

I realize that parents need to set boundaries and have a say in much of their children's lives. But when it comes to things like this I think the child should be able to call the shots.

Of course I'm 31 and have purple stripes in my hair--so I'm pretty liberal about things like this. :)

How to convince your parents to let you dye your hair?

My mum won't let me dye my hair black, she only allowed it once.
I've begged her and pleaded her and even offered to buy dye with my own money, and threatened to do it myself If she didn't allow it. My hair is the ugliest faded brown colour I have ever seen, and i absolutely hate it. No matter what I do i can't convince her to let me dye it, She wont even listen. She just starts yelling and screaming at me whenever I ask, and it really upsets me. I get very close to tears whenever she yells. It's quite terrible.

I'm not some spoilt little b****, So please, No mean answers.

How can I convince my parents to let me dye my hair black?

It depends how old  you are.  Normally around the age of 16 or 17 I would say it would be feasible.  It's only hair, so if  you don't like how it looks, you can always die it back to  your original color or let it grow out.  There is the saying: It's better to ask forgiveness than for permission.  At least in this case.  When I was 17 I started using wigs of different colors to see how I looked then I proceeded to dyeing it, some results were fabulous others were disastrous.  But again it is only hair color which isn't  permanent.  I got it out of my system, now I'm happy with my hair color which is silver gray.

How to convince parents to let u dye your hair with Kool-Aid?

do it, and ask questions later...if they get mad you can always wash it out.